2021, Term 3, Week 8 Newsletter
Principal's Message
Dear Parents and Carers,
Update - Current remote learning timeframe
In Wednesday’s Victorian press conference, Premier Daniel Andrews stated that there would be no return to on-site learning in Term 3, and that a plan for Term 4 would be announced in the coming days. He also announced that lockdown may be lifted for regional Victoria next week (with some restrictions still in place). Later in the conference during question time, he eluded that an easing of restrictions in regional Victoria may impact the timing of the return to on-site learning for regional schools.
We will continue to monitor government advice and communicate this to our school community as the updated information becomes available. Thank you for your support as we navigate this complex and rapidly changing landscape.
We hope all students and families are travelling as well as can be expected. If there is any further support the school can provide please contact us to discuss your needs.
Remote Learning for next week
Thank you once again for the incredible support, resilience and effort that is going into the remote and flexible learning programs at home and at school. This is a very challenging time for us all trying to juggle our regular family and work commitments and the added pressure of remote learning. This effort and contribution from our school families is not going unnoticed, and the school thanks everyone for the part they are playing in the process. If there is any further support the school can provide please contact us to discuss your needs.
Planning for next week
Please see the two links below for onsite supervision and printed learning planner requests. These forms need to be filled in weekly. Learning planners will be shared with families on Sunday, in preparation for learning to commence on Monday morning.
Onsite Supervision Form 6/9 - 10/9 Link here
Printed Learning Planner requests 6/9 - 10/9 Link here
Cows Create Careers
This week we said goodbye to Dexter and Dixie. It was a tremendous experience for our school and students to have them here with us while learning about the dairy industry and what it takes to rear a calf! A HUGE THANK YOU to Leah and Daryl Brown for loaning us the calves and the expert advice along the way. Earlier this week, Dexter managed to jump the fence, thanks to calf wrangler Bronie and the Brown’s we got him back in safe and sound! It was time to go, Dexter (and Dixie)! Overall, the program has been a great success. Thank you
Kind regards,
Nick Murrell
Dexter and Dixie
Students of the Week
Room 3
Room 3 - for the respectful and responsible way they all contributed to our Google Meet session on Wednesday. They listened attentively to the book we read, asked some fantastic questions and made some really insightful comments! Well done to all who participated!
Room 4
Carter Quarrell-for being responsible in completing and sending in lots of work this week in remote learning. Carter, you are applying yourself to the set tasks and achieving very good results. Well done and keep up the good work!
Lila Stephenson-for the responsible way you have gone about completing your remote learning tasks each week and regularly uploading work completed. Thank you for being focussed on your learning and setting out to always achieve your best. Well done and keep up the great work Lila!
Zephyr Lane- for all the wonderful work you have submitted in remote learning. Zephyr you have a responsible approach to your learning and have completed a wide variety of set tasks from English and maths to some wonderful science experiments. Thank you for uploading your fabulous science videos. I certainly enjoyed watching them. Well done!
Room 5
Hayden Van Rysingen for submitting a whopping 12 pieces of work during remote learning in week seven. Hayden, you obviously worked hard and your work was very well done.
Oliver McMahon for submitting a mammoth amount of work during remote learning in week seven - 15 items!!! Oliver, your work was completed to a high standard. Well done.
Also room 5 - Pen Licenses: Esther Gleeson, Jaxon Leishman, Niamh McGoldrick: these students have shown that they can write neatly in joined writing when completing any written activity.
Room 7
Nash Bidmade: Nash has been busily completing home learning Tasks with a focus on improving work presentation and handwriting. Nash has completed several instruction writing pieces where he has taken on feedback to improve each time. Nash’s efforts include recording himself in the kitchen, explaining the procedure of boiling an egg. Keep up the excellent efforts at home Nash.
Georgia Arthur: Georgia has made a phenomenal effort to complete remote learning tasks to a great standard and submit them each day. Her accurate completion of all the math tasks this week was excellent and in literacy she demonstrated a very good understanding of persuasive techniques, in particular her work on using hyperboles to persuade.
Cruz Perry: Cruz has made a positive effort to complete remote learning tasks this week, demonstrating organisation and time management skills. His understanding of and use of emotive language as a persuasive technique was very good. Well done on your learning efforts this week Cruz.
Wendy's Small Groups
Josie Foard, Ellie Dobson, Will Foster and Logan Harlock for excellent work with Wendy during remote learning.
Happy Birthday
Happy Birthday to Grace McMahon , Oliver McMahon, Jaxon Leishman and Miah Van Kempen who are celebrating a birthday at this time.
Fathers Day/Special Persons Day
This weekend we wish all Father’s and special persons a Happy Father’s Day! It is a great time to celebrate the amazing contributions your fathers and special people have made in your life. A big thank you to the Parents and Friends in collaboration with this week’s remote learning plan for the creative and tasty idea to help say thanks to these very special people in our lives. Hopefully, all the treats made it on the page or will be gifted on Sunday. Happy Father’s Day! See below for our school sign celebrating Father’s Day. Thanks to Milla, Piper and Mr. Lloyd for the creativity!
R U OK Day-Chin Ups Campaign!
R U OK Day is next Thursday, 9th September. To recognise this day and the challenging situation we are all in we are seeking some fun, creativity and imagination with our Chin Ups campaign. We are calling on anyone in the St. Pats or wider St. Pats community to send us in a ‘Chin Up’. The hope is that this will bring a giggle to our students, families and staff. This coming Thursday, R U OK Day, it is a great reminder to have a chat with someone and ask if they are OK. We are all in need of this during these trying times!
Please see below for a creative example from some of our Year 6 students to get the imagination juices flowing.
Please send your entries to challenge@spkoroit.catholic.edu.au
2022 NAPLAN results have been finalised and will be available to families of Year 3 and Year 5 students next week. We are very pleased with how the students performed. We are even more proud of the determination and persistence many of them are showing in how they are approaching Remote Learning. This attitude has certainly shone through in their testing results. NAPLAN tests are one aspect of each school’s assessment and reporting process, and do not replace the extensive, ongoing assessments made by teachers about each student’s performance. Your child’s teacher will have the best insight into your child’s educational progress. Along with other school assessment reports, NAPLAN reports can be used to discuss your child’s strengths and areas for improvement with their teacher. We will let families know when this is available. Please see the attachment below for more supporting information.
Australia's Biggest Child Safety Lesson
On Tuesday the 7th of September, St Patrick's has registered to participate in Australia’s Biggest Child Safety Lesson (ABCSL). ABCSL is a free live streamed event that engages children across the country in educational personal safety videos. The video safety lessons are provided by the Daniel Morcombe Foundation to mark National Child Protection Week. This year, the theme of ABCSL is help seeking. Children will learn skills and strategies to seek help if they ever feel unsafe. The lessons reframe accessing support as a truly heroic and courageous act. To find out more about ABCSL and how to support children as they learn about their safety, you can download the Parent and Carer Guide at https://danielmorcombe.com.
Folk Festival Co-Coordinator Role
It is planned that the 2022 Port Fairy will be going ahead, albeit on a smaller scale. Being involved in volunteering for this event is a fantastic opportunity to have fun and be engaged with our wider community and raise vital funds for our school P&F at the same time. We are seeking one or two people from the St Pats Koroit community to assist Trish Watson in the role of co-coordinator as we work closely with the St Pats Port Fairy Folkie group. If you think this could be you, could you please contact Nick Murrell to find out more about this role and how you can help our school with this important fundraising event.