2021, Term 3, Week 3 Newsletter
Principal's Message
Dear Parents and Carers,
School Improvement Surveys - Insight SRC
On Wednesday each family received information about our school’s current School Improvement Survey. Families should have received a paper copy in a school envelope with a unique Login ID and unique Access Code AND an email explaining this survey process also.
The survey is part of the school review cycle and it is designed to assist schools in gaining an understanding of parents’ perceptions of their children’s experience of school. The results will benefit everyone within the school by providing valuable information about the ways in which the school can use staff, student and parent input to plan programs and activities to improve your child’s experience at school. Students and staff also complete surveys.
You will notice the survey letter mentions that you have been randomly selected to participate in this survey. I have decided to open this up to all families to ensure everyone who would like to participate, has the opportunity to. Although we strongly encourage you to participate, your participation is voluntary. It is important to remember, however, that the success of this important project is dependent on parents’ involvement.
Important Survey Information
- The online survey can be accessed from Monday 26 July 2021 to Friday 6 August 2021. You may complete the survey at your convenience during this time.
- The paper letter sent home contains very important information required to complete the survey including the online link https://insightsrcsurveys.com.au/surveys/start.aspx and a unique Login ID and unique Access Code.
- Surveys are anonymous.
- Can you please check the box attached to the email notice sent out Wednesday to inform the school you have received this information. Thank you.
COVID Updates
- Year 3/4 and 5/6 camps are proceeding as planned (Yr 3/4 Aug 9-10, Yr 5/6 Sept 13-15).
- We ask that parents/carers remain off school grounds unless your visit is essential (e.g. child’s health, learning meeting, volunteer to school program - canteen/lunch orders). If parents have an essential item to bring to the school's attention, please report to the school office, wearing a mask and QR check-in.
- School assemblies will continue to be posted on ClassDojo.
- Little Learners is unable to run at this time.
- School Photos are unable to take place at this time.
- School Disco is being postponed to a later date.
Our senior students today addressed the elements of our SWPBS Matrix that include excursions and interacting with our community. We felt this was timely to address these aspects of being respectful, responsible and safe as our two school camps for the year are fast approaching. Please see the flyer attached below that outlines how we aim to do this as a school. Perhaps, if you’re a parent/carer of a Yr 3-6 student you could discuss this with your child as their camp approaches. This would help to reinforce our school's SWPBS framework.
Thank you and well done!
In closing, it has been absolutely fantastic to have students back in our classrooms this week, learning and enjoying time with their friends. Thank you once again for the support you provided to your children and the school with the incredible efforts families are asked to go to during remote and flexible learning. Thank you and well done!
Kind regards,
Nick Murrell
Students of the Week
Room 3:
Charlotte Wright for always being a kind and respectful classmate in Room 3. Charlotte demonstrates perfect manners and is a great role model for her peers. Keep up the great work Charlotte!
Tilly Van Rysingen for her positive attitude towards everything she puts her mind to. Tilly always has a smile on her face and is always willing to give new things a go! You’re a champion Tilly!
Room 4:
Mazie Fechete for being a wonderful student who is always respectful and responsible. Mazie comes to school each day with a smile on her face and ready to learn. She is helpful and kind to her classmates and teachers. Keep up the great work Mazie!
Jehtt van Kempen for being a responsible student who always completes his work and helps his friends and teachers in the classroom. Jehtt is a kind, polite student who is an asset to our classroom. Keep up the great work Jehtt!
Room 5:
Myra Quill - Welcome Myra! Congratulations on an excellent start to school at St Patrick’s! Thank you for your responsible approach to work and your contribution to class discussions.
Indiana Cuomo - Thank you for helping Myra to settle in to our classroom! You have been responsible in showing her our routine and helping in her first week.
Room 7:
Zoe Dobson for her positive return to classroom routine and responsible approach toward school life. Zoe has been quick to give teachers assistance and has aimed to give her best in all learning tasks.
Diesel Watson for his enthusiasm and eagerness to contribute during remote learning classroom meets. Diesel has continued this responsible approach to his learning after a nervous return to class life.
Nina Quill- Welcome Nina! You have already demonstrated a respectful and responsible attitude towards class tasks and when participating in the yard. We are lucky to have you in our class! Keep it up!
Indi O’Connor- Indi, you have been a focused and responsible learner across all tasks this Term. Thank you for always seeking to do your best, and for your leadership in the yard. Well done.
Happy Birthday
Happy Birthday to Ada Leishman and Oliver Van Kempen who are celebrating a birthday at this time.
Health Care Cardholders
The applications deadline for CSEF has now been extended to 13 August. If your circumstances have changed since March 2021 and you now hold a Health Care Card please contact the office.
CSEF is provided by the Victorian Government to assist eligible families to cover the costs of school trips, camps and sporting activities.
If you hold a valid means-tested concession card or are a temporary foster parent, you may be eligible for CSEF.
The allowance is paid to the school to use towards expenses relating to camps, excursions or sporting activities for the benefit of your child.
New applicants should contact the school office to obtain a CSEF application form or download the attached form or go to www.education.vic.gov.au/csef
If you applied for the CSEF at your child's school in 2020, you do not need to complete an application form in 2021 unless there has been a change in your family circumstances.
You only need to complete an application form if any of the following changes have occurred:
new student enrolments; your child has started or changed schools in 2020 or you
did not apply in 2020.
changed family circumstances; such as a change of custody, change of name, concession card number, or new sibling