2021, Term 3, Week 7 Newsletter
Principal's Message
Dear Parents and Carers,
A Prayer for Uncertain Times
God of infinite mercy, hear our prayer.
In the midst of our own anxiety, we ask you to give us the courage to support one another as you would. For those who are unexpectedly unemployed, for employers who share what they can, for our government and financial institutions and those who lead them,
In the midst of our struggle to ensure a healthy future for all who live on this planet, we ask you to give us the hope that surpasses our current understanding. For healthcare workers, spiritual leaders and our faith communities, for artists and poets, for prophets and teachers,
In the midst of our growing awareness that all life on Earth is connected, we ask for the heart to respect and cherish all life. That all peoples recognise that we are all your children,
We trust in you and your power working in us. Please hear and answer our prayers.
Remote and Flexible Learning Updates
Thank you to everyone for doing their best in these very challenging times, congratulations, thank you and well done. Learning planners and Google Meet timetables will be published over the weekend ready for learning to begin on Monday. Please remember to look for the learning tasks that you are required to submit to your teacher.
Before Monday we will publish next week’s onsite supervision roster for parent/carer information. Please note the days that your child's classroom teacher is required to provide supervision at school and be mindful that requests for support and teacher feedback timeframes will be affected on these days. We apologize for the inconvenience, however, timetabling is a challenge when we are providing both onsite and remote learning programs at this time.
Please see the links below to apply for Onsite supervision and to request printing of learning planners.
Requests for Printed Learning Planners Form
Program Support Group Meetings (PSGs)
Parents whose children have a Personalised Learning Plan will have received an email from Miss Kelly Jones this week requesting you please attend your child/ren’s PSGs next week. We are planning to conduct these PSG meetings via Google Meet. Next week, closer to the meeting time, you will receive another email reminding you of the meeting and the details you will require to join the online meeting.
Building project update - Great news
St Patrick’s Primary School, Koroit, has been identified by the Victorian School Building Authority (VSBA) as an important project and has been listed on the state critical and essential infrastructure list.
In brief, this means that the school's construction site is not subject to business operating reductions currently being applied to the rest of the construction industry (i.e. limits on worker numbers etc.), however, this work site will still maintain its own high-risk COVIDSafe plan to ensure that it operates safely, whilst maintaining a COVIDSafe workplace and site.
St Patrick’s Primary School, Koroit, is very fortunate to have its construction project acknowledged for its importance within our community and we are very grateful that this has been recognised by the VSBA.
Face masks
It is now recommended primary-school-age children wear masks while indoors and outdoors, except when in the home or when an exception applies. However, it is not mandatory. If you would like to child/ren to be wearing a face mask while here at school we request that you provide these for your child/ren. Due to health and safety reasons St. Pat’s staff have been requested not to adjust or handle student masks.
Kind regards,
Nick Murrell
Students of the Week
Room 3:
Olivia Foster for all of the fantastic work you have submitted through Remote Learning this week. You have demonstrated how responsible you are through completing your tasks to the best of your ability and to a high standard. Well done Liv!
Jobe Dobson for the respectful and responsible way you participate in our weekly Google Meets. You wait your turn to speak and ask great questions to others when they share. Well done Jobe!
Room 4:
Isla Dobson for all the wonderful work you have submitted in Remote Learning this week. You have been responsible in showing me work of a very good quality and quantity. Also Isla, you have been very respectful in waiting your turn in our google meetings, to share your opinions and reflect on others ideas.
I love your enthusiasm for discussions on any given topic. Keep up the great work, Isla!
Ava Monnier for the responsible way you have gone about completing your remote learning tasks and uploading completed work this week. Ava, the presentation of your work is always thoughtful, neat and well set out. This was highlighted in a wonderful project you completed on ‘Running.’
Congratulations Ava and keep up the good work!
Room 5:
Jaxon Leishman for the amazing amount of work that he submitted this week during Remote Learning. Your work was really high quality - neat, well written and well thought out. It shows that you take responsibility for your own learning, and that is fantastic. Well done!
Phoenix Lane for sticking to a tough task. Multiplication algorithms are difficult to learn, but you have submitted a lot of work on multiplication during Remote Learning and this shows me that you are being a responsible learner and not quitting just because it is tough. Well done, Phoenix.
Room 7:
Lincoln Arthur and Jimmy Bidmade: for their reflection on special books that mean a lot to them. Both Jimmy and Lincoln confidently recalled how they would listen to their parents read and demand that they read the same book every night. Jimmy and Lincoln have responsibly contributed to remote learning discussions and shown a true love for literature during Book Week.
Piper Fechete for her responsible approach to remote learning. Piper, thankyou for your excellent communication everyday and for submitting work tasks regularly. You have been an organised and responsible student. Well done!
Neve MacDonald for the effort made in writing her story ‘Hope.’ Neve, this was a well planned out and thoughtful story, with excellent structure and literary features. It showcases the wonderful progress you have made in your writing this year. Well done!
Japanese Award
Harry Atwell
Zephyr Lane
Esther Gleeson
Addy Fechete
Zoe Dobson
Chloe Gleeson
Book Week - Book Face
Below are the BookFace competition posters advertised this week. Thanks for all the AMAZINGLY creative entries and thanks to Mr Lloyd for the initiative to keep book week alive in lockdown. We will have our Book Week dress up day when we resume learning on-site.
Happy Birthday
Happy Birthday to Zoe Delaney and Fr John Corrigan who are celebrating a birthday at this time.
Father's Day Activity
Thank you to our Parents and Friends for their proactive and creative approach to celebrating Father's Day/Special Persons Day during lockdown. The P&F have arranged a special activity that all students are able to create next week as part of their remote learning program. From Monday, parents, carers or students will be able to collect a package from the school office to create something special for your Dad or a special person in your life. It should be choctastic!
Weekly Canteen & Cake Raffle Roster
Friday 3rd September - Leah Brown
Wednesday 1st September - Kim Hedger
Friday 3rd September - Amy Atwell
Volunteer Levy Claims
Please remember to fill in a Volunteer Levy Form attached below if you have anything to claim off your Volunteer Levy
Parenting During Lockdown
Free Facebook Live Event
How can we parents best support our children during lockdown?
This time will influence the rest of their lives, and yet it is also a time that many parents feel quite lost. Discover how to really support the development of healthy emotional wellbeing in our children during lockdown.
Join Dr Arne Rubinstein with special guest Maggie Dent to discover how you can support your children to be motivated, happy and communicative during lockdown compared with angry, shut down and depressed.
Free Facebook Live Event Thursday 2 September 7 - 8PM EST. No need to register just follow our Facebook Page and be online for the 7pm start.
Online Father & Child Workshop
with Dr Arne Rubinstein
We are very excited to invite you to a special lockdown friendly online Fathers Day workshop with Dr Arne Rubinstein. A fun interactive evening that will guide you through activities and conversations for Father & Child (of any age!). The perfect way to honour the special relationship you share.
Turn this Fathers Day into a special moment that you will both remember for many years to come.
Thursday 9 September: 7 - 8PM EST
$25 to attend. Please register through the link below.