2021, Term 3, Week 4 Newsletter
Principal's Message
Dear Parents and Carers,
Welcome to this week’s newsletter. I thank our students, families and staff for transitioning into lockdown so smoothly, unfortunately this has become all too familiar. Once again, this week we have changed the format of the Principal's Message this week to communicate information that families will need for remote and flexible learning next week.
Year 3/4 Camp
Unfortunately, we have had to postpone our Year 3/4 camp this coming Monday and Tuesday. We understand this is a tremendous blow to the 32 students who were preparing for this very special event. We are currently in negotiations with Camp Kangaroobie to see what alternative options we have available to us. We will keep you informed as this information becomes available.
Remote and Flexible Learning Updates
Learning planners will be posted on Sunday in preparation for remote learning Monday - Thursday. Learning planners will be in year level and all planners will be posted together across our school platforms (SZAPP, ClassDojo). Within these planners will be the suggested time allocations for each learning task. This is a guide only.
Different from last lockdown - Submission of Work for feedback
Student planners will indicate what Literacy and Maths needs to be submitted over the 4 days. Students across the school will be required to submit 2 Literacy tasks and 2 Maths tasks for teacher feedback across the four day learning program. You will see a ClassDojo symbol (F-5) or a Google Classroom symbol (Yr 6) next to each activity that is required to be submitted for feedback.
Students and families will have the opportunity to meet with their teachers on Monday 9/8 and Wednesday 11/8 via Google meets. Students will receive a Google meet invite to their school Gmail accounts.
If you plan on using a mobile device to access these meets please take the time between now and Monday morning to download the Google Meet app. On your device, go to your browser and type in google.meet.com and this will take you to your app store. To join the meetings next week, login to your child’s school Google email account to find the link. Teachers will also post these links on ClassDojo and school Google email addresses.
Google Meet Timetable
There are two Google Meets scheduled for each classroom - Monday 9/8 and Wednesday 11/8 at the same time on both days.
Room 3 - 10.00am
Room 4 - 10.30am
Room 5 - 9.30am
Room 7 - 9.00am
Hall - 9.00am
Parents and carers will be able to contact their teacher through ClassDojo if there are any other questions or queries that pop up between now and the end of the week. The preferred method of communication for students to contact teachers is using their school Google email account.
Access to school accounts
Parents/Carers please refer to the email sent to your personal email inbox on Friday May 28th for an email from the school that lists your child’s usernames and passwords for their school Google, Mathletics and RAZ Kids accounts. If you have misplaced this, please email principal@spkoroit.catholic.edu.au with your request.
Access to Devices
If your child is in Years F-3 you can request a school iPad to assist with remote and flexible learning. Please email principal@spkoroit.catholic.edu.au with your request.
Learning Planners Printed
If you would like learning planners for Monday 9/8 - Thursday 12/8 printed off. Please fill in this form and we will advise when these are available for pick up.
On-site Supervision
Thank you to the families who completed the application for on-site supervision today and next week. All applications have been processed and parents have received an email with arrangements for supervision here at school. If you require supervision Monday - Thursday please use this link.
Outside School Hours Care (OSHC)
Outside School Hours Care will continue to be offered during the lockdown period. Please contact Wendy or Rachel on 0447 658 580 to confirm your bookings for next week.
Kind regards,
Nick Murrell
Peace Love Respect Award
Congratulations Tai Hedger!
Students of the Week
Room 3:
Mavrik Cuolahan for being a responsible learner in our classroom. Mav has been focused and on task in all learning areas this week. You are a champion Mav!
Ada Leishman for being a respectful and responsible leader in Room 3. Ada always demonstrates perfect manners and is a fantastic role model for her younger peers. Well done Ada!
Room 4:
Sadie Langdon for showing a responsible attitude in helping out her peers both inside and outside the classroom. She inspires those around her and bravely helped out this week by stepping up to play for the Grade 3 / 4 girls basketball team. Well done Sadie for the courage, resilience and commitment you display. Congratulations!
