2024, Term 4, Week 9 Newsletter
Acknowledgement of Country
Principal's Message
End of Year Activities
2024 Volunteer Levy
Christmas Concert
Parents & Friends
Colour Run t-shirts
Calling for Nominations - DOBCEL Board Consultative Committees
Library Book Returns
Directwear Uniform - Ordering cut off
NCCD/Program Support Meetings
Scholastic Book Club
Before and After School Supervision
Lost Property & Second Hand Uniform
Assembly Roster
Casserole Bank
Canteen & Cake Raffle Rosters
TheirCare School Holiday program
Happy Birthday
Star Of the Sea Parish Bulletin
Sports Polo Shirts
Dates to Remember
Community News
Acknowledgement of Country
Principal's Message
Dear Parents and Carers,
This week marks the start of Advent, a special season where we prepare our hearts and minds for the celebration of Jesus' birth. The first candle, representing Hope, encourages us to trust in God’s promises and spread hope to those around us.
Advent is a time for everyone—both children and adults—to reflect on how we can bring light to others through acts of kindness, patience, and generosity. Let’s take some time this week to think about what hope means to us and how we can share it with those we meet as we journey toward Christmas.
Last week, we had the privilege of welcoming three members of the DOBCEL board to our school. Our exceptional Year 6 leaders—Phoenix, Layla, Ellie, and Tessa—did a fantastic job guiding our visitors on a tour. We extend our thanks to Terry, Anne, and Fr. John for spending time with us. This week, we are excited to welcome Tom Sexton, the DOBCEL Executive Director. We can't wait to showcase our amazing school and all the wonderful things happening here!
School Community Review Report
In accordance with the DOBCEL School Review and Validation policy and procedures, St Patrick’s school recently engaged in the External Review and Validation process. Over two days, the external panel examined the school’s extensive and thorough self-review documentation, the school data sets and spoke with teachers, parents, students and support staff.
The panel validates the school’s achievements over the last five years, and commends the St Patrick’s staff for its commitment to ensuring the Vision and Mission of the school is central to its Identity as a Catholic school, and for living out its values daily by focusing on the dignity of each person. The panel notes the school’s significant work in successfully implementing a new approach to Literacy across the school. The panel also acknowledges St Patrick’s commitment to building a collaborative school culture that focuses on continuously improving all aspects of school life for each member of the school community. The panel makes note of the work of the dedicated and committed staff in building a strong culture of parent engagement.
The panel endorses the school identified improvement priorities for the next improvement cycle:
- Implement evidence-based pedagogical practices to improve student engagement and learning growth, while amplifying student voice.
- Foster a welcoming, contemporary Catholic community that celebrates a variety of recontextualised prayer and liturgical experiences, integrating Catholic Social Teachings.
- Embed and promote wellbeing and trauma informed practices to enhance the wellbeing of all in the St Patrick's community.
The panel congratulates St Patrick’s school for their work in this review process and wishes them every success and best wish in the implementation and actioning of their priorities.
Thank you,
Pauline Fisher - Lead reviewer - Review and Validation Panel
November 2024
Important Announcement for 2025
We are excited to share our class structures and staffing plans for 2025 with our school community. Unfortunately, due to challenges in finding qualified staff, we will be placing our LOTE program on hold for the year. We are actively working with DOBCEL and our community to reestablish our LOTE program in 2026.
In the meantime, we are pleased to introduce wellbeing as a new specialist subject, led by our dedicated mental health and wellbeing leader. This addition will complement our existing wellbeing initiatives, focusing on building students' social and emotional skills to help them navigate challenges with confidence.
Thank you for your understanding and support as we continue to prioritise the holistic development of all our students.
