2021, Term 4, Week 8 Newsletter
Principal's Message
Dear Parents and Carers,
Last Sunday 17 candidates celebrated their First Eucharist at Infant Jesus Parish. The sacrament was a beautiful celebration of the hard work and persistence these students have shown throughout an interrupted preparation period. We thank Fr. John Corrigan for leading the group and Mr. Lloyd for his coordination of the sacrament. Congratulations and well done.
Year 3-6 Excursion - Tuesday 30/11 Adventure Park Geelong
This coming Tuesday our yr 3-6 students are heading to the Adventure Park in Geelong for an amazing day of fun and celebration. Parents and Carers you will see that there is a permission note and information regarding the excursion that has been sent out via PAM. Important information to note is that students are required to be at school on the day at 7.30am and there is an estimated return time of 6.15pm.
Other important requirements are:
- Students will need to bring their own snacks, lunch and water for the day. It is a long day, so more food than usual would be appreciated.
- Students are to wear their sports uniform.
- Sunscreen, bathers, thongs/slides, towel, hat, rash vest/ t-shirt. A small personal hand sanitiser if able to.
- Students can wear their swim gear under their sports uniform on the trip to the Waterpark. Please pack underwear to change into for the trip home.
- There are canteen facilities at the Waterpark students can access. Students can bring a maximum of $10 to the Waterpark. This is the sole responsibility of your child.
- No devices/ games are allowed. There will be movies on the bus. Students can bring a book if they choose. Staff can not guarantee the safety of valuables at the waterpark which is why we will not be having devices.
- Covid Restrictions on entry to the Waterpark.
F-2 Extended Day
It's almost time for our annual After School Play and Sleep-over. Our students in rooms 3 and 4 are becoming very excited and many are counting down the days to Dec 2nd. The plan for this incursion is as follows:
3:30pm -- 4:00pm: Students have some relaxing time to have a drink of water and eat their afternoon snack, which they need to bring from home.
4:00pm -- 6:00pm: Students participate in a rotation of outdoor activities, including a jumping castle, ball games, free time on the playground equipment, and a parachute game.
6:00pm -- 6:30pm: BBQ tea of sausages in bread and hot chips, followed by icy-poles. (Please advise the school of any special dietary requirements of your child/ren)
6:30pm: Foundation and Grade 1 students will be picked up to go home with parents/ guardians.
Year 2 students stay at school for their sleepover.
Next week is certainly an action-packed week and we look forward to our students being able to participate in these amazing and fun experiences!
Enjoy a great weekend,
Kind regards,
Nick Murrell
Students of the Week
Peace Love and Respect
Mazie Fechete Mazie is always a responsible, respectful and safe learner both inside and out of the class. Mazie is very supportive of her friends and tries hard to include others.
Room 3
Jobe Dobson for being a kind and respectful member of Room 3 each and every day! You are cheerful and friendly, and always come to class with a smile on your face. Keep up the great work Jobe!
Harrison Lilley for his enthusiastic approach to swimming each week. He is alway respectful towards his swimming teachers and always makes sure he is responsible by following the rules of the pool. Great work Harrison!
Room 4
Poppy Martin and Tayla Milwood for being very responsible and respectful students in room 4. Poppy and Tayla come to school each day with a smile and a positive attitude ready to learn. They take responsibility for their learning, seek to complete challenges and always strive to do their best. Well done Poppy and Tayla!
Room 5
Logan Harlock for showing maturity and responsibility in the classroom. Logan, I appreciate that you know when to work hard on your independent tasks so that you get your work done.
Addy Fechete for your responsible attitude in the classroom. You are always ready to help others and you try your very best to finish your work to a high standard.
Pen licence - Layla Smits has shown that she can write neatly in joined writing when completing any written activity.
Room 7
Grace McMahon for her creative use of technology and higher order thinking to relate real life experience to perimeter and area examples. Grace demonstrated responsible attributes when she was willing to take a learning risk, sharing her knowledge and being the best learner she could be.
Tai Hedger for his willingness to support teachers and students in the classroom with his knowledge of technology. Tai is quick to share the compassionate, respectful and caring self to benefit the learning of all. Thank you Tai.
Pen licence - Beau Porter, Ace Bidmade, Nash Bidmade, Grace McMahon.
Maya Cozens for the persistence she has demonstrated in her learning, trying new things and being a responsible and organised learner to achieve success, particularly in Maths. Maya, it has been wonderful to see you approach learning tasks with confidence. Awesome work!
Mitchell Lumsden for being an outstanding example of responsible and respectful leadership this year. Mitchell, both in and out of the classroom, you have demonstrated a calm approach with all of your peers and engaged positively in all learning activities. Thank you for the efforts you have made.
Japanese Award
Kaitlyn Brown
Annabelle Foster
Layla Smits
Sadie Langdon
Eleanor Huckstepp
First Eucharist
Happy Birthday
Happy Birthday to Teddy Porter who is celebrating a birthday at this time.
Dates to Remember
Wednesday 1st December - Kate Dobson
Friday 3rd December - Becc Sanderson
29th - Peter Varley Triathlon/Aths program
30th - Year 3-6 Adventure Park
2nd - F-2 Extended Day / Yr 2 Sleep Over
3rd - Foundation 2022 transition program 2.15-3.15
5th - Koroit Carols by the Railway Sunday 3-5pm
7th - Orientation Day 11.30-1.30
9th - A Gift Performance / Christmas liturgy 5.30pm
14th - Yr 6 Graduation Tuesday 6-7pm
15th - Yr F-6 Fun Days
16th - Last day of term Thursday 2.30pm finish
Triathlon Training
To finish off a wonderful 4 week program of Triathlon all students from grades Foundation to Grade 6 are asked to bring a bike on MONDAY 29TH NOVEMBER (THIS MONDAY) to school. This can be a bike shared with a sibling if it is the correct size, a bike with training wheels-(there will be many of those) and even a tricycle if they don't have a 2 wheel bike. (No scooters though). Bikes are to be placed in rows on the grassed area near the netball court or on the netball court in their class row. eg room 4 row. All students need to wear their sports uniform on Monday too.
GRADES FOUNDATION TO GRADE 2 STUDENTS will be taught about bicycle safety and skills for riding correctly. Hence, all children will need a helmet to come with their bike, these can again be shared with siblings in other grades. Peter will go over how to correctly fit their helmets, reinforcing they need to be worn at all times. Further to this he will teach skills of how to correctly ride a bicycle. If your child doesn't have a bike or you can't get theirs to school on Monday morning, they will still be involved in this bicycle education lesson by being paired with someone who has. Also, a checklist for bicycle safety should have gone home today.
GRADES 3 TO 6 STUDENTS will have fun in trying to complete a Mini Triathlon. Again bikes and helmets are needed to be brought from home. A spare pair of dry socks may be handy in your school bag. Watch out for some fun photos to be sent through on class Dojo!
Library Love
Picnic in the Paddock
Giving Tuesday
Vacation Care Program
Our Diocesan Community
Please find below the link for the November edition of “Our Diocesan Community” https://www.ballarat.