2023, Term 4, Week 9 Newsletter
Acknowledgement of Country
Principal's Message
2024 Christmas KK arrangements
Our Diocesan Community - November 2023
Hands on Learning Fishing Trip
Port Fairy Folk Festival 2024 - St Pat's BBQ
Swimming Lessons
Christmas Concert
Singing Lessons at St Pat's
Beginner Guitar Lessons
Uniform Sale
Student Awards
Happy Birthday
Canteen Roster
Directwear Uniform
Dates to Remember
Community News
Acknowledgement of Country
St. Patrick's School acknowledges the Traditional Owners of the land on which we work, the Koroitch-gundidj people of the Maar Nation. We pay our respects to Elders past, present and emerging.
Principal's Message
Dear parents and carers,
This week I am using my newsletter column to present a proposal to our school community.
Over the past two terms our Parents and Friends group and our School Advisory Council have discussed, at various times, the idea of restructuring our Parents and Friends group. The reasons for this are:
- Our fundraising approaches have evolved over time
- The busyness of modern families
- The continuation of the incredible tradition our school’s Parents and Friends has with raising valuable funds for the school each year.
Why is fundraising important to our school?
Each year our school receives approximately 85% of funding toward the overall cost of running our school from the Federal and State Governments. Consequently, our school community is required to raise the remaining 15% each year to provide the tuition, programs and resources our children need to ensure the best education. This 15% is raised through School Fees, Student Levies, donations and fundraising. Fundraising is important to us!
Proposed Model
The model that I would like to present to our school community is that of an executive group that comprises a co-ordinator from each of the following school fundraising areas; Port Fairy Folk Festival BBQ, Koroit Irish Festival, Picnic in the Paddock and Student Engagement. Please see the infographic below to help outline this a little further.
This would enable our school families to volunteer at various times / events throughout the year without having to commit to being on a committee that meets regularly throughout the year. The coordinators for each of these four areas would be the ‘go to people’ for anything related to these areas. There is also scope for people to volunteer / help with specific items with these areas too, e.g. coordinate the disco, family picnic or milkshake day within the Student Engagement area (as examples).
The four coordinators would meet with the principal perhaps termly and as needed throughout the year as needed in preparation and reflection of fundraising activities.
It is hoped this model will provide a sustainable platform for our school’s fundraising into the future.
If you have any input or questions, can you please direct these to Nick.
I hope you enjoy a great weekend.
2024 Christmas KK arrangements
Our Diocesan Community - November 2023
Please find attached a link to the November Issue of the "Our Diocesan Community" Newsletter.
This newsletter features articles on our former Parish Priest and the most Irish Dutchman you will ever come across, Fr Bill Van de Camp as well as local resident, Fr Lawrence O’Toole who are both celebrating 50 years in the priesthood. Congratulations to both Fr Van de Camp and Fr O'Toole on their Golden Jubilee and thank you for your service to our community.
Hands on Learning Fishing Trip
Today, our Hands on Learning crew, along with HOL groups from other local schools had a fishing trip & end of year get together in Port Fairy. Most of them were successful in landing a fish & they were all successful at having fun! (Click on the image to see the full photograph).
Port Fairy Folk Festival 2024 - St Pat's BBQ
We are commencing the planning for our involvement in the “St Pat’s BBQ” at the Port Fairy Folk Festival. The BBQ, run in conjunction with St Pat’s Port Fairy, is a long standing fundraising event which attracts significant funds from outside of our school community.
We are calling for an expression of interest for volunteers interested in working at BBQ stall & also for the pack up crew on Monday afternoon.
Working at the BBQ requires a commitment of 2 x 5 hour shifts over the weekend, in exchange for an Adult Folk Festival ticket as well as a credit to your school volunteer levy.
The Pack Up crew work on the Monday afternoon for approximately 2-3 hours packing up the stall and returning all items to storage at St Pat’s Port Fairy (having a ute is handy but not essential). This role attracts a volunteer levy credit but no Festival ticket.
We welcome volunteers from family & friends of St Patrick’s to be involved in this event.
Please register your interest on the form linked below. If you have more than one family member wishing to volunteer, the form allows multiple responses.
We will be in contact early into the 2024 school year confirming volunteers & then BBQ shifts will be confirmed closer to the festival.
Thank you.
Swimming Lessons
This week saw the end to our school swimming lessons at Belfast Aquatics. It has been wonderful to see the enthusiastic participation from students and the growth in their confidence in the water. These lessons have had a strong focus on water safety and the students were reminded at the end of the yesterday's session to stay safe around water over the summer, not entering the water without adult supervision.
