2021, Term 2, Week 3 Newsletter
Principal's Message
Students of the Week
Happy Birthday
Cross Country Results
Cross Country Photos
Irish Festival Fundraising
Irish Festival Thank-you's
2022 Enrolments Now Open!
Dad's Catch Up
Term 2 Canteen Roster
Wednesday Canteen - Expression of Interest
School Banking
Koroit & District Kindergarten Fundraiser
St Brigid's Traditional Music
Principal's Message
Dear Parents and Carers,
Last week we had a number of Confirmation candidates begin their the next sacramental step in their Catholic faith at our Confirmation information evening. Parents/Carers and children attended with Fr. John Corrigan and Mr. Lloyd leading the session that allowed the group to begin the preparation process for Confirmation. Over the next few weeks, these families will be meeting in groups to prepare for this Holy sacrament. We wish all of the Confirmation candidates in our Parish a prayerful blessing as they undertake this work in order to be confirmed into the Church community on Sunday the 23rd of May.
Learning Walks
On Tuesday this week parents and carers from our school and the kinder community took part in a Learning Walk, the third learning walk our school has conducted this year.
I have spoken with a number of parents over the past few weeks who are still unsure about what a Learning Walk is and what happens during the session.
What is a Learning Walk?
A learning walk is an opportunity for parents/carers and our wider school community to come into the school, during school hours, and see what is happening in our classrooms. We meet as a group first, discuss what you as parents/carers would like to get out of the learning walk, then visit at least three classrooms to discussing what we have observed or learnt as we go. The walk then finishes with some sharing time and general discussion about what we learnt during the walk. They are informal and younger children are welcome to join us. We are yet to find a parent that has not valued the experience.
To help provide our families with convenience, can you please respond to this survey telling us when you are available to come along to a Learning Walk so we can plan this on a day that suits our parents/carers.
What day/time should we conduct Learning Walks? (1 minute survey)
Cross Country
On Tuesday our students participated in the 2021 School Cross Country. It was an absolute delight to see all students who competed with perseverance, endurance and pride when representing themselves and their house. There were numerous examples of students displaying their incredible cross country running ability, persistence to run the distance and encouragement of peers to help them keep going during such a tough experience. Congratulations to Cork (Red) on winning the event with 165 points, Clare (Blue) 2nd with 151 points and Limerick (Green) 3rd with 137 points. Thanks to Mrs Swarbrick for coordinating the event on the day.
This week I have shared with you our SWPBS values for our Church. We have been using the Church a lot more this year because of the building works. It has been very pleasing to see the care, reverence and safety our students have demonstrated each week when using this space.
Kind regards,
Nick Murrell
Students of the Week
Maya Cozens for being a reliable and respectful friend in class and on the yard. Maya is someone who will stop and check in on how you are going if you are a bit lonely in the yard and she will stay with you to keep you company. She is a kind Year 6 buddy to all the Foundation students and encouraging of her peers. Congratulations Maya!
Room 3:
Fraser Gleeson for the responsible way he participated in Cross Country on Tuesday. He was persistent with his running and cheered for his peers in a responsible manner when he wasn’t racing, demonstrating fantastic sportsmanship. Keep up the great work Fraser!
Tilly Van Rysingen for always being a respectful friend and classmate. She will always go out of her way to help others when need be and ensures that everyone has a smile on their face. Keep up the great work Tilly!
Room 4:
Edmund McMahon for the outstanding way he went about being our room 4 junior teacher this week. He was very responsible in completing all the tasks needed in the classroom without being reminded and was very respectful when leading groups of children through activities. Edmund, you are a natural leader, well done.
Poppy Martin for her very thoughtful contributions to our class discussions and listening respectfully to other children’s ideas. Poppy, you always think about your learning and strive to improve your knowledge and skills in each lesson. Keep up the great work!
Room 5:
Billy O’Connor for the genuine interest he shows in learning. Billy asks questions and volunteers responses during our group discussions and he shares what he already knows about the topic with the other students in his group. This shows your responsible attitude towards learning. Great work, Billy.
Indiana Cuomo for always being ready to respectfully help others where she can. Indiana, I love how well you work in groups and you always let others ask you questions to help them learn. Well done, Indiana.
