2023, Term 2, Week 4 Newsletter
Acknowledgement of Country
Principal's Message
Enrolments 2024
A conversation about Communication
ReLATE - Views on Climate and Learning (VOCAL) Survey
Overhead Headphones
Walk Safely to School and Healthy Breakfast
Soccer & Division Cross Country
Student Leadership Teams Term 2
Toastie Tuesday is Back!
Moyne Winter Sports Canteen
Student Awards
Happy Birthday
Dates to Remember
Parents & Friends
Directwear Uniform
Star of the Sea Parish Bulletin
MacKillop Family Services
Acknowledgement of Country
St. Patrick's School acknowledges the Traditional Owners of the land on which we work, the Koroitch-gundidj people of the Maar Nation. We pay our respects to Elders past, present and emerging.
Principal's Message
Dear Parents and Carers,
Welcome to this week’s newsletter.
Prayer for Confirmation Candidates
Lord, You send out Your Spirit to touch the hearts of all people, so that they may believe in You and in Jesus whom You sent. Look kindly on all candidates for Confirmation as they listen to Your voice. Open their hearts to Your Spirit and bring to fulfilment the good work that You have begun in them. As we prepare these children for Confirmation, make each of us an instrument of Your love. Teach us to appreciate what is holy in others, and to be patient with what we do not understand. Deepen our faith in the Gospel and help us to pass it on by our example. We pray that You will continue to guide us and sustain us.
Through Christ our Lord, Amen.
Sacrament of Confirmation
Congratulations to the students who have been working towards celebrating the sacrament of Confirmation over the last 3 weeks. These children embark on a special faith journey to strengthen their baptismal commitment and begin to open their hearts to encounter the gifts of the Holy Spirit. The candidates have completed a series of modules, learning about belonging to the Catholic Faith and being called to the Holy Spirit. Thank you to the parents of these children for your commitment to your child’s faith journey. We wish you all the very best as you begin this special time in your lives. The sacrament of Confirmation will be celebrated at Sunday Mass on Sunday 28th May at 9am at Infant Jesus, Koroit. All are welcome to attend.
Sports - Cross Country
A very special congratulations to the children who represented our school today at the Division Cross Country in Warrnambool. These children are to be commended for their dedication, hard work and spirit not only today but leading up to this event. I look forward to sharing the outcomes of the day with you in the newsletter next week. Thanks for making us all very proud here at St Pat’s.
Walk Safely to School Day
Wow! What a fantastic turn out and effort from all students who were able to participate in our Walk Safely to School Day today. I enjoyed seeing many smiling, active faces walking through the gates this morning. A big thank you to all staff who helped make this event run as smoothly as it did. Keep your eyes peeled for some familiar faces in the free ‘Warrnambool Weekly Newspaper’ next week.
National Sorry Day art display - Warrnambool Art Gallery
Students at St Patrick’s have been busy making purple hand-crafted flowers to
contribute to a commemorative display for National Sorry Day, 26th May. National Sorry Day is a day to remember and acknowledge the Stolen Generations and to reflect on how we can all play a part in the healing process for our people and our nation.
These hand crafted flowers acknowledge and show our solidarity to the Stolen Generations on National Sorry Day. The ‘Sea of Purple Flowers’ this year will be installed at the Warrnambool Library and will be on display from 26th May and right throughout Reconciliation Week, 27th May – 3rd June.
We currently have families interested in purchasing tunics for their child. Directwear would initially like to place an order with a minimum of 15 tunics, if you are interested in purchasing a tunic ($90), please contact Bronie to express your interest.
Kind regards,
Nick Murrell
Enrolments 2024
2024 Enrolments
It is hard to believe, but our enrolment period for 2024 is underway. We know that we have a great school here at St Patrick’s Koroit and we also know that it is through personal recommendations that other families find us.
We need your help. Please consider doing the following:
- Sharing our promotional video, this will be posted to facebook next week.
- Sharing information about our enrolment tours .Register here
- Telling family and friends about Little Learners program. Register here
- Directing people to our website.
- Liking and sharing our social media posts on facebook.
- Bringing someone along to our enrolment tours.
Help us to spread the word.
A conversation about Communication
At St Pat's we think communication is very important. Given this, we are going to conduct a conversation about communication between school and families in our community. It will be an informal gathering/workshop of those who are interested, ideally around 8 parents/carers, depending on demand. We will focus on the good and great things about communication between school and home and also look at concepts and ideas for the future. If you think you would like to contribute to this dialogue, please fill in this quick form.
Once numbers are determined Nick Murrell will contact the group to arrange a mutually suitable time for the conversation.
