2021, Term 2, Week 4 Newsletter
Principal's Message
Dear Parents and Carers,
Walk Safely to School Day / Healthy Breakfast
Now in its 22nd year, National Walk Safely to School Day (WSTSD) is an annual event when all Primary School children will be encouraged to walk and commute safely to school. It is a Community Event seeking to promote Road Safety, Health, Public Transport and the Environment. St Pats is conducting this day next Wednesday the 19th of May. On this day we will be arranging for 2 walking groups, with staff supervision, to meet at locations around Koroit to walk safely to school together, all meeting times will be 8.15am.
Meeting Point 1 - Towerhill Lookout (Near corner of Anzac Ave and Lake View Road), this group will walk straight down Anzac Avenue to school.
Meeting Point 2 - Village Green (Corner of North Street and Commercial Road), this group will walk to school via Commercial Road, High Street, Garden Street and Anzac Avenue. You can meet at the start or join us along the way.
Healthy Breakfast
When students arrive at school on Wednesday a healthy breakfast comprising of cereal, fruit and juice will be available for everyone.
All students are encouraged to join us next Wednesday. Parents/Carers are welcome to walk with our groups, or walk with their children via an alternative route.
This week our Year 3 and Year 5 students participated in NAPLAN. The National Assessment Program – Literacy and Numeracy (NAPLAN) is an annual national assessment for all students in Years 3, 5, 7, and 9. All students in these year levels are expected to participate in tests in reading, writing, language conventions (spelling, grammar and punctuation) and numeracy. For our Year 3 students this is their first experience of national standardised testing and for year 5s, their second experience. All of these students are to be commended for their effort, concentration and attitude for sitting through this series of 4 tasks across 3 days. Congratulations and well done. The results of this program are generally available to parents in August. Parents and carers, we will send home the results when they are delivered to the school.
Building Update
We have been advised that timber has arrived for our new frames and are currently being assembled offsite. We will hopefully see these frames within the next few weeks and this will allow some progress to become evident in our building project. There have been a number of unforeseen delays with the project so far, however, I am sure we can all agree that the wait will be well worth it when we see the improvements for our school upon completion of the project.
Have a great weekend,
Kind regards,
Nick Murrell
Students of the Week
Logan Harlock for being a thoughtful and kind person on the yard. Logan looks out for people on the yard, he is encouraging during games and is a good friend. Congratulations Logan!
Room 3
Hudson Smits for the responsible way he redirects others when they are off task. He offers assistance when needed and always keeps an eye out for his peers. Keep up the great work Hudson!
Jobe Dobson for the responsible way he participates in his reading group each week. He always shares his ideas and assists others by drawing on his known reading strategies. Jobe you are a star!
Room 4
Ava Monnier for being a very motivated, responsible, and independent student with a great love for learning. Ava always has insightful comments and contributions to class discussions, finishes her work quickly and quietly. then proceeds to help other children without being asked. Keep up the great work Ava!
Savannah Wood for always being respectful towards her peers, teachers and other adults. She always uses her manners, is polite, waits her turn and readily shares equipment or toys. Savannah is kind and caring, and will always go out of her way to assist others. Well done Savannah!
Room 5:
Esther Gleeson for the mature, patient and respectful way she talks and works with others. Esther, I love your quiet gentle way, your fantastic manners and in particular, the way you have a go at every task that is asked of you. Keep up the great effort.
Tarneisha Harris for the extra effort that she has put into organising herself and worrying less about others. Tarneisha, I can see that you are developing respect for others around you and you are beginning to put others before yourself. Well done.
Room 7:
Nash Bidmade: for the inclusive way he plays football with his mates. He is encouraging of everyone who has a go, respectful of their efforts and gets active at break times to have fun.
Ella Lumsden: For her cheerful and inclusive nature around classmates and friends. Ella is a safe and responsible student, constantly caring for her classroom environment and putting her friends before herself when they have been upset or unwell.
Mitchell Lumsden for his insightful and reflective thinking during our literature analysis lessons on the historical text Rose Blanche. The connections you made and the critical thinking you shared with the class was outstanding Mitchell, a reflection of how responsibly you engaged with the content. Well done.
Indi O’Connor for being a good role model on the yard. Indi, you look out for and help younger students engage in games safely, creating a positive feeling in games on the yard. Thank you.
Happy Birthday
Happy Birthday to Layla Smits and Jobe Dobson who are celebrating a birthday at this time.
2022 Enrolment Now Open
Dad's Catch Up
Coming up is a Dad's Catch Up night. All special male people in the lives of our wonderful St Pat's students are welcome and invited to come along. Thanks to one of our dads, Josh Porter, for the coordination of this event! Please RSVP Josh if you can make it. Details below.