2024, Term 4, Week 5 Newsletter
Acknowledgement of Country
Principal's Message
Community Bank - Port Fairy & District - Year 7 Scholarship program
Parents & Friends
Picnic in the Paddock - Raffle Winners
RSL Poppy Appeal
2025 Japanese Study Tour
Moyne Try-athlon
Junior Winter Sports
Thunderstorm Asthma - being prepared
Social Media Safety
Bullying -School TV
Remembrance Day Liturgy
Lost Property & Second Hand Uniform
Assembly Roster
Casserole Bank
Canteen & Cake Raffle Rosters
Happy Birthday
Star Of the Sea Parish Bulletin
Directwear Uniform
Sports Polo Shirts
Dates to Remember
Community News
Acknowledgement of Country
Principal's Message
Dear Parents and Carers,
This week we are again thrilled to share more exciting news from our staff members. Our wonderful Wendy last week became a grandma for the first time with the addition of William Napier to her family. Congratulations to Wendy and to Charlotte and her partner Tom on this special addition to the family.
Seamus also has great news in that he has been successful in obtaining a teaching position at Woolsthorpe Primary School for 2025. We will certainly miss Seamus in his Learning Support role but wish him well as he embarks on his career as a fully fledged teacher! Good luck Mr Brady - we'll be looking out for you at interschool sports to say hello!
Today and tomorrow we have our School Review which we have been preparing for throughout the year. The review panel are meeting with various groups of staff, students and parents. At the conclusion of the review, we will be presented with goals for our strategic plan for the next five years.
Have a wonderful week.
Kind regards,
Tegan McDonald
Community Bank - Port Fairy & District - Year 7 Scholarship program
Community Bank Port Fairy & District is pleased to continue supporting students moving into year 7 at secondary school through its scholarship program. The Year 7 Scholarship aims to assist academically motivated students from Port Fairy or
surrounding districts who have been offered a place at a local secondary school in 2025.
This Scholarship program supports the school fees incurred for the commencement of Year 7 studies. Scholarships will be awarded on the recommendation of a Selection Committee and will be based on how an applicant addresses the qualification criteria.
There are 6 X Scholarship awards totaling the value of $2,000 per year (2 X Scholarships at $500 and 4 X Scholarships at $250). Each successful recipient will have the award transferred to the chosen school of enrolment for 2025 to support school fees and costs.
A copy of the application form has been sent home with Grade 6 students today. If you would like an electronic copy, please email me and I will send it to you - Kate. kdobson@spkoroit.catholic.edu.au
Parents & Friends
Catering Event - Sausage Rolls & Mini Quiches
We have a catering event coming up in early December which requires Sausage Rolls & Mini Quiches.
If you are still looking to work off some of your volunteer levy, we'd love your support by providing some of either item. If you are able to assist, please complete the attached form indicating what you are able to make and the quantity. You are welcome to make in advance and we can freeze here at school in the canteen freezer prior to December 6th.
Any questions, please contact Tammy Langdon - 0428 466 129.
December Catering - Sausage Rolls & Mini Quiches
Planning for 2025
As we look ahead to 2025, we’re excited to invite new faces to get involved with one or more of our fabulous Parents and Friends subcommittees (see image below). Our P&F operates with an executive model, with coordinators for each of our key fundraising events: Port Fairy Folk Festival BBQ, Koroit Irish Festival, Picnic in the Paddock, and Student Engagement.
In addition to these subcommittees, we also run an amazing catering group all year round that provides delicious home cooked food and baked goods for events hosted by St Pat’s. This group not only provides our school community with yummy food, they also contribute significant fundraising for our school!
This setup allows families to volunteer at various events throughout the year without the need to commit to regular meetings. You can simply lend a hand when it suits you! Whether it’s helping with a specific event or activity like organising the disco, a family picnic, or milkshake day, there are plenty of opportunities to get involved.
The coordinators will meet with the principal and the principal’s delegate periodically to plan and review activities, but there’s no ongoing time commitment for volunteers—just jump in where and when you can.
We’d love to see more families join in and help make our school events successful and fun! If you would like any further information, please contact either myself or Todd Noble on todd.james.noble@gmail.com.
Picnic in the Paddock - Raffle Winners
Oops - we forgot to include details of our lucky Raffle Winners in last week's newsletter.
1st prize - Helen Murrell
2nd prize - Neale and Kate Dobson
3rd prize - Mabel Finnigan
Congratulations to everyone.
Thanks also to everyone who stayed back after the fun last week to help out with the pack up - what an efficient crew! Just an hour or so after the festivities had finished and you wouldn't know all the action that had taken place. We've also had people back in during the week to put away the last bits and pieces - thanks so much.
Committee Vacancies 2025
Have you been wondering what getting involved in St Pat’s might look like? How can I be a part of the team and help? How can I work off my participation levy or meet some new people? Then this should be helpful for you! There are many groups to be involved with, one of which is Picnic in the Paddock.
As part of the Picnic in the Paddock committee, we all work together and no one is left to sort anything out on their own. You are allocated a specific area to work alongside a smaller team. We meet a few times in the first half of the year, then monthly moving towards the event via online meetings and in person meetings.
