2022, Term 2, Week 9 Newsletter
Acknowledgement of Country
St. Patrick's School acknowledges the Traditional Owners of the land on which we work, the Koroitch-gundidj people of the Maar Nation. We pay our respects to Elders past, present and emerging.
Principal's Message
Dear Parents and Carers,
Hope for Ukraine Day
It was wonderful to see all students and staff dress up in crazy clothes to support our 'Hope for Ukraine' day on Thursday. It was a fun filled day beginning with a whole school assembly led by our Foundation and Year 1 students, supported by our Year 6 leaders. There was a crazy clothes parade at the conclusion of the assembly. All students visited the books of hope stall, purchasing donated books from our students. Inside the books were bookplates made and designed by the year 4/5 students to symbolise hope, peace and our prayers. We were able to raise in excess of $170 to donate to the Ukraine Crisis Appeal Resettlement Fund. Students from each class drew pictures of peace and hope and wrote messages.
Circuit Breaker Long Weekend Term 3
DOBCEL has announced a Circuit Breaker long weekend in Term 3 for Catholic schools in our diocese. The long weekend will be Friday 12 August and Monday 15 August, inclusive. All Warrnambool Network Catholic Primary schools will observe this long weekend. Please read the letter attached below from Mr Tom Sexton, Executive Director, Catholic Education Ballarat.
School Reports
Please see the information further in this newsletter regarding Semester 1 assessment and reporting.
As announced via email and ClassDojo yesterday Mrs Anna Schlooz is retiring from teaching this term. Our school is incredibly lucky to have had the expertise, experience and enthusiasm of Anna since the beginning of the 2020 school year. I take this opportunity to thank Anna for her amazing contributions to our school over the past few years. Thank you and good luck with your future artistic and life endeavours.
Art in Semester 2.
In response to Anna’s retirement I would like to thank the flexibility and adaptiveness of both Mrs Regina Cassidy and Mrs Kylie Archbold.
Regina is taking on the Arts role in Semester 2 with a focus on Performing Arts. Kylie will join the senior school team planning and teaching Rooms 1, 2 and 4 on Wednesday afternoons. Thank you, Regina and Kylie.
Leave - Mr Murrell
Just a note to inform families that I will be on leave until Thursday 21 July. Ms Tegan McDonald will be Acting Principal during this time.
Enjoy a safe and restful school holiday,
Kind regards,
Nick Murrell
Students of the Week
Room 1 & 2
Class Award for a sensational term of learning and fun! It has been amazing watching you grow into respectful, responsible and safe friends and learners. Well done on a super term, enjoy the holidays!
Room 4
Josephine Foard-for the amazing effort that you have put into learning your role as an orphan in the Primary Performers production of ‘Annie’. You have shown great responsibility and maturity.
We are very proud of you and can’t wait to see you perform Josie!
Xander Perry- for being responsible in his commitment to being the best learner he can be this term. Xander is keen to learn, develop new skills and knowledge, then show what he knows particularly with his maths and reading. Keep up the great work Xander!
Jehtt van Kempen-for being a polite, kind and respectful student who leads by example for his peers to follow. Thank you Jehtt for being helpful, showing initiative and leadership in our classroom this term.
Carter Quarrell-for being an amazing, responsible and respectful leader of our classroom. Carter always leads by example and offers to help her peers, new teachers to our school and other students of the school without being asked. Your kindness is always noticed Carter, thank you!
Room 5
Allira Askew - for being a responsible and respectful learner. Allira, you are always well prepared for each lesson and you settle to work quickly. You ask good questions to make sure that you are completing your tasks correctly. Well done.
Jimmy Bidmade - for showing responsibility around the classroom this week and chipping in to help tidy our learning areas. Jimmy, you have shown leadership and been a good example of a responsible student.
Room 7
Ellie Dobson for your persistence in Maths tasks this term. You have responsibly approached learning tasks, listening to instructions and doing your best. Your progress in the Post-Test for Addition and Subtraction was excellent and you should feel very proud Ellie!
Layla Smits for your persistence in Maths tasks this term. You have responsibly approached learning tasks, listening to instructions and doing your best. Your progress in the Post-Test for Addition and Subtraction was excellent and you should feel very proud Layla!
Niamh McGoldrick for the amazing efforts you have made across all learning areas this term, in particular the work you have done in our Inquiry: Voting for Change. You have responsibly approached all learning tasks and your work is consistently neat and organised. You are a champion Niamh!
Indiana Cuomo for the respectful listening you demonstrate in every lesson. This has enabled you to achieve fantastic results in Maths and you blitzed ahead in our Inquiry Kahoot quiz. Well done Indiana!
Happy Birthday
Happy Birthday to Ace Bidmade, Nash Bidmade, Mavrick Cuolahan, Eilish Auld and Tarneisha Harris who are celebrating their Birthday at this time.
Semester 1 Assessment and Reporting 2022
We are pleased to advise that your child’s report for Semester 1 has been released.
Reporting communicates comprehensive information about student learning and achievements to parents and students. At St. Patrick's we provide four formal opportunities to receive feedback on your child's progress each year. These consist of a written report at the end of term 2 and term 4 and a parent-teacher interview during term 1 and another during term 3. This year, in term 3, we will be continuing 3-way conferences, which is a student-led discussion between the parent/carer, the student and their teacher. This change of interview style is in response to community feedback.
Accessing your St Patrick’s Student Reports
To access your child/ren’s reports you need to access our Parent Access Module (PAM). To do this go to the SZApp tile on our school app or our school website http://www.spkoroit.catholic.edu.au/
If using the school website go to the heading Parents and Community you will notice a link to our “Parent Access Module” (PAM) on the right-hand side of the screen.
Access this and you can use your previously supplied username and password to access PAM. After you have logged in you can click on the name or photo of your child and then select “Assessment Reports” from the drop-down menu to access their report. If you wish you can print a hard copy of the report but this may not be necessary as your child’s reports will remain on PAM.
Dates to Remember
11th - Term 3 commences
15th - Assembly - Room 1 & 2
22nd - Little Learners 10.00-11.00am
Assembly - Year 6 Leaders
29th - Assembly - Room 7
2nd - Junior Grade 3 & 4 Moyne Hooptime
5th - Little Learners 10.00-11.00am
5th - Assembly - Year 6 Leaders
12th - 15th - Circuit Breaker long weekend
16th - Grade 5 & 6 Moyne Hooptime
19th - Little Learners 10.00-11.00am
Assembly - Year 6 Leaders
26th - School Closure Day
We have just received our new stock (new brand) of short sleeve polo shirts. These are available for purchase through CDF Pay. This new batch of polo shirts are $30. The brand of the polo shirts is JBs Wear.
Long Sleeve Polos are no longer available to buy, we will gradually phase them out, we do have some size 16 long sleeve polos available for the reduced price of $10.00 for those interested.
We are also now selling our previous brand of short sleeve polo shirts at a reduced rate of $10.00.
I would like to thank our School Advisory Council (SAC) for their consultation throughout this process. We are hoping to transition our school uniform to a new external provider (Directwear) once the range they can supply is confirmed. We are also in the process of finding a solution for the vast amount of school uniforms we still have in stock in the school before we can make this transition.
Nick Murrell
Basketball Camp
Looking for something to do in the holidays?
A one day basketball training camp is being held right here in Koroit with our own Emma Arthur as one of the coaches! More information can be found on the Koroit & District Basketball Association Facebook page.