ReLATE - Views on Climate and Learning (VOCAL) Survey
Overhead Headphones
Teachers at St Patrick’s regularly use online platforms such as Google Classroom, Mathletics, Raz Kids and Study Ladder, as well as using video clips to consolidate the instructions they give during lessons. Students particularly enjoy the competitive nature of live games against their classmates and even other students from around Australia and the world. Many of these platforms narrate instructions, quiz questions or stories and as you can imagine, this can make for a noisy classroom and affect the concentration of the students on their task.
With this in mind, we highly recommend that students use plug-in (not bluetooth) overhead (not ear-bud) headphones while working on these platforms. Some students already have headphones and there is a limited number available from the teacher, but it would be incredibly helpful if each student could bring their own headphones. They do not need to be expensive. We understand that this is a request to our families, please be aware that no student will be denied the opportunity to participate in these learning experiences regardless of ability to supply this resource for your child/ren.
The first two black headphones are available from Kmart, the blue headphones are available from Big W and the final black pair are available from Target online.
Walk Safely to School and Healthy Breakfast
It was wonderful to have so many students participate in Walk Safely to School Day and join us for a Healthy breakfast. Lovely to see so many smiles and delightful to see the students demonstrating their good manners when asking for their food. Thanks to all our staff for pitching in
Soccer & Division Cross Country
Our boys and girls soccer teams competing last Friday had a great time - the boys finished top two in their pool and the semi final went down to a penalty shootout. Unfortunately, the opposition were able to hit the net and we didn't make the Grand Final.
The girls team also finished in the top two in their pool and were overall Runners Up on the day.
Many thanks to David Watson for coaching, Seamus for being our Referee and Lynn and Peter assisting with coaching both teams.
Results from those students who competed in today's Division Cross Country will be in next week's newsletter.
Student Leadership Teams Term 2
Toastie Tuesday is Back!
Moyne Winter Sports Canteen
Please return the form or get in touch with Tammy Langdon (0428 466 129) if you are able to help with the Moyne Winter Sports Canteen catering.
Student Awards
Room 1
Bodhi Lindrea for being a kind and caring member of Room 1. Bodhi, you always look out for other people especially during play times. Well done!
Annie McMahon for showing resilience and a growth mindset this week in all areas of learning. You always try your very best and you never give up Annie. Keep up the hard work.
Room 2
Charlotte White for her wonderful attitude to writing this week. You tried your hardest and produced some amazing because, but, so sentences. Well done!
Harper Cuomo for always having a ‘can do’ attitude! You consistently approach challenges with a positive and determined mindset. Keep up the hard work Harper!
Room 4
Tilly van Rysingen for being a fantastic junior class captain this week and making wonderful progress in maths. Keep up the great work Tilly!
Poppy Martin for the respectful and responsible demonstration of leadership in helping other teachers and her peers when needed. Thanks Poppy for helping to make our class a great place to learn.
Sam Mahony for working hard in completing challenging maths tasks and always striving to do his best in every subject area. Well done Sam - keep it up!
Room 5
Carter Quarrell for working well with other students, particularly during Maths. Carter, it is lovely to see you discussing your thoughts, questions and understandings of addition with others this week.
Phoenix Lane for his fantastic effort in his narrative writing assessment this week. Phoenix, your story followed a story-line, you used some great tier two descriptive words and you used paragraphs. Well done.
Room 7
Matthew Lenehan for displaying outstanding responsibility in the organisation of the Wellbeing Leadership Team’s tasks. Matthew, thankyou for the extra effort you have made to make this a success. Well done!
Niamh McGoldrick for the enthusiasm you have for all learning tasks, from challenging Maths using order of operations or partitioning, to using complex punctuation more effectively in your writing. Niamh, thank you for always engaging and being your best. Well done!
Happy Birthday
Happy Birthday to Mrs Griffin, Neve Harlock and Remi O'Connor who are celebrating their Birthday at this time.
Dates to Remember
24th - AFL Football Clinics
26th - Learn and Explore Morning
30th - Parent Information Night, Foundation 2024
31st - PnF Meeting
1st - Moyne Winter Sports
2nd - Little Learners
8th - WHP Division Girls Senior Football
9th - WHP Division Winter Sports
12th - King's Birthday Holiday
Parents & Friends
Directwear Uniform
As mentioned in previous newsletters we are transitioning to Directwear to supply the school uniform. As stock runs out at school Directwear will start supplying the items, they will be available to buy on their website at www.directwear.com.au
Uniforms can be collected from the Directwear home address in Warrnambool or posted to you.
Items now available on the website are:
Short Sleeve Polos - sizes 8 & 10 $28.95
Black Sports Shorts -sizes 6, 8 & 14 $32.50
Grey Pants - sizes 4, 6, 8, 10, 12, 14 & 16 $54.50
Black Trackpants - sizes 6, 8 & 10 coming soon.
Contact details for Direct wear are:
email info@directwear.com.au or phone Dion Jansz: 0412 654 406
Uniform can be purchased via directware.com.au.