Belfast Aquatics are offering intensive Learn to Swim lessons over the January school holidays - these lessons focus more on swimming strokes and techniques. Please see the flyer below for details.
Christmas Concert
The Christmas Concert will be held in the Church of the Infant Jesus with the BBQ to follow in the Quiet Area at school.
Singing Lessons at St Pat's
Singing lessons are on offer at St Pat's in 2023! Please contact Danielle directly on the details in the flyer if you are interested in this for your child.
Beginner Guitar Lessons
From Term 1 next year, beginner guitar lessons will be offered here at school. Please see below for information and register your interest with Dylan.
Uniform Sale
A $10 sale on uniform stock held at school continues through CDFPay (excludes School Bags, Hats and Sports Polos).
Student Awards
Room 1
Maya Lilley for a fantastic improvement with her letter sounds! Maya, you have worked very hard to learn all of your letter sounds. You have been practising applying this knowledge when reading and spelling! Keep shining Maya!
Floss Young for her spectacular decoding skills when reading our decodable stories and for knowing all of her speed sounds and heart words! I love your attitude towards reading and learning at school and at home! You are a star!
Room 2
Paige Brumby for being respectful, responsible and safe during swimming lessons each week. You have been a great role model for others during our swimming program. Well done Paige!
Tilly Balcombe for exhibiting the SWPBS values of respect, responsibility and safety in all aspects of the school day. She arrives at school each day full of enthusiasm and ready to learn.
Room 4
Tilly van Rysingen for always showing respectful, responsible and safe behaviour in our classroom and playground. Tilly, you are a friend to everyone and always set such a wonderful example for your friends to follow. Thank you!
Eleanor Huckstepp for being a very conscientious student in room 4 this year. Eleanor, you always add detail to your writing and inquiry projects, and love the challenge of completing harder maths tasks. Well done!
Jonty O’Keefe for being responsible in your dedication to learning and striving to be the best student you could be this year. You have shown enthusiasm for acquiring new knowledge and skills across all subjects, with mathematics being your favourite. Great job!
Harry Lilley for the enthusiasm you have had for learning this year, asking questions and contributing to our class discussions thoughtfully. Thank you for sharing your knowledge about farm life and the photos from home which we loved seeing. Well done Harry and keep up the great work next year!
Room 5
Hayden Van Rysingen for being inclusive and welcoming to his teachers. Your actions made my day, Hayden.
Ellie Dobson for welcoming all other students into your groups when working in class. Ellie, your inclusive attitude makes others feel welcomed and valued. Thank you, Ellie.
Room 7
Ace Bidmade for the achievements you have made in Maths this Term. You have shown persistence and been a focussed learner. It has been great to see you enjoy Maths and challenge yourself with your learning. Well done Ace.
Nash Bidmade for the confidence you have demonstrated in sharing your thinking and completing work tasks this term. It has been great to see your confidence in Maths and your focus in writing. Thanks for always trying your best in class tasks Nash.
Esther Gleeson for challenging yourself to achieve great results in reading comprehension tasks and maths assessments. You have persisted and worked hard to extend yourself this term Esther, well done.
Tighe Perry for being a kind and considerate class member this term, working well in small groups and with partners. Tighe, you are supportive and you have become more confident sharing your thinking in class discussions. Well done!
Happy Birthday
Happy Birthday to Billy Martin and Ted Porter who are celebrating their birthdays at this time.
Canteen Roster
Please see below for the current version of the Canteen Roster.
Directwear Uniform
As stock runs out at school Directwear will start supplying the items, they will be available to buy on their website at www.directwear.com.au
Uniforms can be collected from the Directwear home address in Warrnambool or posted to you.
Items now available on the website are:
Short Sleeve Polos - sizes 8 & 10 $28.95
Black Sports Shorts -sizes 6, 8 & 14 $32.50
Grey Pants - sizes 4, 6, 8, 10, 12, 14 & 16 $54.50
Black Trackpants - sizes 6, 8, 10, 12 $40.00
Black Skorts - sizes 8 & 10 $32.50
School Dress - All sizes $38.95
Contact details for Direct wear are:
email info@directwear.com.au or phone Dion Jansz: 0412 654 406
Dates to Remember
1st- Foundation Transition
4th- End of Year Mass
7th- Christmas Performance and BBQ
8th- Room 1 and 2 visit to Warrnambool Fire Station
10th- Koroit Christmas Carols at the Stage
12th- Oriendation Day (Grade 6 to Secondary School)
13th- Grade 6 Graduation
14th- End of year excursions
15th- Final Day of School (Students)
29th- Staff First Day 2024
30th- Students First Day 2024