2021, Term 3, Week 6 Newsletter
Principal's Message
Dear Parents and Carers,
5/6 Camp - Change of venue
I’m sure everyone's heads are spinning with restriction changes and the impacts these have on our daily lives. Given Melbourne’s lockdown, our current school operations guide and feedback received from a number of parents we have decided to cancel our 5/6 camp to Melbourne, HOWEVER, we have managed to secure a camp booking at Roses Gap (last year’s destination) from Wednesday 1st September - Friday 3rd September. This is only a week and a half away so 5/6s start packing! We will send home more information next week.
Parent Teacher Interviews - 7th and 8th September
We are preparing to conduct 3 Way Conferences with Students, Teachers and Parents in Term 3, COVID guidelines allowing. We are hoping to conduct these on Tuesday 7th and Wednesday 8th of September. This change from traditional parent teacher interviews is in response to discussions at a staff level and Community Conversation feedback. 3 way Conferences involve children sharing samples of work (student and teacher chosen). These can be from their portfolios/work books or online. These conferences involve the student, teacher and parent. The students, under teacher supervision, are responsible for leading the conference and sharing their educational journey with their parents and teacher.
Building Update
Over the past few weeks we have had some fantastic progress with the school building project. Large sections of roofing installed, aluminum window and door framing installed, steel works completed, framing commenced in the library/classroom area, sports room conversion is framed, plastered, windows and doors installed. It is great to see this progress. The revised completion date is now in November, bearing no more delays! Thanks to Sam Boyle, Site Foreman, for coordinating this boost in progress.
Remote Learning Catholic Network communication
On Monday this week we communicated a letter to all families regarding our approach to future lockdown periods in regional Victoria. The purpose of this letter is to provide all families with a clear understanding of the consistent network approach to any future remote and flexible learning transitions and extended periods of this learning. This letter is attached to this newsletter column.
Kind regards,
Nick Murrell
Students of the Week
Room 3:
Ted Porter for always being a safe student at St. Patrick’s. Ted always demonstrates safe behaviour through walking to specialist subjects and always walking in the quiet area. You are a great role model Ted, keep it up!
Charlotte Wright for always being a respectful member of our class. She always uses her manners and is kind to all her peers and teachers. Well done Charlotte!
Room 4:
Tayla Milwood for being a very responsible learner in our class. She works hard on all tasks assigned and completes everything to a very good standard. This week Tayla completed a wonderful Olympic project on high jump explaining the aim of the sport, the rules and telling us about Nicola McDermott, an Australian Silver medalist. Excellent work Tayla!
Poppy Martin for being a very responsible learner in our class. She works hard on all tasks assigned and completes everything to a very good standard.This week Poppy completed a wonderful Olympic project on basketball explaining the aim of the sport, the rules and telling us about Paddy Mills, an Australian Bronze medalist. Fantastic work Poppy!
Room 5:
Ellie Dobson for the responsible way she takes part in her LLI group. Ellie, I am told that you work enthusiastically, you are friendly and work very well with others in the group and that you are extremely well mannered. You are amazing!
Logan Harlock for the enthusiastic and responsible way he takes part in the LLI group. Logan, Wendy tells me that you really think about what you are doing and that you give your best effort every time. She also said that you are extremely polite and friendly. Fantastic, Logan!
Will Foster for the responsible way he takes part in the LLI group. Will, Wendy and I are impressed with how much you show that you are giving your very best at every lesson. Thank you for using lovely manners and for working so well with the other students in the group. Great effort, Will!
Room 7:
Xavier Evans for the positive mindset he has brought to learning and classroom life this week. Xavier has shown commitment to specialist activities, demonstrated wonderful respect and manners with staff and shared his scientific knowledge with peers to contribute heavily to class discussions.
Jasmine Phillips for the positive and responsible approach she has to all areas of her learning. Jasmine you challenge and extend yourself, you share your opinions and reflect on others ideas and the presentation of your work is always thoughtful. It was great seeing your enthusiasm at basketball and the great team work. Well done Jasmine.
Ellie O’Connell for her responsible time management, completing work tasks to an excellent standard. Ellie, you are an attentive listener in class and have shown more confidence sharing your thoughts in discussions. You have a good approach to all learning tasks, working well with everyone and contributing to a positive learning environment for all. Thanks Ellie.
Peace Love Respect:
Ellie Dobson AND Charlotte Lilley. Both these girls gave up time during lunch without being asked to, to clean and tidy up the sports shed and put our school sports equipment away. This demonstrated great respect for our equipment and love for our school. Thanks girls.
Happy Birthday
Happy Birthday to Addy Fechete, Arli langdon, Tighe Perry and Lila Stephenson who are celebrating a birthday at this time.
Weekly Canteen & Cake Raffle Roster
Friday 27th August - Leah Brown
Wednesday 25th August - Pam McGoldrick
Friday 27th August - Ashleigh Porter
First Eucharist
Congratulations and Good Luck to Eilish Auld, Zoe Dobson, Xavier Evans, Tai Hedger, Arli Langdon, Zahlia Monnier, Annabelle Foster, Addy Fechete, Esther Gleeson, Niamh McGoldrick, Diesel Watson, Grace McMahon, Oliver McMahon, Billy O'Connor, Matthew Lenehan, Tighe Perry and Aiden Gilding who are making their First Eucharist this weekend.
Sacramental Mass for First Eucharist is this Saturday Vigil at 6.30pm.
Immediate family members and Grandparents are most welcome.
Book Week
NAPLAN - School Readiness Testing - Next week
Attached below is a letter outlining NAPLAN - School Readiness Testing. This is a compulsory process for schools to transition from NAPLAN paper tests to NAPLAN online in 2022. The School Readiness Testing is basically a test of our school IT systems to determine our capability to successfully run NAPLAN online in 2022. It will involve students completing assessments online, however, these tests do not produce data or a report to the school or parents. For more information, please read the attachment.