2022, Term 1, Week 7 Newsletter
Principal's Message
Dear Parents and Carers,
St Pats BBQ
This weekend our school is once again lucky enough to be part of an amazing event, the St Pat's BBQ, at the Port Fairy Folk Festival. This is an incredibly organised and well-run event that is extremely popular with the patrons, with its reputation preceding itself. Today at our school the teamwork and atmosphere from the volunteers was energetic and fun for all involved and for a great cause, our school and our students. I would like to thank all volunteers who have so far and will be contributing in any capacity to ensure this fundraising event is a success in 2022. Special thanks again to Trish Watson for her amazing effort in coordinating our school’s contribution to the St Pats BBQ.
Closure Days / Public Holidays - Semester 1
Each year our school has a number of closure days to provide professional development and support to our teaching staff to ensure we are meeting the needs of your children in today’s modern society. It is very important for our teachers to stay up to date with the latest practices and to be provided support to ensure we are providing the best possible education for your children. The Semester 1 school closure days for 2022 are listed below, there is no school on these days. I apologise for the late notice and communication of these dates. For your convenience, we have listed the public holidays for the first half of the year as well.
Monday 14th March - Labour Day Public Holiday
Friday - 1st April - Staff Professional Development
Monday 25th April - ANZAC Day Public Holiday
Thursday 5th May - May Race Day Public Holiday
(Cancelled Friday 20th May - Staff Professional Development)
Monday 13th June - Queen's Birthday Public Holiday
Tuesday 14th June - Staff Professional Development
School Photos
This year our school photos are Tuesday, April 5th, and will continue to be conducted by Watson School Photography. We are aware that our most recent school photos were conducted in term 4 last year, however, in the interests of getting our school back in our regular cycle of Term 1 photos we are conducting them at this time. Stay tuned for further updates, including the online line link to ordering school photos for your family.
Enjoy a safe and happy long weekend,
Kind regards,
Nick Murrell
Students of the Week
Room 1 & 2
Mimi Martin for having a growth mindset in all learning areas. You have shown great responsibility for your learning. Keep up the great work!
Olivia Foster for her enthusiasm for learning and being proud of her work, especially when working with Mrs Houlihan. You are a star Liv!
Room 4
Neve Harlock for the very responsible way you have worked quietly and participated in writing this week. You have planned and written a wonderful narrative called ‘The Beach’, added detail, interesting words and descriptions of the characters. Well done Neve!
Ava Leishman for being a very responsible and respectful student in room 4. Ada comes to school each day with a positive attitude ready to learn. She takes responsibility for her learning, seeks to complete challenges and always strives to do her best. Well done Ada and keep up the great work!
Room 5
Tessa Byrne for being respectful to all of the teachers that she has worked with this week, including those at Emmanual College
Tighe Perry for being a responsible student and attempting to complete more work during lesson time. Well done Tighe.
Room 7
Lincoln Arthur for the enthusiasm he has demonstrated in learning tasks, in particular with his reading and in Maths. Lincoln, you have been a responsible leader in our room, concentrating on tasks and contributing to discussions thoughtfully. Keep up the great start!
Myra Quill for the extra care you have in our learning space, always putting things away and being the first to tidy an area. Myra, you have been responsible and organised, which has enabled you to achieve a good standard in your work tasks too. Well done!
Ruby Hillam for always being a respectful and engaged learner. Ruby, you have made wonderful progress in reading and writing and you have tried challenging yourself in Maths. Keep achieving the high standard you have set!
Happy Birthday
Happy Birthday to Sam Wood who is celebrating his Birthday this week.
St Patrick's Day
Feast of Saint Patrick News
Bring out your green! St. Patrick’s Day, March 17th is packed with a whole school Mass, a day of fun and all things green at St Patrick’s Koroit to celebrate our Patron Saint.
We invite all families and friends to attend our whole school Mass held at Infant Jesus Church, Koroit (opposite the school) on Thursday 17th March at 9.30.
Children will participate in a fun day of learning about Irish traditions, culture and our school’s Saint - Patrick. Students can dress up to create a ‘sea of green’ here at school. Everyone is welcome to dress up in all things green, add some more green to your uniform or simply come dressed in school uniform.
One of the most beautiful prayers known is called the St Patrick’s Breastplate (pictured below). Happy St Patrick’s Day!
Other News
Rapid Antigen Tests Update
Yesterday, we sent home the student Rapid Antigen Tests for weeks 8-11. This supply will last you until the end of Term 1. Students each received 2 boxes and took them home in their school bags.
School Sports Volunteers
Our annual school sports is next Friday 18/3/22. We are seeking volunteers to help with some of the field and track events. If you are able to help please fill in the attached form. We will contact you with a roster prior to the day.
Visitors to assembly
As of Friday 25/3/22 (as next week is school sports) we are inviting visitors back to our school assemblies in our school hall. Visitors are required to be fully vaccinated. We can’t wait to have our assemblies getting back to pre-lockdown times. Very exciting!
Physical Education Lessons
PE lessons will be conducted on Tuesday 15/3 next week due to Monday being a public holiday. Students are required to wear sports uniforms this coming Tuesday.
Dates to Remember
11th - 14th - Port Fairy Folk Festival
14th - Labour Day Holiday
17th - St Patrick's Day
18th - Athletics Sports Carnival
21st - Harmony Day
30th - Moyne Athletics Carnival
1st - Dads Night Out- Commercial Hotel (Dukes)
4th - Reconciliation Grade 6
8th - Last Day of Term
Easter Raffle Drawn
Parents & Friends
Moyne Athletics - Help Needed!
Koroit Playground - Toys Wanted
Mel from Koroit Playgroup is looking for some support. If any families have toys, that are still in good condition that are longer loved as much as they used to be, you are welcome to donate these to the Koroit Playgroup. The toys can be dropped off in our school hall near the green cupboards. If you are able to help, please see the office before entering the hall. Thank you.
Dads Night Out
WHEN: Friday 1st April at the Commericial Hotel (Dukes).
RSVP: Josh Porter mobile 0410405143 or email Joshua.s.porter@gmail.com or reply to the Facebook post itself (preferred).
Hope to see you there
Thankyou very much.
Josh Porter