2024, Term 4, Week 8 Newsletter
Acknowledgement of Country
Principal's Message
HeapsART Everyday Exhibition
2024 Volunteer Levy
Swimming this week
Christmas Concert
Parents & Friends
Colour Run t-shirts
Calling for Nominations - DOBCEL Board Consultative Committees
Library Book Returns
NCCD/Program Support Meetings
2025 Japanese Study Tour
Scholastic Book Club
Before and After School Supervision
TheirCare School Holiday program
Thunderstorm Asthma - being prepared
Bullying -School TV
Lost Property & Second Hand Uniform
Student Awards
Assembly Roster
Casserole Bank
Canteen & Cake Raffle Rosters
Happy Birthday
Star Of the Sea Parish Bulletin
Directwear Uniform
Sports Polo Shirts
Dates to Remember
Community News
Acknowledgement of Country
Principal's Message
Dear Parents and Carers,
What an exciting week last week for former St Pat's student, Finn O'Sullivan, who was selected at number 2 in the AFL Draft. I've been reliably informed that Finn was an outstanding sportsman during his time here as well exhibiting fantastic sportsmanship. Finn is proof that you don't have to go to a big school to achieve big things. He has been duly rewarded for his efforts. We are all very proud of what you have achieved so far - especially your cousins!
Today we welcomed our Foundation class for 2025 for their first transition session. The students were wonderful, listening to me read a story in the hall and then heading off to the classroom with Miss Lumsden and our student leaders where they familiarised themselves with the space. We look forward to seeing them here a few more times in the coming weeks as they prepare for school next year.
The Christmas season is starting in earnest! The church season of Advent commences next weekend, and the traditional date for putting up Christmas decorations. Miss Q has been co-ordinating the classes for a small Christmas Concert to be held after school on December 12th. See further details below.
A group of students has also been working with Monique on some songs to perform at the Koroit Carols on December 8th.
Children's thoughts at Christmas often turn to presents but I would like to take a moment to reflect on the essence of Christmas. As a Catholic school, we cherish the values that this season represents. Christmas is a time of love, kindness, and the celebration of the birth of Jesus Christ. It's an opportunity for families to come together, share warmth, and create lasting memories.
For our students, Christmas is a magical time filled with wonder and joy. It's a season of giving, just as God gave us the greatest gift of all—His Son. Through the act of exchanging gifts, we aim to instil in our students the spirit of generosity and gratitude.
As implemented last year, we have made a decision to alternate our classroom gift giving between a Kris Kringle within the class and a focus on giving back to our local community via a gift to Vinnies to distribute to those in need.
For Christmas 2024, we request that you either purchase a gift to go under the Vinnies tree at IGA or send in a small cash donation.
Let's continue to create a festive atmosphere filled with love and understanding. We appreciate your support in making this Christmas special for every child in the broader community.
This week, our junior students are preparing for a special event with the junior school late stay and Grade 2 sleepover. Good luck Mrs Swarbrick - we hope you get plenty of sleep on Thursday night!
Have a wonderful week.
Kind regards,
Tegan McDonald
HeapsART Everyday Exhibition
“The Seed & I” Exhibition had a heartfelt opening !
Our students from Foundation and Year One who participated in this term’s HeapsART
Everyday program opened their exhibition with a small performance of a poem about a
Families gathered together as the audience for a children’s movement piece to the poem.
The children wore light flowing ochre coloured cloths and hessian headbands as costumes
and their movement through the trees in the quiet area depicted the growth of the seed .
Following that families were invited in the school foyer for the children to showcase their
artworks. Artworks made with the natural world. "What’s that?" You ask?
Artworks were created after gathering the materials from the school’s bush area - The
Woods, exploring the senses using blindfolds and resting under the earth ceilings - TREES!
Coloured fabric strips were also wrapped around objects to highlight the interconnectedness we have as humans with the natural world.
Artworks on exhibition are:
Clay dishes to represent the soil that can hold a seed.
Stars of Hope made from sticks .
Belonging Windows - weaving of grass, fabric and feathers.
Seeded paper with leaf print.
Walking Stick with plant cuttings and feathers on top as a symbol of how we can be carers of the earth .
Sun loops symbolising the sun’s warmth.
Seed mandalas. The journey of the seed to us.