Neve Harlock for her very thoughtful contributions to our class discussions and listening respectfully to her peers' ideas. Neve, you always think about your learning and strive to do your best to improve your knowledge and skills in each lesson. Keep up the great work!
Room 5:
Charlotte Lilley for being responsible and going on with her learning when she was feeling homesick.
Will Foster for being enthusiastic and responsible about his learning. Will, I love the way you have a go at every task and that you always try your best.
Room 7:
Tessa Byrne for her positive and responsible approach to her entire school week. Tessa is the most responsible listener and is commended for always trying her best. Well done Tessa!
Zahlia Monnier for her inquisitive enthusiasm to all learning situations. Zahlia has listened respectfully to her peers and used their conversations to assist her thoughtful contributions. She always has something to contribute to our learning discussions. Well done Zahlia!
Lucinda McLean for remaining focused in learning tasks and engaging in discussion to clarify her thinking and to help with organisation. Well done on a responsible approach to your learning tasks this week Lucinda.
Maya Cozens for taking risks in learning tasks this week. Maya, it has been great to see you take on speaking roles, particularly in assembly, and join in discussions to share your thoughts. You have made excellent progress in learning tasks and you should feel proud of your responsible approach to learning.
Australian Primary Principals Day!
Thank you Mr Murrell for everything you do for our school community. We only wish that everyone could be here today to celebrate with you.
Happy Birthday
Happy Birthday to Ellie Dobson and Jehtt Van Kempen who are celebrating a birthday at this time.
Our Diocesan Community
As the use of digital communications is the preferred option for distribution of information to families, and its important that we continue to share the good news stories of our schools, parishes and agencies across the diocese ,please find below the link to "Our Diocesan Community".
Hands on Learning - New Tools!
A huge "Thank you" to Pat Lane at South West Tools and Industrial in Warrnambool for his donation of tools to the Hands on Learning program at St Pat's and to Paul Andriessen, our P&F Grants Co-ordinator, for his work in arranging this.
The kids (and Mr Lloyd!) will love being able to work with their new tools!
St Patrick’s Little Learners Update - We’re going online!
Our Little Learners Program has been challenged by recent lockdowns and school operating restrictions. We have made the decision to offer 3 Zoom sessions starting next Friday. Our sessions will each have a different focus and aim to provide a school related learning experience. Come to one or come to all. If restrictions ease, we still aim to offer some onsite Little Learners sessions later in the year.
Session Dates/Times
Friday 13/8 9.30-10
Friday 20/8 9.30-10
Friday 27/8 9.30-10
Zoom Meeting Link
Meeting ID: 919 2901 7591
Passcode: 43n5p7
Any kinder students are welcome to attend, we look forward to seeing you there.
Book Week
Operoo shut off
As we are no longer using Operoo for permission forms and student detail updates, we will be switching off Operoo at the end of August.
If you need to update your child/children or family details please do so on PAM.
Thank you.
Health Care Cardholders
The applications deadline for CSEF has now been extended to 13 August. If your circumstances have changed since March 2021 and you now hold a Health Care Card please contact the office.
CSEF is provided by the Victorian Government to assist eligible families to cover the costs of school trips, camps and sporting activities.
If you hold a valid means-tested concession card or are a temporary foster parent, you may be eligible for CSEF.
The allowance is paid to the school to use towards expenses relating to camps, excursions or sporting activities for the benefit of your child.
New applicants should contact the school office to obtain a CSEF application form or download the attached form or go to www.education.vic.gov.au/csef
If you applied for the CSEF at your child's school in 2020, you do not need to complete an application form in 2021 unless there has been a change in your family circumstances.
You only need to complete an application form if any of the following changes have occurred:
new student enrolments; your child has started or changed schools in 2020 or you
did not apply in 2020.
changed family circumstances; such as a change of custody, change of name, concession card number, or new sibling