2021, Term 1, Week 2 Newsletter
Principal's Message
Dear Parents and Carers,
This week has seen our students' first full week of schooling for 2021. All of our students are to be commended for the way they have conducted themselves this week with respect to effort and attitude, classroom routine and SWPBS (School-wide Positive Behaviour Support) introductory learning. Thank you and well done to all St Pat's students!
2021 Timetable
This year we have altered our school's daily timetable to accommodate a "2-2-1" learning structure.
Daily school times are:
8.30 School supervision commences
9-11 Classroom Learning (10 am Fruit snack)
11-11.05 Snack eating time (longer if required)
11.05-11.30 Break time
11.30-1.30 Classroom Learning (12.30 pm Fruit snack)
1.30-1.40 Lunch eating time (longer if required)
1.40-2.30 Break time
2.30-3.30 Classroom Learning
3.40 School supervision concludes
Due to this change in timetable students now require 2 fruit snacks for the day. This is important to keep the students comfortable and able to learn for the 2 two hour learning sessions each day. Fruit snacks can be as simple as two pieces of uncut fruit. We thank our families for supporting your children with this request. There may be some 'teething' issues involved with our daily timetable change and I am happy to discuss these with any parent or carer who would like to talk.
Pancake Picnic
As a way to celebrate the beginning of the school year, we are planning to host a picnic tea on Shrove Tuesday, 16/2/21, 5.30-7.30pm, on the school oval. All school families are invited to bring along their own picnic tea and a picnic blanket on this evening. Due to current COVID restrictions, the event will be held outdoors with no backup to move inside. Families are asked to bring along their own food and not share food with others. We ask that families will be socially distanced for the picnic.
The school will also provide some freshly made pancakes and condiments that will be prepared and distributed in a COVID safe manner.
If current COVID guidelines change the event may be cancelled with short notice.
Parent-Teacher Interviews
Parent-Teacher Data meeting will be held on Monday, February 15th and Wednesday, February 17th. Bookings for this will be through PAM and will open closer to the dates. The purpose of these meetings is for parents/carers to have the opportunity to share information about your child/ren with their classroom teacher and for classroom teachers to provide some feedback to parents regarding recent assessment interviews.
Building Project
As you would have noticed our building project has commenced with some obvious changes to the school building and site. We are very happy with the progress and are very pleased with Searle Bros responses to our requests, a great start. Our works have currently been delayed due to the discovery of a small area of asbestos in the building area to be demolished. Class A removal of this has been arranged to take place on Saturday, February 13th, when no staff or students will be on school grounds. The work will be undertaken by approved specialists and is a WorkSafe notified event. This is a normal demolition occurrence in buildings of this age and will be conducted in line with all regulatory requirements.
School Closure Days
Term 1 Monday, March 22nd - Staff professional development
Term 2 Thursday 20th May and Friday 21st May - Staff professional development
With one remaining closure day to be confirmed that will occur in Term 3 OR Term 4.
The purpose of the above 3 closure days will focus on our school's SWPBS (School-Wide Positive Behaviour Support) approach that has been launched this year and school staff wellbeing.
Enjoy a great weekend.
Kind regards,
Nick Murrell
Welcome 2021 Foundation students!
Happy Birthday
Happy Birthday to Kaitlyn Brown, Harvey Porter, Fraser Gleeson, Neve MacDonald, Ruby Hillam, Jordie Quarrell, Lydia Andriessen, Josephine Foard and Tesss Shanahan who celebrated their birthdays during the holidays and Happy Birthday to Georgia Arthur and Ella McLaren who celebrated their birthdays this week.
2021 Piano/Vocal lessons (Expressions of Interest)
As of 2021, Angela Kenna will no longer be conducting our piano and vocal lessons. Angela has been successful in obtaining her first teaching position at Good Shepherd, Hamilton. We sincerely thank Angela for the work she has done with our students. With this in mind, we have been in discussion with Maddie Jackway who is pleased to take this role on for our students in 2021. Maddie is an accomplished musician who specializes in contemporary music lessons. If your child is Yr 2 or higher and is interested in continuing or beginning piano and vocal lessons in 2021 can you please contact the school office or Maddie with an expression of interest. Lessons will be $25 for 30 mins and conducted once a week. For more information email Maddie at maddiejackwaymusic@gmail.com or visit Maddie’s Instagram & Facebook: @maddiejackwaymusic
Lunch Order Menu
As mentioned at the end of last year, in 2021, McMahon's Family Catering will be providing lunch orders for our school. We thank Andrew and Natasha for taking our school on board and are delighted to be partnering with a St Pat's school family in proving this service. Lunch orders will be each Friday and orders and payment is to be placed using CDF Pay. All lunch orders are to be made online each Friday by 9 am. Due to the ordering system this year late lunch orders will not be able to be processed.
Links to CDF Pay can be found on our new SZAPP and the School website. Please see below for a downloadable copy of this year's lunch order menu.
Arts at St Pat's
Please see the flyer below for a message from our St Pat's Arts teacher Mrs Anna Schlooz. The flyer briefly explains our Arts program this year and extends an invitation to our community to be part of the Arts in 2021.