Foundation - Room 1 | Rhiannon Lumsden |
Year 1 - Room 2 | Mirjam van Berge |
Year 2 - Room 4 | Kayla O’Connor (Monday - Wednesday) Kelly Griffin (Thursday-Friday beginning in Term 2). Kylie Archbold will replace Kelly in Term 1. |
Year 3/4 - Room 6 | Helen Swarbrick |
Year 5/6 - Room 7 | Georgia O’Keefe |
Intervention | Renee Houlihan Wendy Cossens |
Learning Support | Wendy Cossens Kate Dobson Jennifer Quill Gabrielle Lewis Amy Jones Josie Collins |
Specialists | Wellbeing - Shona Louden The Arts - Bridget van den Broek Health & Physical Education - Peter Varley STEM - Bridget van den Broek School Counselor - Jasmine Koch |
Leadership | Business Manager/Finance Manager - Bronie Moloney Principal - Tegan McDonald Assistant to the Principal/Wellbeing - Shona Louden Learning and Teaching - Rhiannon Lumsden Religious Education - Kayla O’Connor Learning Diversity - Bridget van den Broek (T1), Kelly Griffin (T2-4) Sport - Helen Swarbrick |
Executive Leadership Team | Principal - Tegan McDonald Assistant to the Principal/Wellbeing - Shona Louden Learning and Teaching - Rhiannon Lumsden Religious Education - Kayla O’Connor |
Have a wonderful week.
Kind regards,
Tegan McDonald
End of Year Activities
We are excited to be celebrating lots of end of year activities across the various year levels.
In line with our SWPBS guidelines, there is an expectation that our students behave in a Responsible, Respectful and Safe manner. This expectation extends to our behaviour on our end of year excursions.
Students will be reminded of the expected behaviour prior to excursions and if they do not behave appropriately, parents will be called to collect their child.
2024 Volunteer Levy
If you still have claims that you haven't made for this year, please collect a form from the office and complete ASAP so that school accounts can be finalised. Thank you.
Christmas Concert
***Please note different details from last week regarding food as BYO picnic - the information in this is picture is the same as what was published on ClassDojo.
Parents & Friends
Planning for 2025
As we look ahead to 2025, we’re excited to invite new faces to get involved with one or more of our fabulous Parents and Friends subcommittees (see image below). Our P&F operates with an executive model, with coordinators for each of our key fundraising events: Port Fairy Folk Festival BBQ, Koroit Irish Festival, Picnic in the Paddock, and Student Engagement.
In addition to these subcommittees, we also run an amazing catering group all year round that provides delicious home cooked food and baked goods for events hosted by St Pat’s. This group not only provides our school community with yummy food, they also contribute significant fundraising for our school!
This setup allows families to volunteer at various events throughout the year without the need to commit to regular meetings. You can simply lend a hand when it suits you! Whether it’s helping with a specific event or activity like organising the disco, a family picnic, or milkshake day, there are plenty of opportunities to get involved.
The coordinators will meet with the principal and the principal’s delegate periodically to plan and review activities, but there’s no ongoing time commitment for volunteers—just jump in where and when you can.
We’d love to see more families join in and help make our school events successful and fun! If you would like any further information, please contact either myself or Todd Noble on todd.james.noble@gmail.com.
Colour Run t-shirts
If you are after a t-shirt for the upcoming Colour Run, we have a selection of long & short sleeved t-shirts in a range of sizes in the old white school uniform style (see photo for example).
Gold coin donation. See Bronie or Kate in the office.
Further information about the Colour Run on the last day of school will be provided in the coming weeks.
Calling for Nominations - DOBCEL Board Consultative Committees
The DOBCEL Board is now inviting people interested in helping shape the direction and development of Catholic education in the diocese to nominate for a position on one of six consultative committees commencing in 2025.
Let’s work together to connect with as many potential applicants as possible!
Applications close Sunday, 19 January 2025.
Library Book Returns
With the end of the year fast approaching, we would love to get as many of our books as possible sorted and back on the library shelves. If you have any books at home, please send them in.
Directwear Uniform - Ordering cut off
Please note that ordering cut off for uniform required for Term 1 is December 31st.
Directwear will be closed for all of February 2025.
School Uniform is available from Directwear www.directwear.com.au
Uniforms can be collected from the Directwear home address in Warrnambool or posted to you.
Contact details for Direct wear are:
email info@directwear.com.au or phone Dion Jansz: 0412 654 406
Grey Shorts Clearance
Grey Shorts (available through CDF Pay) are on clearance at $5/pair.
NCCD/Program Support Meetings
Over the coming weeks at St Patrick's classroom teachers are holding Program Support (PSG) Meetings for students who are a part of the Nationally Consistent Collection of Data (NCCD) count in August of each year. If your child is a part of these meetings I will have contacted you via email or phone. I have attached a parent information sheet below for you to read about this process.
