2024, Term 3, Week 5 Newsletter
Acknowledgement of Country
Principal's Message
School Closure Day - August 20th
First Eucharist
National Week of Action Against Bullying - Bullying No Way
Book Week - Reading is Magic
HeapsART Everyday - Pop Up Shop & Free BBQ
Grade 5/6 Social Justice Team - Special Canteen
School TV - Wellbeing Resources
First Eucharist - Piety Shop
Staff - the Right to Disconnect
Traffic Management - School Drop Off and Pick Up
Lost Property & Second Hand Uniform
Parents & Friends
Assembly Roster
Volunteer Levy
Casserole Bank
Canteen & Cake Raffle Rosters
Happy Birthday
Star Of the Sea Parish Bulletin & website information
Directwear Uniform
Sports Polo Shirts
Dates to Remember
Student Awards
Community News
Acknowledgement of Country
Principal's Message
Dear Parents and Carers,
It has been a busy and productive week 5! We participated in Bullying No Way Week, our Year 3-6 students visited Brauer College to watch Mamma Mia, we welcomed our Little Learners for their second last session, and our Year 5/6 students competed in Hooptime basketball today.
It was exciting to see all our students fully engaged in their learning during Bully No Way Week! The week was a huge success, with students participating in lessons on kindness, empathy, resilience and learning how to stand up for themselves and their friends in tricky situations. The energy and enthusiasm not only on Monday but throughout the week was heartwarming! Thank you Ms Louden and the senior wellbeing team for organising the week!
We are looking for volunteers to help run our Wednesday and Friday canteen. Whether you can assist regularly or just once, your support would be greatly appreciated! Please contact the office if you're able to help out or for more information!
Coming up:
Monday 19th August - Book Week dress up and costume parade in the hall 9.15 am (everyone welcome).
Monday 19th and Wednesday 21st August - 3 way conferences
Tuesday 20th August - Pupil free day (staff learning day)
Tuesday 27th and Wednesday 28th - Year 3/4 camp, Kangaroobie
Friday 30th August - Fathers Day Breakfast
Friday 30th August - final Little Learners session
Finally, congratulations to the Year One students and Mrs B for hosting a wonderful and engaging assembly!
Have a great weekend
Kind regards,
Tegan McDonald
School Closure Day - August 20th
A reminder that we have a school closure coming up NEXT WEEK Tuesday August 20th. Staff will be working off site to continue our Professional Development in the area of Structured Literacy.
Due to School Closure on Tuesday, Guitar lessons next week will be on Friday afternoon.
First Eucharist
Congratulations to our students celebrating their First Eucharist this Sunday.
We wish you well for this milestone in your faith journey.
A reminder for families, you are welcome to join the parish morning tea following mass. Please bring a plate to share.
Rhiannon Lumsden,
Religious Education Leader
National Week of Action Against Bullying - Bullying No Way
This week was the National Week of Action against Bullying. St. Patrick's is a registered school and will be participating in activities across the week.
The theme for 2024 was 'Everyone Belongs'.
On Monday, the Year 5/6 Wellbeing team has organised some activities for the whole school. The students had a great day working in multi age groupings - decorating their t-shirts, making message bracelets, working on a "safe hands", making empathy banners and playing whole school games.
While the National week of action is just a week, we spread the "Bullying No Way" message throughout the year.
Thank you for your support.
Kind regards,
Shona Louden
Book Week - Reading is Magic
***NEXT WEEK*** The theme this year is "Reading is Magic".
We will have a dress up and parade on the Monday morning (19th August). Students can choose to dress in theme or as a character from their favourite book. There is no competition element to our fancy dress parade - all participating students will go into a draw for prizes. Imaginative and home made costumes are encouraged.
HeapsART Everyday - Pop Up Shop & Free BBQ
On Thursday 22nd August, the HeapsART Everyday students from this term are holding a “Pop Up Store” to sell items they have designed.
There are T-shirts, Earrings, Greeting Card packs & Tote bags all priced at $5 with money raised going to St Vinnies to support people experiencing homelessness.
In conjunction with this, we are celebrating the HeapsART Everyday program with a free sausage sizzle lunch.
(If there are a couple of parents who would be able to assist with cooking & serving the BBQ, your help would be appreciated. WWCC required. Please call the office & let Bronie or Kate know if you can help.)
Grade 5/6 Social Justice Team - Special Canteen
The Grade 5/6 Social Justice Team have organised a Special Canteen next Monday and Thursday to raise money for the Victorian Cancer Council Daffodil Day.
School TV - Wellbeing Resources
We are again sharing a link to Wellbeing Resources around Bullying, acknowledging that this week, we have participated in activities for the National Week of Action Against Bullying.
School TV - Bullying Resources.
There are resources available for a range of topics through the School TV website. You can access it by clicking the above link and use the search function to find the topic you are looking for. There is also a School TV link under the "Parents and Community".
