2021, Term 2, Week 9 Newsletter
Principal's Message
Dear Parents and Carers,
Assessment and Reporting
Next week you will receive a written report on your child’s progress in the first semester of 2021. In the past St. Pat’s has held Parent Teacher Interviews around this time to complement the written report. It has been decided that Parent Teacher Interviews will not happen at this time. Instead, we are preparing to conduct 3 Way Conferences with Students, Teachers and Parents in Term 3. This change from traditional parent teacher interviews is in response to discussions at a staff level and Community Conversation feedback. 3 way Conferences involve children sharing samples of work (student and teacher chosen). These can be
from their portfolios/work books or online. These conferences involve the student, teacher and parent. The students, under teacher supervision, are responsible for leading the conference and sharing their educational journey with their parents and teacher. We will provide dates and times for these conferences during Term 3.
Updated Operations
Parents/Carers On-site
- We are encouraging parents and carers to only enter the school site if it is necessary. If you are entering the school site please Check-In, please see more information below.
Victorian Government QR Code Check-In
- All visitors to our school site are required to check. You will notice we are now using the compulsory Victorian Government QR Code Check-Ins around the school.
- These remain restricted to students and staff only, no parents/carers/visitors.
School Uniform
This week our School Advisory Council and representatives from the P&F met to form a focus group to discuss school uniform. At this meeting there were three main school uniform items on the agenda; School Perspective, Parent/Carer Perspective (recent survey results) and Future Directions. I thank all attendees for their constructive, honest and future focussed input. I also thank the respect and recognition that was given to all parents and carers who have worked tirelessly and given countless hours to this area in the past few years, this respect and recognition is extremely important. The recommendations resulting from this meeting were to investigate possible alternative suppliers of our school uniform to resolve concerns such as supply, quality and cost. The result of this process may also require a review of uniform policy given the items that can be supplied. This process will take time, and it is important that all possible foreseeable factors are considered, to achieve the best possible outcome for our school.
Enjoy your weekend with some further relaxed restrictions,
Kind regards,
Nick Murrell
Students of the Week
Peace Love and Respect:
Neve MacDonald For always being respectful to others. She is always willing to help other students in the classroom and playground.
Room 3:
Olivia Foster for being respectful and responsible every day! Olivia is a great role model for her peers in Room 3 and always uses her manners when interacting with others. Keep up the great work Liv!
Harry Atwell for always being a respectful and caring friend. Harry takes his time to ensure each and every class member feels cared for and included. You are a 10/10 mate, Harry! Keep up the sensational work!
Room 4:
Lila Stevenson for her very thoughtful contributions to our class discussions and listening respectfully to other children’s ideas. Lila, you always think about your learning and strive to improve your knowledge and skills in each lesson. Keep up the great work!
Zephyr Lane for being a very responsible student, caring for his work space and working independently this week. Also, Zephyr helps his friends stay safe by picking up and putting away items which could be tripped over in the classroom.
Thank you Zephyr!
Room 5:
Logan Harlock for the respectful way he talks to others. Logan is very friendly and makes others feel welcome.
Tessa Shanahan for the responsible way she had taken on maths challenges. Tessa has made some great progress in Maths.
Room 7:
Benji Holscher: For his consistent effort to present improvements in presentation. Benji has improved his handwriting and remains focused on task completion, demonstrating learning responsibility and commitment.
Zoe Dobson: for her consistent approach to senior school life, being the best learner she can be and welcoming challenges. Zoe has made efforts to extend herself and build capacity with topics in Mathematics, reading and work presentation.
Chloe Gleeson for always being a responsible, considerate and caring student in our classroom and in the school community. Chloe you set a high standard in everything you do- thank you.
Cooper Wilson for being a focused and independent worker who responsibly set out to organise his time to research facts for his Force of Nature project. Well done Cooper.
Happy Birthday
Happy Birthday to Niamh McGoldrick, Sadie Langdon, Ace Bidmade and Nash Bidmade who are celebrating a birthday at this time.
School Supervision
We have noticed a number of students getting to school prior to school supervision commencing. Our school supervision hours are 8.30am - 3.40pm. Parents and carers please be aware that if your child/ren are getting to school prior to 8.30am that there is no active supervision prior to this time. Supervision concludes at 3.40pm, if children are still on the school site at this time we contact parents/carers/emergency contacts via phone to arrange collection of your child/ren.
School Photos
School Photos
School Photos have been scheduled for Thursday July 29th, this is week 3 of term 3. In response to feedback from parents and carers Glen Watson Photography will be the provider of the service. There will be further information regarding school photos in the coming weeks.
Road Safety
Road safety
With the conclusion of our second week of a concentrated effort of safe dismissal and collection from school, St Patrick’s staff say thank you for the receptive efforts from families and carers. It will take some more time and reminding after the holidays before this system of safety becomes a safe habit and routine. We acknowledge your efforts for parking and leaving your cars to meet your children. The children are noticing your efforts and learning from your actions. Thank you.