2021, Term 3, Week 1 Newsletter
Principal's Message
Dear Parents and Carers,
Welcome to this week’s newsletter. I thank our students, families and staff for transitioning into lockdown so smoothly. We have changed the format of the Principal's Message this week to communicate information that families will need for remote and flexible learning next week.
Remote and Flexible Learning Updates
Learning planners will be posted on Sunday in preparation for remote learning Monday and Tuesday. Learning planners will be in year level and all planners will be posted together across our school platforms (SZAPP, ClassDojo). Within these planners will be the suggested time allocations for each learning task. This is a guide only. Students are asked to make a collection of the work they complete over the two days and bring this to school with them on Wednesday 21/7/21. Each classroom will conduct a debrief and provide feedback on this learning in class groups back at school at the completion of the lockdown period.
The Premier has flagged that the lockdown period may be altered for regional areas. We will communicate relevant school arrangements when this if and when this information becomes available.
Given the timeframe of this lockdown Parents and Carers will have the opportunity to request a 10 minute phone call or Google meet from your child’s classroom teacher on Monday or Tuesday to check in regarding the home learning program for these two days. Please contact your child’s teacher via ClassDojo to request a call or meet if you would like.
*Room 5 parents/carers - please email Ms Hill c.hill@spkoroit.catholic.edu.au
Parents and carers will be able to contact their teacher through ClassDojo if there are any other questions or queries that pop up over the two days. The preferred method of communication for students to contact teachers is using their school Google email account.
Access to school accounts
Parents/Carers please refer to the email sent to your personal email inbox on Friday May 28th for an email from the school that lists your child’s usernames and passwords for their school Google, Mathletics and RAZ Kids accounts.
Access to Devices
If your child is in Years F-3 you can request a school iPad to assist with remote and flexible learning. Please email principal@spkoroit.catholic.edu.au with your request.
On-site Supervision
Thank you to the families who completed the application for on-site supervision today and next week. All applications have been processed and parents have received an email with arrangements for supervision here at school. If you require supervision on Monday or Tuesday please use this link.
Outside School Hours Care (OSHC)
Outside School Hours Care will continue to be offered during the lockdown period. Please contact Wendy or Rachel on 0447 658 580 to confirm your bookings for next week.
Kind regards,
Nick Murrell
Students of the Week
Room 3
Fraser Gleeson for being a responsible learner in our classroom. During shared writing on Monday Fraser was able to use his ‘phoneme fists’ to sound out the word ‘holidays’! Miss Jones was super impressed! You are a star Fraser!
Oliver Van Kempen for being a respectful and responsible student in our classroom. Ollie you have done an exceptional job completing all tasks to the best of your ability this week and I commend you for your beautiful manners too. Keep up the great work!
Room 4
Edmund McMahon for the responsible way he shared his special memories stimulated with items contained in his Memory Box this week. He very thoughtfully told of his life journey and included carefully selected items which meant a great deal to him. Well done Edmund, our class is very proud of you.
Ava Monnier for being a responsible and respectful member of our class who always helps others do their best, uses her manners, shows kindness to all and uses the 6 L’s of learning constantly. Thank you Ava for always willingly helping others and being such a responsible student in our classroom.
Room 5
Niamh McGoldrick: For being an exceptional responsible helper in our classroom. Niamh you are always one of the first to ask if there is anything you can help with and you’ve been marvelous at helping those around you this week with their work once you’ve completed yours. Thank you for being such a valuable member of our classroom.
Oliver McMahon: For being respectful by listening to and taking on board every direction given to you. You have been a wonderful member of our classroom this week, helping all those around you and helping me. Thank you for being so willing to help and always coming in with a smile on your face.
Room 7
Tai Hedger- for demonstrating admirable leadership skills, providing his peers with a reminder of how to keep up a safe routine of washing hands after break times.
Arli Langdon- for demonstrating accurate working knowledge of multiplication facts and a positive mindset toward Mathematics.
Room Hall
Maya Cozens- For being an organised and responsible learner. Maya, you always achieve an excellent standard in your work tasks and you have demonstrated good leadership in our classroom, showing initiative in many tasks and responsibilities. Thank you.
Amber Hallowell- For the focus, persistence and success she has demonstrated in learning tasks this week, particularly applying new methods of multiplication to problem solving. Excellent effort Amber.
Happy Birthday
Happy Birthday to the children and staff who are celebrating a birthday at this time.
Esther Gleeson, Bronie Moloney, Lucinda McLean, Olivia Foster, Logan Harlock and Carter Quarrell.
Welcome Dexter and Dixie!
Our calves are due to arrive at school soon and the students have this week submitted suggested names. The names were short listed for a random draw. Congratulations to Sadie Langdon whose suggestion of Dexter and Dixie was selected.
Special mention to Eleanor Huckstepp for her creative suggestions, some of which included Cowculator, Cowabunga, Cowasaki, Sir Loin and Holy Cow.
Students are looking forward to the "Cows Create Careers" program.
Scholastic Book Club - Issue 5
Book Club catalogues were distributed during the week. There is a printing error with the wrong year on the front cover - rest assured, it is the 2021 issue.
Port Fairy Community House
See below for the Term 3 Program at Port Fairy Community House