The sub-committee groups are:
- Sponsorship and grants (team of about 4-5 people)
- Market coordinators (team of about 3 people that organise the food and pop up shops)
- Rides (team of 2)
- Community connections (team of 1-2)
- Stage organiser (team of 1-2)
- Media coordination (team of 2-3 people that organize social media, print media, and local publicity)
Chairperson, secretary and treasurer roles are also key roles for this event. If you might be interested in one of these roles in 2026 or beyond, we are keen to hear from you! Shadowing opportunities throughout 2025 can be arranged to support a successful transition into these leadership roles.
We would absolutely love to see some new fresh faces on our committee in 2025 and help take Picnic in the Paddock to a new level. It is such an awesome day for our school and local community. Please feel free to message Amy on 0429 416 830, or ask any of our committee members, about any questions regarding any of the positions or joining our committee.
RSL Poppy Appeal
We have a range of products available at school to support the RSL Poppy Appeal.
Poppies - $2
Wristbands - $3
Key Rings - $4
Slouch Hat pins - $5
Pens - $5
These are available at reception & the senior students will also visit classrooms as a reminder during the coming weeks.
2025 Japanese Study Tour
An information session was held last week for students interested in going on the study tour in 2025.
If you are still interested in your child participating in this tour, it is not too late. Confirmation is required by 29th November. Please see the attached letter for further information.
Moyne Try-athlon
Message from Mr Varley:
This week we are commencing a Bike Education/Triathlon Program for the Grade 2-6 students at school. There will be five sessions for each grade.
Tue Nov 5 - Introduction (bikes not required)
Wed Nov 6 - Bikes
Tue Nov 12 - Bikes
Wed Nov 13 - Bikes
Tue Nov 19 - Moyne Schools Try-athlon (Grade 3-6 only)
Sports uniform should be worn on these days.
Bikes are not required for the first session, but if possible, can students please bring a ‘roadworthy bike’, a fitting helmet, and suitable shoes (runners) to school for the next three. These requirements will be discussed with the students on Tuesday.
We will not be leaving the school grounds during these three sessions.
The Moyne school’s Try-athlon will be held in Port Fairy on Tuesday Nov 19. Students from grades 3-6 will be given the opportunity to participate in this fun day in individual and in team events.
Peter Varley
Junior Winter Sports
Last Friday our Grade 3/4 students represented the school at the Winter Sports at Port Fairy Our Netballers had a fantastic day going through the day undefeated and winning the Grand Final against Woolsthorpe. We had 12 girls participate on the day with all girls playing a variety of positions throughout.
Our Footballers also showed improvement throughout the day winning two of their four games. The boys combined with some students from Woolsthorpe Primary with all the boys having a determined attitude throughout the day.
The students should be commended on their excellent behaviour throughout the day as they represented the school in a great way.
A massive thanks to all the parents who came and supported the students in particular Kate Foster who coached the girls, Em Batt for assisting and Kristy Milward who scored.
Thunderstorm Asthma - being prepared
What is Thunderstorm Asthma?
Thunderstorm asthma is a serious and potentially life-threatening phenomenon that can occur during specific weather conditions. It is common throughout all parts of Victoria, particularly during spring when thunderstorms coincide with high levels of pollen in the air.
This combination can trigger severe asthma symptoms, even in people who have not previously experienced asthma or allergies.
Epidemic thunderstorm asthma events are uncommon and don't occur every year. In south-east Australia they can happen during grass pollen season from October through December.
What Causes Thunderstorm Asthma?
During a thunderstorm, pollen grains can be swept up into the clouds, where they break into smaller particles due to moisture. These tiny particles then get blown down by the winds and spread across a wide area. Because they are so small, they can be easily inhaled, reaching deep into the lungs and triggering asthma symptoms such as wheezing, shortness of breath, and chest tightness.
Being Prepared
Schools and DOBCEL will monitor the VicEmergency app to receive thunderstorm warnings and when appropriate, students will be kept indoors when weather forecasts identify greater risk.
By raising awareness and being prepared, we can protect our students and staff from the risks associated with thunderstorm asthma, ensuring a safer environment for everyone.
We ask that parents of students with known asthma have an up to date asthma action plan registered with the school.
Find out more
Further information regarding thunderstorm asthma can be found at https://asthma.org.au/triggers/thunderstorm-asthma/ and https://www.health.vic.gov.au/environmental-health/epidemic-thunderstorm-asthma-risk-forecast.
If your child has experienced concussion, it is important that you follow recommended medical advice. Returning to school can be a graduated approach with the aim of increasing tolerance to a full day, the same situation could occur with sport. It is always important to check with your doctor and seek medical treatment after a child sustains a concussion.
It is important to inform the school if your child has sustained a concussion outside of the school setting so we can monitor for ongoing symptoms and adapt activities if required.
This factsheet link below from the Royal Children’s Hospital is valuable to read and understand.
There is also a great evidence-based app from the Murdoch children's research institute that walks you through what to do in the result of a concussion.