Finally the exhibition concluded and families left with nibbles and drinks and thought provoking inspiration about our sense of place with the natural world.
The artwork remains on display in the Exhibition Space near reception - all welcome to visit. Artworks were also inspired by the plan of creating a sensory garden in the school yard in the near future.
2024 Volunteer Levy
If you still have claims that you haven't made for this year, please collect a form from the office and complete ASAP so that school accounts can be finalised. Thank you.
Swimming this week
A reminder for Swimming this week that students are asked to bring clothes to wear over their bathers in the water. Students can wear a t-shirt and shorts or long pants.
Our swimming lessons have a strong focus on water safety and this week includes practice swimming in clothes which is an important skill for students to experience and practice as it replicates an unexpected fall into water. Please don't bring your favourite or new clothes as pool chemicals may affect the colour. Fabrics such as denim, wool or polar-fleece should also be avoided as these materials are heavy when wet, making it difficult to swim.
Students will have the opportunity to simulate falling into the water, recovering and moving to a point of safety whilst wearing clothes in the water. The aim is to do this in a safe and controlled environment to reduce the risk of panicking should the student experience this in real life.
Christmas Concert
Parents & Friends
Planning for 2025
As we look ahead to 2025, we’re excited to invite new faces to get involved with one or more of our fabulous Parents and Friends subcommittees (see image below). Our P&F operates with an executive model, with coordinators for each of our key fundraising events: Port Fairy Folk Festival BBQ, Koroit Irish Festival, Picnic in the Paddock, and Student Engagement.
In addition to these subcommittees, we also run an amazing catering group all year round that provides delicious home cooked food and baked goods for events hosted by St Pat’s. This group not only provides our school community with yummy food, they also contribute significant fundraising for our school!
This setup allows families to volunteer at various events throughout the year without the need to commit to regular meetings. You can simply lend a hand when it suits you! Whether it’s helping with a specific event or activity like organising the disco, a family picnic, or milkshake day, there are plenty of opportunities to get involved.
The coordinators will meet with the principal and the principal’s delegate periodically to plan and review activities, but there’s no ongoing time commitment for volunteers—just jump in where and when you can.
We’d love to see more families join in and help make our school events successful and fun! If you would like any further information, please contact either myself or Todd Noble on todd.james.noble@gmail.com.
Colour Run t-shirts
If you are after a t-shirt for the upcoming Colour Run, we have a selection of long & short sleeved t-shirts in a range of sizes in the old white school uniform style (see photo for example).
Gold coin donation. See Bronie or Kate in the office.
Further information about the Colour Run on the last day of school will be provided in the coming weeks.
Calling for Nominations - DOBCEL Board Consultative Committees
The DOBCEL Board is now inviting people interested in helping shape the direction and development of Catholic education in the diocese to nominate for a position on one of six consultative committees commencing in 2025.
Let’s work together to connect with as many potential applicants as possible!
Applications close Sunday, 19 January 2025.
Library Book Returns
With the end of the year fast approaching, we would love to get as many of our books as possible sorted and back on the library shelves. If you have any books at home, please send them in.
NCCD/Program Support Meetings
Over the coming weeks at St Patrick's classroom teachers are holding Program Support (PSG) Meetings for students who are a part of the Nationally Consistent Collection of Data (NCCD) count in August of each year. If your child is a part of these meetings I will have contacted you via email or phone. I have attached a parent information sheet below for you to read about this process.
Bridget Van Den Broek
Learning Diversity Leader
2025 Japanese Study Tour
An information session was held last week for students interested in going on the study tour in 2025.
If you are still interested in your child participating in this tour, it is not too late. Confirmation is required by 29th November. Please see the attached letter for further information.
Scholastic Book Club
Our final book club catalog for 2024 will be heading home this week.
In Book Club we have …
- A wide selection of book packs from our most popular series.
- Our final $5 promo code for the year can be redeemed on all issue 8 LOOP orders, and spent on Issue 1, 2025
- Graphic Novels feature on page 25.
- Win tickets to the new DOG MAN MOVIE, coming to cinemas in April, 2025. Take a look on page 32.
- Kylain Mbappe is our feature book for Issue 8
Before and After School Supervision
A reminder for parents that supervision at school commences at 8.30am. Children should not be dropped off at school prior to this time.
