2021, Term 4, Week 7 Newsletter
Principal's Message
Dear Parents and Carers,
First Eucharist
This weekend on Sunday at 10.30am we have a group of students who are celebrating their First Holy Communion. We keep these candidates in our thoughts and prayers and wish them all the best on this very special day. I congratulate these candidates on this auspicious occasion and hope that they feel the warmth and comfort of the lord’s love with them every day. We thank the candidates and their families for their commitment to the program and sacrament, given the challenging circumstances that have surrounded and interrupted their preparation. All the best for Sunday.
Book Week and Book Fair
This week, on Thursday, we had an amazing celebration of everything literature. It was tremendous to see an amazing rate of participation in our Book Week dress up and the costumes were outstanding. Lockdowns throughout the year caused many events to be postponed and cancelled, however, we were absolutely delighted to conduct such a successful Book Week celebration. Students who received commendations for their efforts (and their parents/carers!) are listed further in the newsletter. Our annual Book Fair was conducted on the same day and students were very excited to be part of this too. Parents/Carers you are still able to purchase from the Book Fair Monday-Wednesday 2.30-4pm, please report to the school office prior. A great deal of thanks goes to the world’s best singing Librarian Mrs Celina Brown for her organising of this day.
School-Wide Positive Behaviour Support (SWPBS)
This week our teachers continued to develop our school’s School-Wide Positive Behaviour Support program. We worked with Anne Ruddell (Catholic Education Office - SWPBS Support officer) to revisit our current journey and shape what SPWBS will focus on and look like next year at St Pat’s. I have included (below) a copy of the SWPBS Matrix we use at school. I encourage parents/carers to take some time to look at this again and if time permits have a discussion with your child/ren about how this works at school.
Ms Tegan McDonald
Ms McDonald will be spending the day at St Pat’s on Monday. Tegan will be doing some orientation with staff, students and the school as well as some transition activities to get to know St Pat’s current vision and goals. We look forward to welcoming Tegan for the day.
Kind regards,
Nick Murrell
Students of the Week
Peace Love and Respect
Bree Holscher for her initiative in attending to tasks she sees that need to be done. Your actions show respect for our school and staff and we appreciate your responsible behaviour.
Room 3
Oliver Van Kempen for the respectful way he has participated in class discussions and tasks this week. This has been a goal for Oliver this term and it has been great to see him persist with it! Keep up the brilliant work Oliver!
Charlotte Wright for her enthusiasm whilst participating in swimming. Charlotte is encouraging to her peers and always listens attentively to her swimming teachers! You are a star Charlotte!
Room 4
Remi O’Connor for demonstrating responsibility daily by caring for her classmates, listening to her teachers, being thoughtful and kind to others and always being respectful. Remi, you lead by example, use your initiative and have been a wonderful junior teacher this week. Thank you.
Zephyr Lane for taking his classroom and playground jobs seriously and demonstrating responsibility in completing them. Zephyr you can be counted on to be one of the first students to begin working on a given task and you always try to get your work completed in a timely manner.
Well done and keep up the good work!
Room 5
Ruby Hillam for being a cheerful and respectful student. Ruby, you always have a smile for your friends and your relaxed nature makes you a perfect working partner for many students. Keep up the great attitude.
Layla Smits for the enthusiastic and responsible way she goes about her learning. Layla, I love the way you give your very best effort to every task and I love that you ask for further instructions so that you know exactly what to do. Great effort.
Dominic McEachern for the responsible way he participates in group discussions. Dom, it’s great to see that you contribute interesting ideas during our group talks and that you listen to the ideas of others. Keep up the great work.
Room 7
Ella Lumsden for her responsible commitment to being the best learner she can be and embracing school life with greater confidence. Ella has taken risks as a learner, applying the skills she has learned in bike education classes out on the road. Ella is commended for the way she has celebrated fun times like dressing up with friends for book week.
Amber Hallowell for her responsible approach to her work tasks, carefully presenting work, listening attentively to instructions and striving for accuracy, particularly in Maths. Well done Amber.
Nina Quill for always demonstrating persistence and a positive attitude in all areas of learning. Nina you are respectful in all of your interactions with teachers and classmates, and you are a responsible and organised learner. Well done.
Happy Birthday
Happy Birthday to Zephyr Lane, Phoenix Lane and Indi O'Connor who are celebrating a birthday at this time.
Dates to Remember
Wednesday 24th November - Bec Smits
Friday 26th November - Carina Lane
21st - First Eucaharist 10.30am
22nd - Peter Varley Triathlon/Aths program
24th - Parents & Friends AGM
26th - Foundation 2022 transition program 2.15-3.15
29th - Peter Varley Triathlon/Aths program
30th - Year 3-6 Adventure Park
2nd - F-2 Extended Day / Yr 2 Sleep Over
3rd - Foundation 2022 transition program 2.15-3.15
5th - Koroit Carols by the Railway Sunday 3-5pm
7th - Orientation Day 11.30-1.30
9th - A Gift Performance / Christmas liturgy 5.30pm
14th - Yr 6 Graduation Tuesday 6-7pm
15th - Yr F-6 Fun Days
16th - Last day of term Thursday 2.30pm finish