2021, Term 3, Week 9 Newsletter
God of the neighbour,
God of the stranger,
how many times have we left the house
and passed the homes of those
we barely know?
Yet you have known them.
And you know the people across the globe,
The stranger is our neighbour
in this little world we’ve made.
May we no longer estrange our neighbour
in the world we build together.
Principal's Message
Dear Parents and Carers,
Changes to remote and flexible learning
Today we welcomed back our Foundation, Year 1 and 2 students to their regular learning program here at school. It was fantastic to see these students back, however, it is also frustrating that we are unable to have our whole school back together. Year 3-6 students are able to join us onsite if they and/or their parents are within Category A or Category B, as has been the case for a number of weeks now. Work permits are no longer required. Obviously, we would LOVE to have the whole school back, however, at this stage, this is not possible. We understand the difficult position this places families in with students across both of these categories (ie: F-2 and 3-6). This current school operating format will remain in place until the end of Term 3 (Friday 17/9) unless we are advised otherwise. If there are any further changes to these directives we will inform families as soon as possible.
Remote Learning for next week
Thank you once again for the incredible support, resilience and effort that is going into the remote and flexible learning programs at home and at school. This is a very challenging time for us all trying to juggle our regular family commitments and the added pressure of remote learning. This effort and contribution from our school families are not going unnoticed, and the school thanks everyone for the part they are playing in the process. If there is any further support the school can provide please contact us to discuss your needs.
Planning for next week
Please see the two links below for onsite supervision and printed learning planner requests. These forms need to be filled in weekly. Learning planners for Years 3-6 will be shared with families on Sunday, in preparation for learning to commence on Monday morning.
Onsite Supervision Form 13/9 - 17/9 Link here
Printed Learning Planner requests 13/9 - 17/9 Link here
Chin-Ups Challenge
Thank you to the families who had a go at our Chin Ups Challenge this week. The entries received have been posted on ClassDojo. I know seeing some of these put a smile on my dial! It is never too late to submit an entry to help keep everyone’s chins up. This campaign was a fun way to recognise RU OK? Day during the week and to acknowledge the challenging situation we are all in.
Please see below for a creative example from some of our Year 6 students to get the imagination juices flowing.
Entries can be submitted to challenge@spkoroit.catholic.edu.au
Kind regards,
Nick Murrell
Students of the Week
Room 3
Hudson Smits for being a responsible learner and submitting so much incredible work over remote learning. Hudson, your work was always super neat and to a high standard! Well done!
Lydia Andriessen for the enthusiastic way she participated in specialist subjects throughout remote learning. Lydia, you are such a responsible learner through the way you undertook each task with creativity and positivity! I loved seeing what you got up to each Wednesday! Well done!
Room 4
Josie Foard for being very responsible in handing in an amazing amount of work this week. Josie you have covered each of the set subject areas in your learning with quality in mind. Josie, it's been great to see you strive to do your best and achieve your goals. I love your neat handwriting, your descriptive sentences, your improvement in spelling and all the maths work you have completed.Outstanding effort Josie!
Remi O’Connor for being a very respectful and responsible learner during remote learning. Remi, you have worked hard on all tasks assigned and completed everything to a good standard. You have shown respect in waiting your turn in our google meetings, in waiting for your turn here at school and to everyone you are polite and kind. Congratulations Remi!
Room 5
Will Lane for being a responsible learner and following instructions carefully in remote learning to present his best possible effort. Will, you came up with some really interesting new words when you added suffixes to the base words from your spelling list. Well done.
Esther Gleeson and Addy Fechete for working respectfully together to follow the procedure text to build their kite. I loved how you each contributed to the task and how kindly and respectfully you spoke to each other. You looked like you were having a great time.
Pen Licence - Addy Fechete: Addy has shown that she can write neatly in joined writing when completing any written activity.
Room 7
Ace Bidmade: for consistent efforts to get all Remote Learning tasks completed on time. Ace has demonstrated responsible learning focus to develop an improved handwriting style and presentation of work to be proud of. Ace’s best possible effort shows an accurate approach to a daily spelling routine and an increasing confidence in Mathematics tasks.
Mitchell Lumsden for regularly handing in work during remote learning. Mitchell, you are responsible and organised, taking time to ensure your work is accurate when submitting, in particular your Maths tasks.
Kaitlyn Brown, Bree Holsher and Cooper Wilson for your positive efforts to accurately complete the remote learning reading comprehension tasks this week and navigating Google Classroom with more confidence. Well done.
Happy Birthday
Happy Birthday to Jasmine Phillips and Benji Holscher who are celebrating a birthday at this time.
Yesterday, we mailed out Year 3 and Year 5 NAPLAN results to families. NAPLAN tests are one aspect of each school’s assessment and reporting process, and do not replace the extensive, ongoing assessments made by teachers about each student’s performance. Your child’s teacher will have the best insight into your child’s educational progress. Along with other school assessment reports, NAPLAN reports can be used to discuss your child’s strengths and areas for improvement with their teacher. If you have any questions about your child’s NAPLAN results please make contact with your child’s classroom teacher.
Folk Festival Co-Coordinator Role
It is planned that the 2022 Port Fairy will be going ahead, albeit on a smaller scale. Being involved in volunteering for this event is a fantastic opportunity to have fun and be engaged with our wider community and raise vital funds for our school P&F at the same time. We are seeking one or two people from the St Pats Koroit community to assist Trish Watson in the role of co-coordinator as we work closely with the St Pats Port Fairy Folkie group. If you think this could be you, could you please contact Nick Murrell to find out more about this role and how you can help our school with this important fundraising event.
Girls Football 'Come & Try'
ReConnectEd Art Project
Alpha Course
Alpha is a multi-week program that offers a space for people to come and discuss life’s big questions.
No matter what age or faith background, whether you believe in God or not, everyone is invited.
We will:
- Gather & connect
- Watch an episode on a topic of faith
- Ask questions and share thoughts
No pressure to commit. Come to one session and see what you think!
Monday evenings from 7-8.30pm we will gather via Zoom.
If restrictions ease, we will gather in the St Joseph's foyer, Warrnambool.
For more info send us a message, visit the Alpha website or watch this promo video!