2021, Term 4, Week 5 Newsletter
Principal's Message
Dear Parents and Carers,
Working Bee
A special thank you to the Watson, Van Kempen, Quill, Porter, Lumsden and Lane families who have helped out with our ongoing working bee to tidy up “The Woods”. Families have been coming and going over the past few weeks and the play space is looking much better thanks to this time our families have donated. These contributions also go towards reducing the Volunteer Levy on school fees. Families are welcome to come on-site and contribute to this effort at any time. Please contact Bronie if you are planning to.
It is with mixed emotions that I announce Mr. Alastair Templeton will be leaving St Pat’s at the end of this year. Mr. T will be moving to Emmanuel College in 2022 in a sports program administration role. This is fantastic news for Mr. T, however, sad news for St Pat’s as we know how loved and valuable Mr T has been in supporting our programs, especially PE. We wish Mr. T all the best as he embarks on the next chapter of his professional career.
Tomorrow you will see advertisements in the Warrnambool Standard for two part-time teaching positions. These two positions comprise both classroom and specialist teaching elements and are in response to changing teaching time fractions from existing teachers, they are also to ensure certain programs continue to run at St Pat’s.
Coming Up!
We have so many exciting opportunities planned that are jam-packed into the remainder of the year. In the interests of providing clarity and planning, we have listed these in today’s newsletter.
Peter Varley Triathlon/Aths program Monday 8/11, 15/11, 22/11 and 29/11.
Book Fair/Book Week Dress Up Thursday 18/11/21
Foundation 2022 transition program Friday 19/11 2.15-3.15, Friday 26/11 2.15-3.15, Friday 3/12 2.15-3.15
First Eucharist Sunday 21/11 10.30am
Orientation Day Tuesday Dec 7th 11.30-1.30
Year 3-6 Adventure Park Tuesday 30/11
F-2 Extended Day / Yr 2 Sleep Over Thursday 2/12
Koroit Carols by the Railway Sunday 5/12 3-5pm
A Gift Performance / Christmas liturgy Thursday 9/12 5.30pm
Yr 6 Graduation Tuesday 14/12 6-7pm
Yr F-6 Fun Days Wednesday 15/12
Last day of term Thursday 16/12 2.30pm finish
Enjoy and safe weekend,
Kind regards,
Nick Murrell
Students of the Week
Room 3
Xander Perry for the responsible way he plays in the playground. You are always very inclusive of others and treat others with respect! Keep up the great work Xander!
Tilly Van Rysingen for the responsible way she contributes to class discussions and puts forward her ideas. You are an invaluable member of our class Tilly! Keep up the great work!
Room 4
Edmund McMahon for being our wonderful junior teacher this week. Edmund helped organise several activities and prayers during the week. He led our class by example, being respectful and helpful to all. He showed on several occasions his responsible attitude by picking up extra sports equipment from the yard and doing things without being asked. Thank you Edmund!
Josephine Foard for practising and learning to spell quite a variety of words this week. You have worked hard all week Josie and used all your strategies when you were tested. Well done Josie for working so hard in this area.
Room 5
Tessa Shanahan for the respectful way that she treats others. Tessa, I love seeing your smiling face each morning and I love your happy attitude.
Tarneisha Harris for showing responsibility with her learning and trying to get more writing done during the lesson, even though she was struggling for ideas. Tarneisha, you showed perseverance, which is great.
Pen licences - Anthony Reece
Room 7
Jobe Wilson for his responsible efforts to improve his story writing. Jobe has increased is the complexity of his stories by adding more detail. Jobe recognises errors by rereading his writing and often makes changes that strengthen his sentences.
Ella McLaren for responsibly following instructions and listening attentively to achieve accuracy and success in measuring all types of angles. Your accurate measurement of reflex angles in particular was excellent Ella, well done.
Jasmine Phillips for writing and editing an outstanding piece of writing. Jasmine, your story ‘The Endless Journey’ had all the elements of a well constructed piece of writing and your understanding of how to use vocabulary to produce emotion and connections for the reader is excellent. Well done Jasmine!
Milla Gleeson for writing and editing an outstanding piece of writing. Milla, your story ‘Liberation’ had all the elements of a well constructed piece of writing. You capably engaged the audience and your use of descriptive language was excellent. Well done Milla!
Mavrik Cuolahan
Mazie Fechete
Indiana Cuomo
Beau Porter
Arli Langdon
Cruz Perry
Happy Birthday
Happy Birthday to Jobe Wilson and Piper Fechete who are celebrating a birthday at this time.
Dates to Remember
Wednesday 10th November - Jennifer Quill
Friday 12th November - Kate Foster
Wednesday 24th November
Parents & Friends AGM
Peter Varley Triathlon/Aths program
Monday 8/11, 15/11, 22/11 and 29/11.
Book Fair/Book Week Dress Up
Thursday 18/11/21
Book Week
Book Fair / Book Week Dress Up
In two weeks time, our Annual Bookfair will arrive. Students will get school time to create wish lists for purchases leading up to our Fair on Thursday 18/11/21. On this day we will have our makeup Book Week dress-up day as we missed this during lockdown. There will be more information to come next week.
Peter Varley Triathlon/Program
We are very lucky to have Peter Varley joining us again this term to conduct a Triathlon/Aths program. This program will run over four Mondays, 8/11, 15/11, 22/11 and 29/11. Year 3-6 students will need to bring their bikes along to school on Monday 15/11, 22/11 and 29/11, NOT 8/11. Students are to wear sports uniforms on these four Mondays. Year F-2 students will be doing an athletics program (no bikes required) for the four Mondays. It will be important for all students to have their hats and drink bottles on these days.
Christmas Raffle Prizes
Parents and Friends AGM
Parish Newsletter
Our Parish recommences masses this weekend, with Infant Jesus Koroit celebrating our first mass back together on site this Saturday at 6.30pm. For more parish news and information, please see the newsletter below.