Supervision outside in the afternoon concludes at 3.30pm. Students will be advised to wait in the foyer after this time and can be collected from here.
In line with SunSmart requirements, students are required to wear hats outside during recess and lunch. Please ensure your child brings their hat to school each day.
If you do require a new hat, they can be purchased through CDF Pay. (For Grade 6 students without a school hat - we don't expect you to purchase a new school hat with just a few weeks to go but do expect a plain broad brimmed style hat with plenty of sun coverage).
TheirCare School Holiday program
TheirCare are offering a School Holiday program in Port Fairy and Warrnambool during December and January - please refer to their website or the attached flyers for further information.
Thunderstorm Asthma - being prepared
What is Thunderstorm Asthma?
Thunderstorm asthma is a serious and potentially life-threatening phenomenon that can occur during specific weather conditions. It is common throughout all parts of Victoria, particularly during spring when thunderstorms coincide with high levels of pollen in the air.
This combination can trigger severe asthma symptoms, even in people who have not previously experienced asthma or allergies.
Epidemic thunderstorm asthma events are uncommon and don't occur every year. In south-east Australia they can happen during grass pollen season from October through December.
What Causes Thunderstorm Asthma?
During a thunderstorm, pollen grains can be swept up into the clouds, where they break into smaller particles due to moisture. These tiny particles then get blown down by the winds and spread across a wide area. Because they are so small, they can be easily inhaled, reaching deep into the lungs and triggering asthma symptoms such as wheezing, shortness of breath, and chest tightness.
Being Prepared
Schools and DOBCEL will monitor the VicEmergency app to receive thunderstorm warnings and when appropriate, students will be kept indoors when weather forecasts identify greater risk.
By raising awareness and being prepared, we can protect our students and staff from the risks associated with thunderstorm asthma, ensuring a safer environment for everyone.
We ask that parents of students with known asthma have an up to date asthma action plan registered with the school.
Find out more
Further information regarding thunderstorm asthma can be found at https://asthma.org.au/triggers/thunderstorm-asthma/ and https://www.health.vic.gov.au/environmental-health/epidemic-thunderstorm-asthma-risk-forecast.
If your child has experienced concussion, it is important that you follow recommended medical advice. Returning to school can be a graduated approach with the aim of increasing tolerance to a full day, the same situation could occur with sport. It is always important to check with your doctor and seek medical treatment after a child sustains a concussion.
It is important to inform the school if your child has sustained a concussion outside of the school setting so we can monitor for ongoing symptoms and adapt activities if required.
This factsheet link below from the Royal Children’s Hospital is valuable to read and understand.
There is also a great evidence-based app from the Murdoch children's research institute that walks you through what to do in the result of a concussion.
Bullying -School TV
Lost Property & Second Hand Uniform
With the onset of colder weather, you may have noticed you are missing a school jumper (or two!). Please take a look in the lost property basket to find your lost items.
If you could please remember also to label your uniform items so your uniforms don't end up here!
Second Hand Uniform
Please speak to Becc Sanderson 0423 956 556 if you wish to purchase or donate some preloved items of uniform.
Student Awards
Congratulations to the recipients of the Student Awards, presented at assembly last week:
Room 1
Amelia Johnson for your hard work in writing this week. It is wonderful to see you applying your knowledge of letter sounds to sound out unknown words. Keep up the great work!
Hattie Moyne for your hard work in handwriting this term. You’ve been doing an amazing job writing neatly on the dotted thirds. Keep up the great work!
Room 2
Milla Leishman you have done a fantastic job this week! Your hard work and persistence really showed, especially in your writing. The quality of your work is amazing, and you’ve made so much progress. You took the time to choose your words carefully and create clear, detailed sentences. Keep up the amazing work, your writing is really shining!
Hunter Noble you have shown great effort both in the classroom and in the swimming pool. Your hard work, focus, and determination are helping you grow and improve every day! Keep up the amazing work!
Hector Warrick this week you have shown that with focus and determination you can do anything. You have worked so well during all your assessments showing me all you have learned this year. Hector the sky's the limit if you apply your focus and determination. Keep shining!
Room 4
Mimi Martin for always displaying the attributes of being responsible, respectful and safe whilst at school. Mimi, you are a wonderful role model for your peers as you are always kind, caring and helpful both inside and outside the classroom. Well done Mimi!
