2021, Term 3, Week 5 Newsletter
Principal's Message
Dear Parents and Carers,
This weekend signals the middle of Term 3! As is often the thought, where did that time go? It has once again been fantastic to have our students returning to onsite learning on Tuesday this week, this was definitely an unexpected, however, very welcome surprise. Welcome back everyone!
Year 3/4 Camp
The timing of the most recent lockdown was very disappointing for our Year 3/4 school camp. The great news is that we have managed to re-book for Term 4. Our new Yr 3/4 camp dates are Monday 18th and Tuesday 19th of October. The camp venue, Camp Kangaroobie and the activity schedule remain unchanged. The positive to take away is that we may get some better weather in Term 4, fingers crossed.
Employment update
Last week, I received the very unfortunate news that Ota Sensai will be leaving St. Patrick’s at the end of the 2021 school year. This news comes as a great blow as Ota Sensai is an amazing teacher of Japanese and has delivered an engaging LOTE curriculum for our students. Due to the specialised nature of the teaching role, I will be circulating an Expression of Interest letter to all Warrnambool and District Catholic Network schools to proactively seek a Japanese teacher for 2022.
Remote Learning Catholic Network communication
Next week, all Warrnambool and District Catholic Network schools will be communicating a letter to all families regarding our approach to future lockdown periods in regional Victoria. The purpose of this letter is to provide all families with a clear understanding of the consistent network approach to any future remote and flexible learning transitions and extended periods of this learning. This letter will be sent out via SZapp and published in next week’s newsletter.
NAPLAN - School Readiness Testing
Attached below is a letter outlining NAPLAN - School Readiness Testing. This is a compulsory process for schools to transition from NAPLAN paper tests to NAPLAN online in 2022. The School Readiness Testing is basically a test of our school IT systems to determine our capability to successfully run NAPLAN online in 2022. It will involve students completing assessments online, however, these tests do not produce data or a report to the school or parents. For more information, please read the attachment.
I hope you enjoy your weekend with less restrictions,
Kind regards,
Nick Murrell
Students of the Week
Room 3:
Xander Perry & Jordie Quarrell for always being respectful and responsible members of Room 3. You are both fabulous role models for your peers through always leading by example. You are helpful, kind and always looking out for others! Keep up the great work, you two!
Room 4:
Zephyr Lane for being a very responsible learner in our class. He works hard on all tasks assigned and completes everything to a very good standard. Zephyr particularly likes maths and helps others around him. Well done Zephyr!
Mazie Fechete for being responsible in her commitment to being the best learner she can be this term in both literacy and maths. Mazie is keen to learn, develop new skills and knowledge then show others what she knows. Keep up the great work Mazie!
Room 5:
Ruby Hillam for the responsible way she works during her lessons. Ruby, I love the way you give your best effort to the tasks you do.
Hayden Van Rysingen for the safe way he sought support from the teacher on duty at lunch time when he thought someone needed help. Good thinking, Hayden.
Room 7:
Beau Porter: for his responsible learning efforts whilst working at home and committing to class Googlemeets. Beau has completed much of his assigned work with attention to presentation and accuracy. Beau has continued this commitment on return to the classroom with excellent results in recent Mathematics assessment.
Grace McMahon: for demonstrating a responsible approach to recent Mathematics assessments. Grace used her prior knowledge of multiplication and division strategies with mathematical vocabulary to produce positive results. Grace utilises her never give up attitude with a positive mindset when tasks get challenging.
Eilish Auld: for her considerate, compassionate and respectful behaviour. Eilish is quick to thank teachers at the end of a lesson or when she receives guidance. Eilish has brought a cheerful influence to the class this week, sharing her thoughts to discussions and saying good morning to classmates and staff whilst showing the most beautiful manners.
Isabella Shanahan- Isabella is the definition of responsible when it comes to organising her learning to achieve her best! She works through tasks with a quiet determination. The amount of work you have completed this week Isabella has been excellent and the effort you have made on your research projects has been great, with facts re-written and referenced. Well done Isabella!
Chloe Gleeson- Chloe is a superstar of responsibility in our class. Any learning task or job she completes is done with a positive attitude and an aim to achieve her best. Chloe has gained confidence in many areas of school, and this week that has included explaining math procedures to her peers, reading aloud in class and clearly demonstrating to others how to care for our calves Dexter and Dixie. Awesome job Chloe!
Peace Love Respect:
Indiana Cuomo- Indiana always demonstrates Peace, Love and Respect in her interactions with peers and teachers. She is respectful in the way she speaks to others, and she responsibly completes her work tasks.
Happy Birthday
Happy Birthday to all the St Patrick's Parents and Carers who are celebrating a birthday at this time.
Weekly Canteen & Cake Raffle Roster
Friday 20th August - Megan Gleeson
Wednesday 18th August - Anne Brittain
Friday 20th August - Megan Gleeson
Thank you KFNC!
Thank you to the Koroit Football Netball Club for the sports equipment that they have donated to the school as part of the Health Day that was cancelled last friday. We sincerely thank Leisa McCosh for the time taken to organise the day in such challenging times .
PAM-Update Student Medical Information
As we are preparing for offsite activities such as school camps, excursions and other school actvities, we require all families to login to PAM and update their child's Medical Information. Please take the time to check that all information is correct and reference numbers are submitted for ambulance subscription.
This information assists with our electronic permission forms that is a feature in PAM, we require you to update the Medical Profile for your child/ren. If your child has an Asthma, Anaphylactic or Allergy Plan it is important that you check that it is up to date and upload the most current copy to PAM.
Please follow the instructions below to update a medical profile for each of your children by:
- Click on link to PAM (found on our webpage or SZapp)
- Click on student (if more than 1 child, this will need to be done individually)
- Click on Medical Profile (blue writing to the left of screen)
- Check all questions and select Edit Details for updates to be made.
- Once you get to the end of the questions please confirm by clicking on the Green “Update Details” Box found at the bottom right of screen.
As a parent/guardian you are able to access your child/rens medical profile on PAM at any time to update as needed. Administration will send out reminders each term requesting you update any necessary information.
If you have any queries, please contact with the office.
Little Learners Online
Our Little Learners Program has been challenged by recent lockdowns and school operating restrictions. We have made the decision to offer 3 Zoom sessions starting next Friday. Our sessions will each have a different focus and aim to provide a school related learning experience. Come to one or come to all. If restrictions ease, we still aim to offer some onsite Little Learners sessions later in the year.
Session Dates/Times
Friday 20/8 9.30-10
Friday 27/8 9.30-10
Zoom Meeting Link
Meeting ID: 919 2901 7591
Passcode: 43n5p7
Any kinder students are welcome to attend, we look forward to seeing you there.