Bridget Van Den Broek
Learning Diversity Leader
Scholastic Book Club
Our final book club catalog for 2024 will be heading home this week.
In Book Club we have …
- A wide selection of book packs from our most popular series.
- Our final $5 promo code for the year can be redeemed on all issue 8 LOOP orders, and spent on Issue 1, 2025
- Graphic Novels feature on page 25.
- Win tickets to the new DOG MAN MOVIE, coming to cinemas in April, 2025. Take a look on page 32.
- Kylain Mbappe is our feature book for Issue 8
Before and After School Supervision
A reminder for parents that supervision at school commences at 8.30am. Children should not be dropped off at school prior to this time.
Supervision outside in the afternoon concludes at 3.30pm. Students will be advised to wait in the foyer after this time and can be collected from here.
In line with SunSmart requirements, students are required to wear hats outside during recess and lunch. Please ensure your child brings their hat to school each day.
If you do require a new hat, they can be purchased through CDF Pay. (For Grade 6 students without a school hat - we don't expect you to purchase a new school hat with just a few weeks to go but do expect a plain broad brimmed style hat with plenty of sun coverage).
Lost Property & Second Hand Uniform
With the onset of colder weather, you may have noticed you are missing a school jumper (or two!). Please take a look in the lost property basket to find your lost items.
If you could please remember also to label your uniform items so your uniforms don't end up here!
Second Hand Uniform
Please speak to Becc Sanderson 0423 956 556 if you wish to purchase or donate some preloved items of uniform.
Assembly Roster
Parents, siblings, Grandparents and friends are all welcome to join us for our assembly - held on nominated weeks in the school hall from 2.45pm - any late changes will be notified via ClassDojo.
Term 4 Assembly Roster 2024 | ||
Week | Dates | Hosting Class/Liturgy |
9 | Fri 6th December | Room 4 assembly |
10 | Fri 13th December | No Assembly |
11 | Mon 16th December | Monday the 16th of December: End of year mass at 9.15am |
Casserole Bank
The St Pat's community has a wonderful tradition of the "Casserole Bank" where families come together to provide a meal or snacks/lunchbox items for families within our school who are in need of support (for example, a new arrival, family illness or bereavement).
This year, the Casserole Bank will be coordinated through the school office. If you are aware of a family requiring support, please contact the office.
If you are willing to help out during the year, please register your name details on the google form below & we will reach out when the need arises. The more volunteers we have, the fewer times people will be called upon to help out.
Canteen & Cake Raffle Rosters
A huge THANK YOU to everyone for their support of the Canteen & Cake Raffle throughout the year!
We appreciate everyone's help with Canteen - without your assistance, it can not run.
Virginia Martin co-ordinates the canteen, arranging for the stocking of snack items and is happy to take questions from prospective volunteers - 0419 883 657.
Canteen Sign Up Sheet - volunteersignup.org/HJWFR
Canteen Roster
Wednesday 4/12/2024 Virginia Martin Friday 6/12/2024 Becc Sanderson Friday 6/12/2024 Wednesday 11/12/2024 Virginia Martin Friday 13/12/2024 Emma Read Friday 13/12/2024
Wednesday | 4/12/2024 | Virginia Martin |
Friday | 6/12/2024 | Becc Sanderson |
Friday | 6/12/2024 | |
Wednesday | 11/12/2024 | Virginia Martin |
Friday | 13/12/2024 | Emma Read |
Friday | 13/12/2024 |
TheirCare School Holiday program
TheirCare are offering a School Holiday program in Port Fairy and Warrnambool during December and January - please refer to their website or the attached flyers for further information.
Happy Birthday
Happy Birthday to Teddy Porter, Tilly Van Rysingen, Charlotte Lilley, Mrs V & Mrs B who are celebrating birthdays this week! We hope you have a fantastic time celebrating with family and friends!
Star Of the Sea Parish Bulletin
Sports Polo Shirts
The School Sports Polo shirts are purchased through the school via CDF Pay.
There has been an increase in the price of sports shirts to $50 - this is cost price from our supplier.
Dates to Remember
Please refer to the public calendar on the school website for the most up to date calendar items.