2021, Term 4, Week 1 Newsletter
Principal's Message
God of princes, God of nurses: this disease is a great leveller. It has humbled our rulers and exalted your servants.
Let us note this abnormal way of being: this proper appreciation of cleaners and supermarket workers, and childcare providers; those in the field and those on the frontline, the ones packaging food and delivering medicine.
And may we remember that in this abnormal you are with us
Dear Parents and Carers,
Welcome back to Term 4! We hope that everyone has enjoyed a restful break and is recharged and ready to go, it has been great to see students and staff returning energised from the school holidays ready and ‘hitting the ground running’. I would like to once again praise our students, in particular, our Year 3 -6 students for the positivity and resilience they have brought to remote learning to begin the term, we can’t wait to have everyone back at school as normal.
Return to school roadmap
Below is the structure for Week 2 & 3
- Years F/1/2 Normal school Monday-Friday
- Room 5 (3/4LD) and Room 7 (4/5DL) Onsite Tuesday/Wednesday & Remote Learning Monday/Thurs/Fri
- 6SL Onsite Thursday/Friday & Remote Learning Mon/Tues/Wed
I have included a calendar grid (attached below) to help explain this further.
Onsite supervision continues to operate for families who can't work from home or whose children qualify as vulnerable. See the Onsite supervision link for more information.
Link to request printed learning planners for Yr 3-6 Monday 11/10 - Friday 15/10
Link to request onsite supervision for this week, this must be completed for each week. It is not a recurring form.
Building project update
This week has seen the majority of the roofing completed in the new section of the build. Over the holidays, the sports room conversion to two small-group learning spaces has neared completion and we will hopefully be able to utilise these spaces before the year is completed. In the library, the majority of framing has been completed, tracks installed for large sliding doors and works have begun to remove bricks to create new entrances from the junior playground side. We are still hopeful that we will be utilising these spaces as we begin the 2022 school year. Fingers crossed!
Enjoy your weekend break,
Kind regards,
Nick Murrell
Students of the Week
Room 3
Harry Atwell for your enthusiastic approach to your school work this week. Harry, you are always a responsible learner in the way you focus on the task at hand and do not get distracted by others! Keep up the great work!
Ada Leishman for the respectful and responsible way you have participated in class discussion and tasks this week. You are an outstanding role model for others in our class. Great work Ada!
Room 4
Mazie Fechete for the enthusiastic way she approaches her learning in class. Mazie is a responsible student who always puts her hand up to answer questions, is polite and respectful to her peers. Mazie always finishes her school work quickly and to a very good standard. Well done Mazie, keep up the great work!
Jehtt van Kempen for the respectful and responsible way he has participated in classroom activities this week. Jehtt has been an enthusiastic learner this week working hard on set tasks, reading fluently, answering questions and writing neatly. Keep up the good work Jehtt!
Room 5
Anthony Reece for the respectful and responsible way you have behaved in class this week. I am very proud of the way you have stuck to your tasks and completed your work, Anthony. Well done.
Miah Van Kempen for the responsible way you have worked all week. You have asked for help when you need it, written neatly and finished your tasks. Good job Miah.
Pen Licences - Ellie Dobson, Billy O’Connor and Oliver McMahon: these students have shown that they can write neatly in joined writing when completing any written activity.
Room 7
Eilish Auld and Zahlia Monnier - For their enthusiastic and responsible approach to the return of school. Both Eilish and Zahlia have shown high commitment to their learning with ongoing effort in all tasks and contribution to class Google meets. Mr Schoolz wishes to pass on congratulations to both students for their thoughtful and creative art displays this week.
Hall - Mrs Thring
Isabella Shanahan for her well written noun poem during remote learning. Isabella has shown responsibility by handing her work in on time during the week.
Cooper Wilson has shown he is able to work through his home learning tasks in a timely manner this week. He has been able to improve his work when given feedback, which has been pleasing to see.
Happy Birthday
Happy Birthday to Billy O'Connor who is celebrating a birthday at this time.
Working Bee
Next Thursday 14/10 at 5 pm we are holding a working bee here at school (Maximum 10 people). The focus will be to tidy up the Nature play space - The Woods. It would be great to get some support with the edging of garden beds, weeding, tree trimming, cleaning the fish tank, removal of debris and general tidying up. If you are to come along, it would be great if you could bring along garden tools to assist with the above jobs.
If you are able to come, please email/call Bronie to RSVP bmoloney@spkoroit.catholic.edu.au
Term 4 Canteen Roster
No Hat - No Play!
No Hat - No play! Students at school are required to wear hats when playing outside in Term 4. If you have not sent your child’s hat to school yet, can you please do so ready for Monday. Hats are available to purchase through CDF Pay.
Free to Good Home
We currently have some old uniform stock on hand to give away. There are various sizes in the Girls Summer Dress, these do not have a white lapel pocket, and larger sizes in the Winter Tunic.
Please contact the office if you are interested. Ph:55658208
School Programs Updates
School Programs Updates
Parents and Carers on school site
YOU ARE REQUIRED TO CHECK-IN ANY TIME YOU ENTER THE SCHOOL BUILDING. Parents and Carers we ask that make only necessary/essential visits to the school. If you are picking up/dropping off and not entering the school building you are not required to check-in.
Outside School Hours Care
OSHC is continuing to run this week. If you need to contact Wendy or Rachel please contact them via the OSHC number 0447 658 580
Swimming program
Currently running for F/1/2, it is our intention to provide this program to Yr 3/4/5 upon their return to school. Yr 6 open water swimming is yet to be confirmed.
School Camps
School camps are currently unable to run. Our Yr 3/4 camp is scheduled for Week 3, fingers are crossed this guideline changes by then. Yr 5/6s we are actively seeking alternatives for your camp. This is very difficult as excursions and camps are currently unable to take place. As above we are hopeful that these guidelines will change.
Canteen / Lunch Orders
Continue to run. Volunteers to check in and wear a mask at all times.
School Photos/Excursions/Incursions
Currently, unable to take place.
Singing and music lessons
Can take place.
School / Kinder transition programs
Playgroup at school
Can take place, with restrictions.