Room 7:
Tessa Byrne for the resilient and persistent commitment she demonstrated to finish her three kilometre cross country race. This was a challenge for Tessa and she completed it with a smile.
Zahlia Monnier for her commitment to being the best learner she can be. Zahlia has been a resilient runner, a safe Hands on Learning member and an active classroom participant.
Isabella Shanahan for her thoughtful responses to critical thinking questions and her responsible participation in class discussions. Isabella, you consider and reflect on your learning with maturity, always looking to understand and improve. Well done.
Piper Fechete for always working well to achieve her best and improve her understanding in lessons, in particular Maths. Piper, you responsibly engage in lessons and discussions and you should feel very proud of your progress and successes.
Happy Birthday
Happy Birthday to Isabella Shanahan and Dominic McEachern who are celebrating a birthday at this time.
Cross Country Results
Cross Country Photos
Irish Festival Fundraising
Irish Festival Thank-you's
We have never been prouder to be part of our school community last weekend at the Koroit Irish Festival. The support keeps coming for our fundraising efforts. I know it is said a lot, but it is true, this would not have been possible without the following contributions:
Irish Stew - McMahon Family
Potatoes - Lane Family
Cake Stall:
Leishman/Shannahan Family - Thanks to Tara Leishman for co-ordinating
Brown Family
McGoldrick Family
Perry Family
Langdon Family
Dobson Family (Zoe/Isla/Jobe)
Dobson Family (Ellie)
Hallowell Family
Gleeson Family (Milla/Esther/Fraser)
Lilley Family
Lane Family (Phoenix/Pfeiffer)
Foster Family
Milward Family
Murrell Family
Hedger Family
O'Connell Family
Martin Family
Bidmade Family
Arthur Family
Culohan Family
Atwell Family
Sanderson/Van Ginneken Family
Byrne Family
Maree Lane
Andriessen Family
Frances Reed
Shaz Wolhers
Bronie Maloney
Mrs Dwyer
Mr Lloyd
Preparation Team on Friday
Carina Lane
Mel Lilley
Kim Hedger
Janie Martin
Amy Atwell
Chloe Harlock
Bridy Stephenson
Becc Sanderson
Megan Gleeson
Marquee Set-Up/Pack-Up
Al Cozens
Jarrod Gleeson
Andrew Foster
Rhyce Milward
Steve Cuomo
Stall Helpers
Emma Arthur - Team Leader
Erin Holscher
Tara Leishman
Joy Shannahan
Leah Brown - Team Leader
Narelle Byrne
Laura Peake
Kate Foster
Tracy Crispe
Nick Murrell
Darren Lloyd
Cooking and Food Assembly Team
Mary Gleeson
Trish Watson
Amy Perry
Tammy Langdon
Leah Brown
Megan Gleeson
Theatre Food Stall
Kate Dobson (Zoe/Isla/Jobe)
Brigid Foard
Rhiannon Cuomo
Marrianne Andriessen
Obviously seeing the list above says it all. Thanks, thanks and thanks.
A final figure raised will be announced soon.
Regards Amy Perry and Tammy Langdon
2022 Enrolments Now Open!
Dad's Catch Up
Coming up is a Dad's Catch Up night. All special male people in the lives of our wonderful St Pat's students are welcome and invited to come along. Thanks to one of our dads, Josh Porter, for the coordination of this event! Please RSVP Josh if you can make it. Details below.
Term 2 Canteen Roster
Wednesday Canteen - Expression of Interest
Thank you to Chloe Harlock for taking on the Canteen Coordinator for our school this year. This year we are planning to recommence selling items from the canteen window one lunchtime per week. We are exploring the possibility of this being a Wednesday. This would allow our students another 'special' day in the week, apart from lunch order Friday. However, with this idea comes the need for more volunteers and on two days throughout the week. In order to determine if this concept is worthwhile pursuing, can you please list your name, using the form below, if you would be willing and able to help on a Wednesday canteen roster selling items to the students. The shift would be approximately 1.20 pm - 2 pm on a Wednesday. Thanks for your consideration.
Chloe Harlock and Nick Murrell