Sam Wood for being very responsible in your learning and engaging in all set tasks. In particular Sam, you are using wonderful strategies in maths and are terrific at showing how you work out problems. Keep up the great work Sam!
Ora Cuolahan for being very confident, organised and always eager to begin and share work. You have developed a great work ethic this year, Ora.I am very proud of you!
Tyrone Collins for being very kind, caring and helpful towards others. Mrs Schlooz loved you helping her at lunchtime, Mr Brady loved your help in teaching room 4 and Mrs Swarbrick always loves your help putting school & sports equipment away. Thank you Tyrone!
Room 6
Neve Harlock for showing resilience and continuing with her tasks when they are difficult. Keep up the great attitude, Neve.
Lila Stephenson for turning up to school with such a positive and friendly attitude. Lila, you are an easy person for your classmates to work with.
Harry Lilley for working so well during the assessments and going back to check your work to get the best possible result. Well done, Harry.
Olivia Foster for having the confidence to ask questions when you don’t completely understand the task we are doing. Your teachers love helping you, Liv.
Room 7
Grade 5 students for your excellent behaviour and enthusiastic participation in activities at the Emmanuel Experience day. You were all fantastic representatives of our school.
Assembly Roster
Parents, siblings, Grandparents and friends are all welcome to join us for our assembly - held on nominated weeks in the school hall from 2.45pm - any late changes will be notified via ClassDojo.
Term 4 Assembly Roster 2024 | ||
Week | Dates | Hosting Class/Liturgy |
8 | Fri 29th November | No Assembly |
9 | Fri 6th December | Room 4 assembly |
10 | Fri 13th December | No Assembly |
11 | Mon 16th December | Monday the 16th of December: End of year mass at 9.15am |
Casserole Bank
The St Pat's community has a wonderful tradition of the "Casserole Bank" where families come together to provide a meal or snacks/lunchbox items for families within our school who are in need of support (for example, a new arrival, family illness or bereavement).
This year, the Casserole Bank will be coordinated through the school office. If you are aware of a family requiring support, please contact the office.
If you are willing to help out during the year, please register your name details on the google form below & we will reach out when the need arises. The more volunteers we have, the fewer times people will be called upon to help out.
Canteen & Cake Raffle Rosters
Thanks to those who have already signed up for the Canteen & Cake Raffle Rosters. We now have a new Canteen Sign Up Sheet available for Term 4. We appreciate everyone's help with Canteen - without your assistance, it can not run.
Virginia Martin co-ordinates the canteen, arranging for the stocking of snack items and is happy to take questions from prospective volunteers - 0419 883 657.
Canteen Sign Up Sheet - volunteersignup.org/HJWFR
Cake Raffle Sign Up Sheet - volunteersignup.org/PTFPM
Canteen Roster
What | When | Who |
Wednesday | 27/11/2024 | |
Friday | 29/11/2024 | Carina Lane |
Friday | 29/11/2024 | Mel Lilley |
Wednesday | 4/12/2024 | |
Friday | 6/12/2024 | |
Friday | 6/12/2024 | |
Wednesday | 11/12/2024 | Virginia Martin |
Friday | 13/12/2024 | Emma Read |
Friday | 13/12/2024 |
Cake Raffle Roster
Term 4 Week 8 | 29/11/2024 | Carina Lane |
Term 4 Week 9 | 6/12/2024 | |
Term 4 Week 10 | 13/12/2024 |
Happy Birthday
Happy Birthday to Mimi Martin, Billy Martin, Miss Louden & Jasmine who are celebrating birthdays this week! We hope you have a fantastic time celebrating with family and friends!
Star Of the Sea Parish Bulletin
Directwear Uniform
School Uniform is available from Directwear www.directwear.com.au
Uniforms can be collected from the Directwear home address in Warrnambool or posted to you.
Contact details for Direct wear are:
email info@directwear.com.au or phone Dion Jansz: 0412 654 406
Sports Polo Shirts
The School Sports Polo shirts are purchased through the school via CDF Pay.
There has been an increase in the price of sports shirts to $50 - this is cost price from our supplier.
Dates to Remember
Please refer to the public calendar on the school website for the most up to date calendar items.