2022, Term 1, Week 4 Newsletter
Principal's Message
Dear Parents and Carers,
Next week we have two fantastic opportunities that we are requesting school families to be part of, a Community Conversation and a Learning Walk. For the benefit of your child's school, please take the time to seriously consider being part of one of both of these events.
Community Conversation
Thursday 24/2/22 7.30pm - School Library
We are inviting any and all interested parents to come along and continue our Community Conversation.
Over the past few years, we have been engaging with expert Tony Dalton, in community conversations about our fantastic school. We have been lucky enough to book Tony to come along and facilitate the session.
What is a Community Conversation?
A conversation between people is the starting point for improved understanding. Within the community of a school, such conversations occur between all members of that community, about any areas of common interest: the family, the child, learning, growing, the ways in which the school operates the community, its priorities and hopes. Community Conversations provide a process that extends and develops those informal moments and builds and changes relationships within the community. The process involves having intentional and inclusive conversations between members of the community, in which participants listen to each other, in order to understand and explore what is important to and valued by that community.
At our previous conversation, we discussed items such as;
- Identifying & naming some possible flagships in promoting St Patrick's.
- Defining and Classifying all the stakeholders in the school.
- Identifying and naming how the school describes itself to the community through our Website, newsletter, advertising, and participation in the community.
- We began to explore the reputation the school would like to have. Where is our school now in people’s minds?
This next conversation will pick up from here.
If you are interested in attending be would be absolutely delighted to have you come along and can you please RSVP to Nick Murrell by emailing principal@spkoroit.catholic.edu.au.
Or, pop in or call Nick to discuss the event further if you'd like more information.
Learning Walk - Marvellous opportunity
Thursday 24/2/22 @ St Patrick's School - Meet at the front office
We are inviting families of our school to join us for a learning walk on Thursday 24/2/22 at 2.30 pm. Learning walks are a marvellous opportunity for parents to come to the school to see “the children’s learning in action” and in a small group be guided around classrooms by one of the school leaders. If you are interested in attending please RSVP to Nick Murrell by emailing principal@spkoroit.catholic.edu.au. Please see the flyer for more information.
Kind regards,
Nick Murrell
Students of the Week
Room 1 & 2
Harry Atwell for your bravery & resilience with your broken arm. You have not let this stop you from trying your best in class and completing all set tasks. You are a superstar Harry!
Charlotte White for the responsible way you have participated in all tasks this week. We are so proud of all you have achieved by trying your best! Well done!
Room 4
Xander Perry for being responsible in his commitment to being the best learner he can be this term in both literacy and maths. Xander is keen to learn, develop new skills and knowledge, then show others what he knows, particularly in maths. Keep up the great work Xander.
Carter Quarrell for being a very responsible and respectful student in room 4. Carter comes to school each day with a smile and a positive attitude ready to learn. She takes responsibility for her learning, seeks to complete challenges and always strives to do her best. Well done Carter and keep up the great work!
Room 5
Arli Langdon for the responsible way you have completed your homework tasks, especially your reading log. The detail that you included each time was amazing and it shows how well you understand what you are reading. Well done Arli.
Esther Gleeson for the effort that you put into presenting all of your work in your neatest handwriting and for completing each task this week to the very best of your ability. This shows maturity and responsibility Esther. Well done.
Room 7
Nash Bidmade for his responsible approach to learning tasks, especially the grammar and writing activities this week and for respectfully listening during class discussions. Nash, you have been leading by example, thank you.
Ace Bidmade for the respectful way he participates in classroom tasks and discussions, demonstrating good leadership in our room. Ace, thankyou for being a responsible and thoughtful class member and the positive attitude you have.
Happy Birthday
Happy Birthday to Poppy Martin and Olympia Jordan who are celebrating a birthday at this time.
Folk Festival Update
Thanks to the hard work of Trish Watson we are well on the way to being prepared for the St Pat's Folk Festival BBQ. A HUGE THANK YOU to everyone who has volunteered so far. If you will be helping inside the festival you will be contacted to provide the school with our COVID vaccination certificate prior to the folkie weekend.
We are still after a few more volunteers, if you can help out with this fantastic fundraising event please use this link to let us know.
Important Traffic Safety information
To ensure the safety of our students as we begin this year we are alerting new families and reminding existing families about school pick-up procedures.
Please read the attached letter for full details.
Thank you for your support.
Dates to Remember
22nd - Moyne Tennis Hot Shots
2nd - Ash Wednesday
11th - District Tennis Competition
11th - 14th - Port Fairy Folk Festival
14th - Labour Day Holiday
17th - St Patrick's Day
18th - Athletics Sports Carnival
30th - Moyne Athletics Carnival