Social Media Safety
Parents and carers play an important role in supporting their children to be safe online and on
social media. You can help your children safely navigate their digital world and educate them to
avoid harmful online experiences. You can explore websites, games, apps and social media
together and set some rules and boundaries.
Your support and guidance can give your children the knowledge to make sound decisions online
and confidence to ask for help when they need it. It is also important to stay informed about
online safety.
The Department of Education recognises this important issue and has developed fact sheets about
supports to help keep students safe online and what to do if they are involved in an online
The fact sheets contain links to evidence-based information on supporting positive and safe online
experiences, signs a child or young person might need support, what to do if something unsafe
happens online, and where to reach out to for more support.
To access the fact sheets, refer to the Safe Socials webpage. The fact sheets are available in 19
community languages.
The government is also launching public consultation on age limits for social media.
You and your children can share your experiences to inform proposed changes via an online
survey, before 5 pm on Friday 1 November 2024. For more information on the survey and to take
part, refer to Proposed changes to social media age limits on the Engage Victoria website.
Bullying -School TV
Remembrance Day Liturgy
Lost Property & Second Hand Uniform
With the onset of colder weather, you may have noticed you are missing a school jumper (or two!). Please take a look in the lost property basket to find your lost items.
If you could please remember also to label your uniform items so your uniforms don't end up here!
Second Hand Uniform
Please speak to Becc Sanderson 0423 956 556 if you wish to purchase or donate some preloved items of uniform.
Assembly Roster
Parents, siblings, Grandparents and friends are all welcome to join us for our assembly - held on nominated weeks in the school hall from 2.45pm - any late changes will be notified via ClassDojo.
Term 4 Assembly Roster 2024 | ||
Week | Dates | Hosting Class/Liturgy |
5 | Fri 8th November | Room 2 |
6 | Mon 11th November | Remembrance Day Liturgy Monday 11th at 10.45am in the Church |
7 | Fri 22nd November | Room 1 |
8 | Fri 29th November | No Assembly |
9 | Fri 6th December | Room 4 assembly |
10 | Fri 13th December | No Assembly |
11 | Mon 16th December | Monday the 16th of December: End of year mass at 9.15am |
Casserole Bank
The St Pat's community has a wonderful tradition of the "Casserole Bank" where families come together to provide a meal or snacks/lunchbox items for families within our school who are in need of support (for example, a new arrival, family illness or bereavement).
This year, the Casserole Bank will be coordinated through the school office. If you are aware of a family requiring support, please contact the office.
If you are willing to help out during the year, please register your name details on the google form below & we will reach out when the need arises. The more volunteers we have, the fewer times people will be called upon to help out.
Canteen & Cake Raffle Rosters
Thanks to those who have already signed up for the Canteen & Cake Raffle Rosters. We now have a new Canteen Sign Up Sheet available for Term 4. We appreciate everyone's help with Canteen - without your assistance, it can not run.
Virginia Martin co-ordinates the canteen, arranging for the stocking of snack items and is happy to take questions from prospective volunteers - 0419 883 657.
Canteen Sign Up Sheet - volunteersignup.org/HJWFR
Cake Raffle Sign Up Sheet - volunteersignup.org/PTFPM
Canteen Roster
Wednesday | 6/11/2024 | |
Friday | 8/11/2024 | Virginia Martin |
Friday | 8/11/2024 | |
Wednesday | 13/11/2024 | |
Friday | 15/11/2024 | Emma Read |
Friday | 15/11/2024 | Chloe Harlock |
Wednesday | 20/11/2024 | |
Friday | 22/11/2024 | Narelle Mahony |
Friday | 22/11/2024 | |
Wednesday | 27/11/2024 | |
Friday | 29/11/2024 | Carina Lane |
Friday | 29/11/2024 | Mel Lilley |
Wednesday | 4/12/2024 | |
Friday | 6/12/2024 | |
Friday | 6/12/2024 | |
Wednesday | 11/12/2024 | Virginia Martin |
Friday | 13/12/2024 | Emma Read |
Friday | 13/12/2024 |
Cake Raffle Roster
Term 4 Week 5 | 8/11/2024 | Stacey Gay |
Term 4 Week 6 | 15/11/2024 | Tara Leishman |
Term 4 Week 7 | 22/11/2024 | Bec Smits |
Term 4 Week 8 | 29/11/2024 | Carina Lane |
Term 4 Week 9 | 6/12/2024 | |
Term 4 Week 10 | 13/12/2024 |
Happy Birthday
While no students or staff celebrate their birthday this week, we are sure others in the school community do - happy birthday to you! We hope you have a fantastic time celebrating with family and friends!
Star Of the Sea Parish Bulletin
Directwear Uniform
School Uniform is available from Directwear www.directwear.com.au
Uniforms can be collected from the Directwear home address in Warrnambool or posted to you.
Contact details for Direct wear are:
email info@directwear.com.au or phone Dion Jansz: 0412 654 406
Sports Polo Shirts
The School Sports Polo shirts are purchased through the school via CDF Pay.
There has been an increase in the price of sports shirts to $50 - this is cost price from our supplier.
Dates to Remember
Please refer to the public calendar on the school website for the most up to date calendar items.