2023, Term 4, Week 8 Newsletter
Acknowledgement of Country
Principal's Message
2024 Christmas KK arrangements
Singing Lessons at St Pat's
Scholarship Opportunity -
COVID-19 update
Scholastic Book Club
Beginner Guitar Lessons
Lost Property
School Fees/Volunteer Levy
Uniform Sale
Star of the Sea Parish Bulletin
Student Awards
Happy Birthday
Canteen Roster
Cake Raffle - Term 4
Term 4 Assembly Roster
Directwear Uniform
Dates to Remember
Community News
Acknowledgement of Country
St. Patrick's School acknowledges the Traditional Owners of the land on which we work, the Koroitch-gundidj people of the Maar Nation. We pay our respects to Elders past, present and emerging.
Principal's Message
Dear parents and carers,
2024 Staffing Announcements
Assistant to the Principal
I take great pleasure in announcing that Shona Louden has accepted the position of Assistant to the Principal PoL commencing 2024.
As we all know, Shona has excellent skills in the areas of leadership, wellbeing and formation of staff. Shona is excellent at communicating with all people at St Pat's including our parent body. Shona has formal leadership qualifications as she holds a Masters of Educational Leadership.
I am confident that Shona will be an amazing asset to Tegan, our leadership team and to our St Pat's community.
Please join me in congratulating Shona. We wish you the best in the next part of your leadership and education journey.
Classroom Teacher
I would like to announce that Rhiannon Lumsden has been appointed to the position of full time classroom teacher and REL from the commencement of 2024.
Rhiannon comes to us with an excellent knowledge of the Science of Reading and Structured Literacy teaching approach. She is also about to complete her Masters of Education specialising in Language and Literacy with La Trobe University. Rhiannon will be an amazing addition to our Learning and Teaching team.
Please join me in welcoming her on orientation day.
Visit from Tom Sexton
Next Thursday, we will have a visit from Tom Sexton, the Executive Director of Catholic Education Ballarat.
End of Year arrangements
As mentioned in a previous newsletter, important dates for the end of year are as follows:
Mass Monday 4th December, 11.30am (rescheduled due to priest availability)
Christmas Performance and BBQ Thursday 7th December, 5.30pm
Grade 6 Graduation Wednesday 13th December, 6.00pm
Our final day for students is Friday 15th December with normal finish time.
Please see elsewhere in this letter for student Kris Kringle arrangements.
Have a great weekend.
Nick Murrell
2024 Christmas KK arrangements
Singing Lessons at St Pat's
Singing lessons are on offer at St Pat's in 2023! Please contact Danielle directly on the details in the flyer if you are interested in this for your child.
Scholarship Opportunity -
Bendigo Bank (Port Fairy & District Community Bank) are currently offering scholarships for students entering Year 7 in 2024. Further information has been sent home with Grade 6 students.
COVID-19 update
We are aware of instances of COVID-19 presenting again in our local community.
It is recommended that you should isolate for at least 5 days and until you don’t have symptoms anymore. This means you should not go to work, school or grocery shopping, especially if you work with people at a higher risk of becoming very sick with COVID-19. (Source: Vic.Gov.au Coronavirus)
Scholastic Book Club
Issue 8 of Book Club has just been released. You can view an online version of the catalogue at https://issuu.com/scholastic_
There is a Troll’s competition on page 9 and the back page. https://scholastic.com.au/
Beginner Guitar Lessons
From Term 1 next year, beginner guitar lessons will be offered here at school. Please see below for information and register your interest with Dylan.
Lost Property
Are you missing any uniform items? There are particularly a lot of jumpers in our Lost Property basket (or overflowing from it!).
If you could please remember also to label your uniform items so your uniforms don't end up here!
School Fees/Volunteer Levy
Current Statements have been sent home this week. If you have assisted with an event but are yet to claim a deduction to your Volunteer Levy, please see the office to complete a form. Volunteer Levy deductions for 2023 must be recieved by the last week in Novemeber.
For those with. outstanding account balances, we would appreciate if you could please make arrangements at your earliest convenience. If you are having difficulty with your account, do not hesitate to speak confidentially with me to discuss payment options.
Nick Murrell
Uniform Sale
A $10 sale on uniform stock held at school continues through CDFPay (excludes School Bags, Hats and Sports Polos).
Star of the Sea Parish Bulletin
Student Awards
Room 1
Whole class for their amazing rehearsals of their assembly this week and for always trying their best, even when they are faced with change of routines or challenges. Keep it up superstars!
Room 2
Ora Cuolahan for doing her home reading so consistently! Ora, your commitment to improving your reading skills is fantastic and is paying off in a big way. Keep up the great work Ora!
Banjo Milward for being such a reliable and consistent role model in Room 2. Banjo, the integrity that you show every day, regardless of who is teaching you, is a living example of being responsible, respectful and safe. Well done!
Charlotte White for being responsible, respectful and safe during swimming lessons. It has also been great to see you step outside your comfort zone and embrace the pool! You are a superstar Charlotte!
Room 4
Sam Mahony for being a very kind, thoughtful friend to everyone in room 4. Sam, you always go above and beyond in helping and caring for others. Thank you for all you do without being asked, you are a wonderful friend to all.
Sienna Keane for being a focused learner in all tasks this week. Sienna, you have challenged yourself in your learning and listened to feedback to make improvements. Well done Sienna and keep up the great work.
Lydia Andriessen for the very responsible way you help everyone in our classroom. Lydia, you are an amazing friend to all, you help wherever needed sharing your time and talents and always lead by example. Thank you for being a wonderful Junior teacher this week.
Lila Stephenson for having a very positive and happy attitude in our class, often making people smile and laugh. You always help people in need without hesitation and we love having you as a friend in our class.
Room 5
Isla Dobson for being such an inclusive member of our classroom. Isla you work beautifully with anyone that you are asked to pair up with and you always do your best.
Will Foster for showing great progress in Maths. Will, you have put a good amount of effort into your Maths tasks this week and this is reflected in your understanding of angles. Well done.
Room 7
Jaxon Leishman for being a consistently responsible participant in activities and always completing his work to a great standard. Well done Jaxon!
Benji Holscher for the effort and detail you put into work tasks and the concentration you have demonstrated, particularly in our spelling lessons. Awesome work Benji!
Happy Birthday
Happy Birthday to Phoenix Lane and Mimi Martin who are celebrating their birthdays at this time.
Canteen Roster
Please see below for the current version of the Canteen Roster.
Cake Raffle - Term 4
24th November - Kate Dobson (Ellie)
1st December - Carina Lane
Term 4 Assembly Roster
Directwear Uniform
As stock runs out at school Directwear will start supplying the items, they will be available to buy on their website at www.directwear.com.au
Uniforms can be collected from the Directwear home address in Warrnambool or posted to you.
Items now available on the website are:
Short Sleeve Polos - sizes 8 & 10 $28.95
Black Sports Shorts -sizes 6, 8 & 14 $32.50
Grey Pants - sizes 4, 6, 8, 10, 12, 14 & 16 $54.50
Black Trackpants - sizes 6, 8, 10, 12 $40.00
Black Skorts - sizes 8 & 10 $32.50
School Dress - All sizes $38.95
Contact details for Direct wear are:
email info@directwear.com.au or phone Dion Jansz: 0412 654 406
Dates to Remember
30th- Swimming Lessons
1st- Foundation Transition
4th- End of Year Mass
7th- Christmas Performance and BBQ
10th- Koroit Christmas Carols at the Stage
12th- Oriendation Day (Grade 6 to Secondary School)
13th- Grade 6 Graduation
15th- Final Day of School (Students)