2021, Term 2, Week 10 Newsletter
Principal's Message
Dear Parents and Carers,
Reporting and Assessment
I am pleased to advise that your child’s report for Semester 1 was released on Wednesday this week.
Reporting communicates comprehensive information about student learning and achievements to parents and students. At St. Patrick’s we provide four formal opportunities to receive feedback on your child’s progress each year. These consist of a written report at the end of Term 2 and Term 4 and a parent-teacher interview during Term 1 and another during Term 3. This year, in Term 3, we will be trialling 3-way conferences, which is a student-led discussion between the parent/carer, the student and their teacher. This change of interview style is in response to community feedback received earlier this year. Please don’t hesitate to contact your child’s classroom teacher or myself for clarification. Please see further information, including PAM login instructions, located in this newsletter.
Building Progress delays
Morton and Dunn Architects have provided our school community with an update regarding our current building project. Tim Perks, Morton and Dunn Associate, has noted the various delays we have experienced and explained for us the reasons surrounding these hold ups. We have seen an increase in progress lately and we are hopeful that this level of progress continues to enable us to be in our new areas before the end of Term 4. Very exciting indeed! Please see below to read the full letter from Tim. I would like to publicly thank Tim for his honest appraisal of our current situation and I am confident that Morton and Dunn and Searle Bros will continue to advance our project in a timely and professional manner.
School Operations Updates
Please see below for some important updates regarding our required school operations. As of this week, we have a further relaxing of restrictions surrounding our school operations. Please see below for some key updates.
Access to the school site (Parents/Carers/Visitors)
- Parents, carers and visitors are allowed on our school site. Please wear a mask indoors and hand sanitise when entering school premises.
- All visitors are required to check-in, using the displayed QR codes, when entering the school site.
- Are restricted to students and staff only, no parents/carers/visitors. We are receiving further information soon about Term 3 arrangements for assemblies.
Excursions, Camps and Interschool sports
- Are allowed with guidelines specific to each event.
- Students are, as always, being encouraged to practise good hand hygiene at important parts throughout the day. This includes washing their hands using soap and water and using hand sanitiser when this is not possible.
I would like to finish by congratulating the St Pat’s community on everything our school has managed to achieve this term, even with the challenges that have been presented to us. I wish everyone a safe, restful and enjoyable term break.
Kind regards,
Nick Murrell
Students of the Week
Room 3
Mavrik Cuolahan for his responsible work ethic. Mav has been working hard to always try his best when completing work tasks and presenting his work in a neat manner. Keep up the great work Mav!
Harrison Lilley for always being a respectful learner in Room 3. Harry is a quiet, independent learner who cooperates beautifully with others. Well done Harry!
Room 4
Neve Harlock for being a very responsible student in the way she tackles new challenges with greater confidence and a positive attitude. Neve always follows instructions and pays attention to detail in her work. Well done Neve , you’re an amazing student!
Remi O’Connor for being a very responsible student in taking on leadership roles in our classroom, doing her best in every lesson and being our fitness captain this week. Thank you for all the thoughtful and helpful things you do in room 4, Remi. You truly shine!
Room 5
Addy Fechete for the responsible way that she works with other students in class. Addy, you are very respectful and helpful when you talk to others and I appreciate it very much.
Layla Smits for the responsible way that she works on her tasks. Layla, you work quietly, you stick to your task and you ask for help when you need it. These are all great skills.
Room 7
Matthew Lenehan for his respectful and responsible efforts whilst at the winter school sports. Matthew listened to his coach’s instructions, played well as a team and tried his best on the field showing great tackling skills.
Zahlia Monnier for her enthusiastic efforts to contribute each week in Hands on Learning. Zahlia has become a confident communicator and studious class member during instruction time. Zahlia is commended for using this confidence in the classroom.
Room Hall
Georgia Arthur for responsibly using her work time to research her chosen Force of Nature, creating a well researched and referenced presentation she should be very proud of. Well done Georgia. Thank you for being an organised and responsible learner in our classroom.
Kaitlyn Brown for always doing the extra little things in our class to make it an enjoyable place to be. Kaitlyn always contributes to lessons, helps her peers and does things to care for our class without being asked to. Thank you for being a responsible and caring learner in our classroom Kaitlyn.
Happy Birthday
Happy Birthday to the children who are celebrating a birthday at this time.
Mavrik Cuolahan, Cruz Perry, Eilish Auld and Tarneisha Harris.
Semester 1 Assessment and Reporting
Please see below for a copy of the Reporting letter sent out on Wednesday this week.
Some parents have advised the report is appearing as code type characters when accessing via the PAM link on the SZApp. If you are experiencing this issue, please try accessing PAM from the school website.
Staffing Updates
- Mrs Lynn Dwyer will be on Long Service Leave during the first 2 weeks in Term 3. Mrs Dwyer will be replaced by Caitlin Hill for these two weeks.
- Mrs Anna Schlooz will be on Long Service Leave for all of Term 3. Caitlin Hill will also be replacing Anna each Wednesday for Art Lessons throughout Term 3.
- Miss Shona Louden will be resuming full time as of Term 3.
- Mrs Bronie Moloney is on leave this week and the first week of Term 3. We have Kate Dobson, Julie Bartlett and Declan Gleeson all working in our office at different times until Bronie resumes in Week 2 Term 3. Speaking with Bronie today, she was in Mataranka, N.T. and heading then on her way to Alice Springs! We wish her a well-deserved break.
Lost Property
There are lots of items (mainly jumpers) currently in the Lost Property basket which are unnamed (or with the names of students no longer at the school) which the owners may be able to recognise as their own.
Mrs Swarbrick also has what looks like a brand new Size 12 jumper which has been handed to her. Please contact her if you believe this may belong to your family.
Could all families please take a few minutes to label uniform items, particularly jumpers. Thank you.
St Pat's Little Learners
School Photos
School Photos have been scheduled for Thursday July 29th, this is Week 3 of Term 3. In response to feedback from parents and carers Glen Watson Photography will be the provider of the service. There will be further information regarding school photos in Term 3.
Moyne Sessions - Music Masterclass
FREE WORKSHOPS BOOK NOW | Take your music production and career moves to the next level with the Moyne Sessions The Business of Music Masterclass. Learn from the pros how to get the best from your music technology, go one-on-one in front of a seriously connected booking agent and take a deep-dive on royalties with APRA AMCOS
The Moyne Sessions The Business of Music Masterclass workshops are FREE and open to people 30 years and under.
To find out more and book your place NOW head to https://bit.ly/3zMMxll
Registrations close Wednesday August 18.
The Moyne Sessions The Business of Music Masterclass is supported by the Victorian Government through Creative Victoria.