Shona Louden
Wellbeing Leader
First Eucharist - Piety Shop
With the celebration of First Eucharist coming up, parents and grandparents may be interested in purchasing items from the Piety Shop.
The Piety Shop sells a wide selection of suitable Christian gifts for the significant sacraments and liturgical times of year. Marita Flannigan can be contacted on 0402 431 053 for items from the Port Fairy Piety Shop.
Staff - the Right to Disconnect
The Fair Work Act 2009, was recently updated to include provisions that give employees the right to disconnect from communication received outside of their designated working hours. This new rule takes effect from 26 August 2024. For schools, this includes communication from parents, students, colleagues, or others within the school community.
Staff access their work emails normally between 8:00 am – 4.30 pm when possible and will endeavour to respond to emails within 24-48 hours. This applies to other forms of communication such as Class Dojo. Staff are not expected to respond in this time frame during weekends, public holidays, and, for teaching staff and during term breaks.
We ask all members of the school community to be aware of this new provision and to restrict communication with school staff to school working hours. If you communicate outside of these hours, please be aware staff may choose to but are not expected to respond outside their work hours.
Traffic Management - School Drop Off and Pick Up
Could all parents please encourage their children to cross the road at the safest points at school drop off and pick up times.
Anzac Ave - cross at the flags at the corner.
Queen St - cross at the corner or in front of reception where there are no cars parked.
We know parking is at a premium at these busy times - parents are welcome to use the parking spaces at the Church where no on street parking is available.
STOP one step back from the kerb, or shoulder of the road if there is no footpath.
LOOK in all directions for approaching traffic.
LISTEN in all directions for approaching traffic.
THINK about whether it is safe to cross the road – when the road is clear or all traffic has stopped. When crossing, walk straight across the road. Keep LOOKING and LISTENING for traffic while crossing.~ Kidsafe Victoria (www.kidsafevic.com.au/road-safety/pedestrian-safety)
Lost Property & Second Hand Uniform
With the onset of colder weather, you may have noticed you are missing a school jumper (or two!). Please take a look in the lost property basket to find your lost items.
If you could please remember also to label your uniform items so your uniforms don't end up here!
Second Hand Uniform
Please speak to Becc Sanderson 0423 956 556 if you wish to purchase or donate some preloved items of uniform.
Keep your head warm in winter! School Beanies are available for $15 on CDF Pay.
Parents & Friends
If you are able to help with supplying food or serving at future events, please indicate on the form below and we will be in touch when we have events scheduled. If the date/time does not suit you, you do not have to commit to helping when you are contacted.
Father's Day/Special Persons Breakfast
Please remember that orders for Father's Day/Special Persons Breakfast close next Friday, 23rd August at 9am.
Assembly Roster
Parents, siblings, Grandparents and friends are all welcome to join us for our assembly - held on nominated weeks in the school hall from 2.45pm - any late changes will be notified via ClassDojo.
Week | Friday Assembly date | Hosting class |
5 | 16th August | Room 2 |
6 | 23rd August | No Assembly |
7 | 30th August | Fathers Day Liturgy |
8 | 6th September | Room 6 |
9 | 13th September | No assembly Message Stick Liturgy Monday 9th |
10 | 20th September | Room 4 |
Volunteer Levy
There are many opportunities at school to claim off your volunteer levy.
As you would imagine, there are lots of jobs that need to be done at a school. Between classroom responsibilites and duties during most breaks, there are many things that staff don't get the opportunity to do. In times gone by, some of these would be done at working bees. In recent years, we have not had great success in attracting families to working bees as times do not always suit.
If you see a job that needs to be done, that you are happy to take on, we would love your help and can arrange for the credit to your volunteer levy.
Some suggestions - Canteen deep clean, library tidying, lost property sorting. This list is just a start.
Casserole Bank
The St Pat's community has a wonderful tradition of the "Casserole Bank" where families come together to provide a meal or snacks/lunchbox items for families within our school who are in need of support (for example, a new arrival, family illness or bereavement).
This year, the Casserole Bank will be coordinated through the school office. If you are aware of a family requiring support, please contact the office.
If you are willing to help out during the year, please register your name details on the google form below & we will reach out when the need arises. The more volunteers we have, the fewer times people will be called upon to help out.
Canteen & Cake Raffle Rosters
Thanks to those who have already signed up for the Canteen & Cake Raffle Rosters. We now have a new Canteen Sign Up Sheet available for Term 3. We appreciate everyone's help with Canteen - without your assistance, it can not run.
Virginia Martin co-ordinates the canteen, arranging for the stocking of snack items and is happy to take questions from prospective volunteers - 0419 883 657.
