2021, Term 2, Week 8 Newsletter
Principal's Message
Dear Parents and Carers,
I would like to begin by thanking our school community for the way we have embraced the traffic safety measures and changes introduced on Monday this week. These changes were necessary to ensure the safety of students and the wider St Pat’s community. If you are unsure of the changes I am referring to, please read further information in this newsletter, there is a copy of the information sent out on Monday. It will be important that we continue to operate safely and in this manner into the future and not let this calm, measured and safe approach slip back into unsafe practices. Thank you everyone!
School Uniform
Thank you to the parents who completed the school uniform survey circulated last week. If you did not get a chance to do this please use this link to provide the school with your constructive input. The School Advisory Council and representatives from the P&F will be combining to create a focus group to discuss school uniform in the very near future. I will provide information and updates regarding this process as it becomes available.
Updated School Operations
Below, I have repeated a number of restrictions that remain in place post lockdown. Please take some time to read through these important items. The restrictions are in place as of today and we will advise when any changes are made available to us.
Limited access to school (Parents/Carers/Visitors)
- We are currently limited to essential visitors only on our school site.
- Parents and carers, we ask you to drop off and pick up your children from the school gates.
- If you have something important to see the school about please report to the school office area only and please wear a mask and hand sanitise when on the school premises.
- Are restricted to students and staff only, no parents/carers/visitors
- Not to take place at this time.
- Students are, as always, being encouraged to practise good hand hygiene at important parts throughout the day. This includes washing their hands using soap and water and using hand sanitizer when this is not possible.
As with 2020, these restrictions are changing regularly. We will continue to keep you updated when changes are made in this space.
Please enjoy a restful, safe and enjoyable Queen’s birthday long weekend. See you on Tuesday.
Kind regards,
Nick Murrell
Students of the Week
Room 3:
Ted Porter for being a responsible, cooperative group worker and for his knowledgeable contributions to our discussions.
Jordie Quarrell for her responsible attitude to all her learning, especially in key subject areas. She is always a cooperative and helpful student in class.
Room 4:
Harvey Porter for being a very responsible student in completing set Remote learning tasks, particularly the wonderful felt clock with moving hands and 3D objects made from toothpicks. Also, Harvey is always respectful in taking turns when speaking and listening to peers and teachers. Well done Harvey!
Josephine Foard for being responsible in her commitment to being the best learner she can be this term in both literacy and maths. Josie is keen to learn, develop new skills and knowledge then show others what she knows. Keep up the great work Josie!
Room 5:
Miah Van Kempen for being a responsible member of the class and settling to work quickly and quietly and completing her work on time.
Jaxon Leishman for being respectful and responsible every day! Jaxon uses perfect manners whenever he talks to teachers or other students and he shows responsibility by helping other students with their learning whenever he can.
Room 7
Tessa Byrne for her responsible commitment to giving her best when learning in the classroom and in small focus groups where she refuses to be distracted by those around her. Tessa is commended for her recent efforts when counting with multiples in Mathematics.
Annabelle Foster for her responsible focus and commitment to St Patrick’s school life. Annabelle has been working hard for all teachers in all subjects. She presents her work with pride and an eagerness to achieve great standards.
Neve MacDonald and Milla Gleeson for writing an excellent story which they completed as part of the school story competition.
Public Holiday
A reminder that this Monday 14/6 is the Queen’s Birthday public holiday, there is no school on this day.
Happy Birthday
Happy Birthday to Declan Gleeson who is celebrating a birthday at this time.
Traffic Safety
Important Traffic Safety Information
To ensure the safety of our students we are making some changes to school pick up procedures.
- All students being picked up on the Convent side (West side) of Anzac Ave are to cross at the footpath area of the Anzac Ave / Queen Street intersection (see below for images).
- No students are to cross Anzac Ave at any other place.
As a school we will provide a staff member at this crossing point and will be teaching students how this process will work, however, we need parent support with this too, you can do this by:
- Actively supervising your children at all times at pick up / drop off times
- Not encouraging students to cross Anzac Ave at any place other than the intersection
- Getting out of your car and either walking your child up the intersection to cross or walking up and waiting at the designated crossing area.
Please ensure this message gets to anyone who collects your child/ren on any day. To begin this process teachers will be escorting all students at the end of the day to their designated pick up points or this crossing.
I understand this may be of some inconvenience, however, this process is to ensure the safety of all our students at St. Patrick’s.
Mrs Brown's Library News
Toastie Tuesday
Hello Parent and Carers,
Just a friendly reminder that the Toastie Tuesday will start next Tuesday (the 15th of June). If you would like a sandwich toasted, we ask you to put your sandwich in a brown paper bag with 50 cents sticky taped. Please remember to put your name and class on the bag!
Place your brown paper bag in your class esky.
Thanks, Student Leadership.
Milk & Cookie Day
Pie Drive Fundraiser
Volunteer Levy Claims
If you have helped with any of our P & F events and would like to claim your Volunteer Levy, please complete a Volunteer Levy Notification Form and return to the office.