2021, Term 4, Week 4 Newsletter
Principal's Message
Dear Parents and Carers,
Next week the Catholic community celebrates two significant feast days. These are All Saints Day (1 November) and All Souls Day (2 November). In commemorating these two feast days, the Church celebrates the role of people who have gone before, who are recognised officially by the Church community or not, for their work in bringing about the Reign of God, or by partnering with God in bringing God’s great dream for creation to reality. Please see later in this newsletter for a reflection on these upcoming days in the Catholic calendar.
School Photos / School Uniform
Thank you to those parents/carers who completed the uniform survey. This has allowed us to achieve consistency for our school photos this Monday 1st Nov. Uniform is as follows:
Girls: Green check dress, black socks, black schools shoes.
Boys: Grey shorts, Short sleeve polo, black socks, black school shoes.
If your child/ren do not have these uniform items (listed above), send them to school in uniform as close as possible to the uniform stated above and we will provide uniform for the purpose of school photos.
See the School Photo order flyer below.
Day for Daniel
Today we celebrated Child Safety Day - Day for Daniel. Day for Daniel is Australia’s largest child safety education and awareness day. Held annually on the last Friday of October, Day for Daniel honours the memory of Daniel Morcombe. The theme was Wear Red.
Parents, carers, and educators are encouraged to start a conversation with children and young people about personal safety. Schools and early learning centres conduct child safety education activities. Day for Daniel is the Daniel Morcombe Foundation’s biggest fundraiser each year. The fundraising helps to continue developing free resources and programs for parents, carers, and educators to teach children how to stay safe. Funds also contribute to supporting young victims of crime.
Enjoy a safe weekend,
Kind regards,
Nick Murrell
Keepers of the Coals......
'The Irish have a custom of burying warm coals in the ashes at night in order to preserve the fire for the cold morning to come. Instead of cleaning out the cold hearth, people preserved yesterday’s glowing coals under beds of ash overnight in order to have a fast-starting fire the next day. Those of us in school, working with parents at home, are the keepers of the coals.’
– C Glesson SJ , ‘A Canopy of Stars’, p 90
Next week the Catholic community celebrates two significant feast days. These are All Saints Day (1 November) and All Souls Day (2 November). In commemorating these two feast days, the Church celebrates the role of people who have gone before, who are recognised officially by the Church community or not, for their work in bringing about the Reign of God, or by partnering with God in bringing God’s great dream for creation to reality.
Another way of expressing this is they have been sharers of the Good News. In these two great celebrations, the Church community acknowledges with joy these bearers of the Good News and remembers them in prayer.
What might these two events mean for school communities today? Maybe through the two days of All Saints Day and All Souls Day people might be invited to reflect upon how they can be ‘keepers of the coals’ (and spreaders) of the Good News of Jesus. We make the fire according to our context and experience – this fire will be different from generations past. In fact, it is impossible to be the same as yesterday's fire – though we take inspiration from those who have gone before – igniting and tending the great fire of transformation in the 21st century.
Day for Daniel
Students of the Week
Room 3
Jordie Quarrell for the respectful way she participates in all tasks in the classroom. Your enthusiasm for learning is fantastic and your ideas and contributions in class are wonderful. You are a superstar Jordie!
Harrison Lilley for the respectful way he works in the classroom. You are fantastic at getting your work done without a fuss or without getting distracted. Keep up the great work!
Room 4
Savannah Wood for being our wonderful junior teacher this week. Savannah helped organise several activities and prayers during the week. She led our class by example, being respectful and helpful to all. Also, Savannah challenged herself in swimming activities with courage and determination. You are achieving great things Savannah!
Lila Stephenson for being a very happy, responsible and respectful class member in room 4. Lila, you are always welcoming others into your games and activities as well as being helpful and kind to your peers. Thank you for always smiling and seeing the funny side of life!
Room 5
Phoenix Lane for the responsible way he has gone about his work this week. Phoenix, I am proud of the way you have worked hard to present your best work.
Indiana Cuomo for the respectful way in which she cares about her friends. Your help is really appreciated, Indiana.
Room 7
Tighe Perry for his responsible reflections and calm discussion held during his Three Way Conference. Tighe shared insight into how he learns and chatted about how he could turn his challenges into a future strength.
Xavier Evans - for his mature, respectful and responsible reflections during his Three Way Conference. Xavier shared his fond enjoyment in writing narratives by retelling his amazing story about the adventure of Leo, the classroom blue tongue lizard.
Bree Holscher and Cruz Perry for confidently explaining to the class the mental problem solving steps they used to discover the missing angles in vertically opposite angle problems that involved algebra and operations. Well done for jumping in and being brave in your learning Bree and Cruz and respectfully sharing with everyone.
Happy Birthday
Happy Birthday to Chloe Gleeson and Mitchell Lumsden who are celebrating a birthday at this time.
Dates to Remember
Wednesday 3rd November - Kellie Cozens
Friday 5th November - Amy Perry
Monday 1st November:
School Photos
Tuesday 2nd November:
Melbourne Cup Dress Up Day
Thursday 4th November
Working Bee - "The Woods" 5pm
Friday 5th November:
Socktober Fundraiser- wear crazy socks, gold coin donation to Catholic Mission Australia.
Wednesday 24th November
Parents & Friends AGM
School Photos - Monday 1st Nov
Working Bee (Take 2)
Want to reduce your volunteer levy? Working Bee (Take 2)
Next Thursday 4/11 at 5 pm we are holding a working bee here at school (Vax proof required). The focus will be to tidy up the Nature play space - The Woods. It would be great to get some support with the edging of garden beds, weeding, tree trimming, removal of debris and general tidying up. If you are to come along, it would be great if you could bring along garden tools to assist with the above jobs. If you are able to come, please email/call Bronie to RSVP bmoloney@spkoroit.catholic.edu.au
If you are interested but can’t make the day, feel free to come on to the school grounds and help out and little, let us know, and this will also go towards your volunteer levy.
School Operations Updates
School Programs Updates as of Nov 1st.
Parents and Carers on school site
YOU ARE REQUIRED TO CHECK-IN AND ANY TIME YOU ENTER THE SCHOOL BUILDING. Parents and Carers we ask that make only necessary/essential visits to the school. If you are attending school for longer than 15 minutes we are required to sight your vaccination certificate. If you are picking up/dropping off and not entering the school building you are not required to check-in.
Swimming program
Running for F-5 each Thursday. Yr 6 open water swimming is booked, Yr 6s will receive dates next week.
Canteen / Lunch Orders
Continue to run. Volunteers to check-in, provide vaccination certificate and wear a mask at all times.
School Photos/Excursions/Incursions
Can resume.
Year 3-6 excursion to Adventure Park is booked Tues Nov 30th. We are also confirming a booking for another major Yr 3-6 excursion, information will be communicated next week.
Year F-2 Extended Day (Yr 2 school sleepover) - Will take place. Date TBC
Fun Days - End of Year Fun Days (excursions) for all students are being planned and will take place.
Peter Varley Term 4 Sports program to take place also.
Singing and music lessons
Can take place.
School / Kinder transition programs
Can take place.
Parents and Friends AGM
P & F Christmas Raffle
National Teachers Day
We would like to thank the school Parents and Friends for providing Coffees and Slices for the staff here at St Pat's in recognition of National Teachers Day. It was delicious thank you!
Poppy Appeal
Please remember to send money for the Poppy Appeal. There are pens, key rings, badges and poppies for sale at school.
Your donation will help change the life of veterans and their families.