Start of Year Administrative Items
Please see information below regarding important administrative items. If you need any assistance with these, please contact the school office.
(PAM referred to below is the Parent Access Module)
Student Medical Profiles
Thanks to parents of new Foundation Students who have already navigated the system and created a Medical Profile for their child. A request has now been issued in PAM for parents to create a profile for all students without a current profile.
The beginning of the year is a timely reminder for parents to review the medical profile for all existing students.
Please follow the instructions below to update a medical profile for each of your children by:
- Click on link to PAM (found on our webpage or SZapp)
- Click on student (if more than 1 child, this will need to be done individually)
- Click on Medical Profile (drop down list)
- Check all questions and select Edit Details for updates to be made.
- Once you get to the end of the questions please confirm by clicking on the Green “Update Details” Box found at the bottom right of screen.
As a parent/guardian you are able to access your child/rens medical profile on PAM at any time to update as needed.
If your child has asthma, please ensure the school has a copy of their current Asthma Action Plan.
If you have any queries or require your PAM login details, please do not hesitate to get in contact with the office.
Student Medication
If your child requires medication during the school day, it should be dropped off at the office and a Student Medication Form Completed. This is for short term or ongoing medication.
Digital Technology Policy and Cyber Safety Agreement
It is an annual requirement that parents/carers discuss the Cyber Safety Agreement with their child/ren and accept the terms.
A copy of the Digital Technology Policy and Cyber Safety agreement has been added to PAM where it can be viewed and accepted.
School Fees
Details of the 2024 Fee Schedule are attached. Fees can be paid by credit card, bank transfer or by Direct Debit which can be set up as fortnightly, monthly or quarterly (dates attached).
Bank Transfer
Account :St Patrick’s School Koroit
Direct Debit
If you wish to pay by Direct Debit, please complete the attached form and return it to the office.
CSEF (Camps, Sports and Excursions Fund) and Family Fee Assistance Scheme (Concession Card Holders)
Financial Support is available to holders of valid concession cards by way of the CSEF and Family Fee Assistance Scheme. (See attached information for further details).
- CSEF - if you have applied for this previously and there has been no change in circumstances (eg. additional students starting school), no action is required
- Family Fee Assistance Scheme - must be applied for annually.
Printed copies of these forms can be collected from the office.
Permission to visit the Church of the Infant Jesus
From time to time during the year, the school utilises the Church of the Infant Jesus (eg. school mass).
As these facilities are associated with the school, DOBCEL has advised we are able to request a blanket permission for visits to the Church of the Infant Jesus rather than permission forms for each occasion. This request has now been added to PAM for you to complete.
Working With Childrens Check
As a part of our commitment to Child Safety, we ask that all adults volunteering at school obtain a Working With Childrens Check (WWCC).
The WWCC can be applied for on line at, adding the school as a volunteer organisation. There is no cost associated with obtaining a volunteer WWCC.
Visiting the School/Code of Conduct - Passtab
We request that ALL VISITORS to school (with the exception of people visiting for Assembly on Friday) sign in via “Passtab” on the iPad at the front office.
This is an OHS and Child Safe requirement.
This passtab register is used in the instance of an Emergency Evacuation to ensure all people on site are safely evacuated.
On your first login, you are also presented with a copy of the “Code of Conduct” to acknowledge. This is also available on our website and linked here. Acknowledgement of the Code of Conduct has also been issued through PAM.
Safeguarding Children & Young People Code of Conduct
Also on your initial login, you are encouraged to create a “Quickpin” to speed up the process for future logins - this defaults to your mobile phone number.
Student Late Arrival/Early Departure
All students arriving after 9.05pm and leaving prior to the 3.20pm bell need to come via the office and sign in/sign out through “Passtab”.