Canteen Sign Up Sheet - volunteersignup.org/ACK7W
Cake Raffle Sign Up Sheet - volunteersignup.org/PTFPM
What | When | Volunteer Name |
Wednesday | 21/8/2024 | |
Friday | 23/8/2024 | |
Friday | 23/8/2024 | |
Wednesday | 28/8/2024 | |
Friday | 30/8/2024 | |
Friday | 30/8/2024 | |
Wednesday | 4/9/2024 | |
Friday | 6/9/2024 | Narelle Mahony |
Friday | 6/9/2024 | |
Wednesday | 11/9/2024 | |
Friday | 13/9/2024 | |
Friday | 13/9/2024 | |
Wednesday | 18/9/2024 | Mel Lilley |
Friday | 20/9/2024 | Carina Lane |
Friday | 20/9/2024 |
Term 3 Week 6 | 23/8/2024 | Narelle Mahony |
Term 3 Week 7 | 30/8/2024 | Simone Johnson |
Term 3 Week 8 | 6/9/2024 | Caitlin O’Grady |
Term 3 Week 9 | 13/9/2024 | Stacey Gay |
Term 3 Week 10 | 20/9/2024 | Kate Dobson (I &J) |
Happy Birthday
Happy birthday to Harper Cuomo who celebrates her birthday this week! We hope you have a wonderful time celebrating with family and friends.
Star Of the Sea Parish Bulletin & website information
Directwear Uniform
School Uniform is available from Directwear www.directwear.com.au
Uniforms can be collected from the Directwear home address in Warrnambool or posted to you.
Contact details for Direct wear are:
email info@directwear.com.au or phone Dion Jansz: 0412 654 406
Sports Polo Shirts
The School Sports Polo shirts are purchased through the school via CDF Pay.
There has been an increase in the price of sports shirts to $50 - this is cost price from our supplier.
Dates to Remember
Please refer to the public calendar on the school website for the most up to date calendar items.
Student Awards
Room 1
Layla Bidmade for your hard work in Mathematics this week. You are doing a great job representing multiplication problems using groups. Keep up the great work!
Scout Buchanan for constantly being a respectful, responsible and safe member of Room 1. You are a wonderful role model for your peers as you are always kind, caring and helpful. Keep up the great work!
Room 2
Oscar McElgunn for being confident, organised and always eager to learn. You are always polite and helpful to anyone in our school community. Oscar, you are happy to share your ideas and thoughts in class and listen to others. Keep up the good work Oscar!
Annie McMahon For being a confident speaker and presenter who inspires and motivates others. Annie, this week you've shown what a great leader you are by sharing your ideas and encouraging everyone to do their best. Thanks for brightening everyone’s day!
Room 4
Room 6
Edmund McMahon For being a Respectful and Safe Leaner. Edmund, you show such kindness and respect to everyone in Room 6. I really admire your positive attitude towards learning and how you're always ready to help others. You are a fantastic classmate. Keep up the great work! Miss B🙂
Tayla Milward For being a Responsible Learner. Great job, Tayla, on mastering 2-digit by 2-digit multiplication! Your confidence in math has grown so much, and we are all so proud of your hard work. Keep it up! Miss B 🙂
Fraser Gleeson For being a Responsible Learner. Fraser, you returned from your holiday with such a fantastic attitude towards your learning. You've shown great responsibility by taking steps to make sure you're getting the most out of your education. Keep up the awesome work! Miss B 🙂
Savannah Wood For being a Respectful Learner. Great job, Savannah, for always working to be the best version of yourself in every way. You are so kind to your classmates and always attentive to improve your learning. Keep up the amazing work! Miss B 🙂
Room 7
Ruby Hillam for demonstrating good class organisation skills to complete work tasks to a great standard and for challenging yourself, particularly in Maths.
Sadie Langdon for being a wonderful support and friend to many students across the school, particularly in the junior area. Thanks Sadie.
Will Foster for demonstrating wonderful leadership skills and being a positive and encouraging coach for the 3/ 4 basketball team. Well done Will.
Ellie Dobson or demonstrating wonderful leadership skills and being a positive and encouraging coach for the 3/ 4 basketball team. Great job Ellie.
Community News
Moyne and Warrnambool Youth Strategy Consultation
Your contributions will help shape the region’s new Youth Strategy and guide what kinds of services and programs we deliver.
Kinder Fundraiser
Reach out to a Kinder family for more details or to place an order - if you're not sure who's at Kinder, start with Mel Lilley or Kristy Milward.
Or access the details via this link: https://www.warrnambooltheatrecompany.com/colouring-comp
Warrnambool Roller Derby
Come join us for our new Learn To Skate 18+ program on Sundays from 3-4pm, $5 a session, all gear included! This is followed by Skate Fun, a fun social skate for all ages and abilities, gear available, 4-6pm on Sundays, $10.Skate Fit (also for all ages) from 6-7pm on Sundays.Junior Derby training runs in sessions according to age and ability. Primary aged students are welcome to come and try on Tuesdays from 5-6pm, and secondary aged students start on Tuesdays from 6-7pm. The first session is free to try! $10 per session, and gear is available.
Please contact us at warrnamboolrollerderby@gmail.