2022, Term 1, Week 5 Newsletter
Principal's Message
Dear Parents and Carers,
Community Conversation
On Thursday evening a number of parents, students and staff participated in our third Community Conversation facilitated by Mr. Tony Dalton. The evening continued on from the conservations from last year and was a very productive, informative and worthwhile discussion for the benefit of our school community. The purpose of the conversation and workshop activities was to converse about how we can best support our school in maintaining and growing our enrolments to ensure we can offer the best possible learning experiences, programs and outcomes for our students. If any parent or carer would like to know more about this process, please do not hesitate to get in touch or have a chat with someone who was present. I am happy to explain the process and discussions so far.
Learning Walk
On Thursday this week we also conducted our first learning walk for 2022. Parents and carers from our school and the playgroup community took part in the Learning Walk. What is a Learning Walk and what happened?
First we met as a group first and discussed what the parents/carers/visitors wanted to get out of the learning walk. Some of the questions were around class structure, organising learning and Catholic education in general.
We then visited three classrooms, discussing what we have observed or learnt as we go. We observed a Foundation maths lesson, a Yr 1 STEM lesson and a Yr 4/5 Inquiry lesson. The walk then finished with some sharing time and general discussion about what we learnt during the walk. We are yet to find a parent that has not valued the experience. Be sure to keep an eye out for the next opportunity to join a walk, you wont regret it.
Parent Teacher Interviews
Parent-Teacher Interview bookings can now be booked in PAM. You can access PAM using SZapp or this link. You will need your PAM username and password. Interviews are being conducted on site on Wednesday 2/3/22 and Tuesday 8/3/22 3.40-6pm.
As a school we are aiming to limit contact of parents in passageways, waiting areas etc., asking parents/carers to wear a mask at all times and enter from Queen Street. We will be providing ventilation of rooms and air purifiers in each meeting space. It is a condition of entry that parents/carers provide proof of vaccination prior to entry. Entry is from Queen St only.
These are 10-minute meetings with your child's classroom teacher. Please do not book yourself 'back to back', allow yourself a 10-minute transition between interviews if you have multiple students at school.
The purpose of the meetings is for parents/carers to have an opportunity to explain what their child's teacher needs to know to get the best education outcomes for them in 2022, see how they have settled into the year, and receive any relevant feedback from teachers regarding recent learning assessments.
Kind regards,
Nick Murrell
Students of the Week
Room 1 & 2
Tyrone Collins for the responsible way you participated in writing this week. It has been great to see you take pride in your writing and the way you form your letters! You are a star Tyrone!
Ted Porter for the responsible way he has taken on being a leader in Room 1 & 2. You are a super role model for your peers in the way you always try your best at all tasks! You are kind, thoughtful and always willing to lend a helping hand. We are lucky to have you in our class Ted!
Room 4
Isla for the respectful and responsible way she has participated in classroom activities this week. Isla has been an enthusiastic learner working hard on set tasks, answering questions, solving mathematical problems and writing neatly.
Keep up the very good work Isla!
Edmund for being a wonderfully responsible leader in our class this week. Edmund has been a helpful student, a kind friend to all and an enthusiastic learner completing tasks. Well done Edmund and keep up the great work!
Room 5
Benji Holscher for showing responsibility toward learning. Benji, you have impressed us this week by listening intently to class discussions or teacher explanations and you have been offering great responses to our questions. This shows that you are listening carefully and participating fully in the lesson. Well done.
Jaxon Leishman for the responsible way you go about your learning every day. You work quietly and get a lot of work done during the lesson and you are always willing to work respectfully with any partner and help them as much as you can. Well done Jaxon.
Room 7
Oliver McMahon for the responsible approach he has to all learning tasks. Oliver, thank you for being a leader in our classroom and for the respectful manner in which you speak and listen to your classmates. Well done!
Addy Fechete for always being thoughtful and helpful to both teachers and classmates. Addy, you contribute so much to our class discussions and you are helpful to those working with you in group tasks. Thank you.
Happy Birthday
Happy Birthday to Anthony Reece, Mr Varley and Mrs Dwyer who are celebrating a birthday at this time.
Dates to Remember
2nd - Ash Wednesday
Parent/ Teacher Interviews 3.30pm -6.00pm
8th - Parent/ Teacher Interviews 3.30pm -6.00pm
9th - Parents and Friends Meeting 7.30pm at The Commercial Hotel, Koroit.
11th - District Tennis Competition
11th - 14th - Port Fairy Folk Festival
14th - Labour Day Holiday
17th - St Patrick's Day
18th - Athletics Sports Carnival
21st - Harmony Day
30th - Moyne Athletics Carnival
4th - Reconciliation Grade 6
8th - Last Day of Term
Easter Raffle Drawn
Student Medical Profile Updates
This week, requests were sent via PAM (Parent Access Module) requesting the completion of Student Medical Profiles for our new students who do not currently have a profile. When you log in to PAM, you will receive an alert for the student and be asked to review and validate the student medical profile.
The start of a new school year is also a good time to review the profiles of existing students - please take a moment to check your child's Medical Profile in PAM and update if necessary.
Reconciliation Program (Year 6)
Senior Reconciliation is a Sacramental Program for Year 6 students who have completed their Baptism, Confirmation and Eucharist Sacraments.
Please register if your child would like to participate in this program by emailing Ms Tegan McDonald at tmcdonald@spkoroit.catholic.
The Student and Parent Information meeting is held at Infant Jesus church, date TBC.
This is a parish run program supported by the school. Please contact Leanne at the Parish on 5562 2231 with any queries.
Key Dates:
3pm Monday 28th February, 2022 - Registration closes
5.00pm Date TBC - Student and Parent Information Meeting
5.30pm Monday 4th April, 2022 - Sacrament of Reconciliation
Tegan McDonald
Parents and Friends
Wow, term 1 is off and running and there are a lot of exciting things happening with the Parents and Friends, a warm welcome to Ash Porter to the role of Canteen Co-ordinator, we look forward to an uninterrupted year and the canteen operating across the four terms (yay)! If you're interested in volunteering please completed the link on the SZ app.
There is a new freezer due to arrive anytime which will be fantastic to stock icy poles. The canteen will be operating from Wednesday of next week.
A huge thank-you to Trish Watson who has been doing a huge amount of work behind the scenes for the Folk Festival, she is a Super Star and also bring her 'can-do' attitude to every challenge she faces. Thanks to Steve Wright and Mick McGoldrick for supporting Trish this year. We are still looking for some strong helpers for the pack up on Monday, if you can help out please let Trish know.
In the coming weeks the Easter Raffle will be sent home, Kim Hedger in her final year is co-ordinating this fundraiser so please look out for the tickets coming home.
Something else to look out for is the Friday Cake Raffle which Kate Dobson will be organising.
Our first meeting of the Parents and Friends will be Wednesday 9th March at 7.30pm at The Commercial Hotel, Koroit. Everyone is welcome and encouraged to come along.