2022, Term 1, Week 11 Newsletter
Principal's Message
Dear Parents and Carers,
This morning at our Easter Liturgy we were reminded of the special time that is approaching for our Catholic faith. Today we remembered the story of Jesus’ suffering and death, as we prepare for Holy Thursday and Good Friday. Today, as we remembered Jesus’ story, we opened our hearts to receive the comfort and healing strength of his love for us. As part of the Easter liturgy, each of the classes presented part of the Holy Week journey. All students showed great reverence and courage in getting up and performing for their peers and our visitors. Yesterday, our school also celebrated our Easter picnic here on the school grounds. The event was well supported by families and had some fun and bubbly activities, including the Easter egg hunt! Thank you to our school Parents and Friends Association for organising the picnic.
I have also included an Easter prayer as part of this week’s newsletter that you may choose to use personally or with your family.
Included in today’s liturgy and school assembly was our annual Easter raffle. Thank you to all families and friends of St Patrick’s who sold and purchased raffle tickets. Early estimates are that the raffle has raised in excess of $500 for our school Parents and Friends Association. A sensational effort. Special thanks to Kim Hedger for coordinating the raffle and coming along to our gathering today to help draw the raffle.
The lucky winners of the Easter Raffle are:
1st Langdon family
2nd Matt Lane
3rd Megan Gleeson
Enjoy happy and safe school holidays and Easter break.
Kind regards,
Nick Murrell
Enrolments 2023 Now Open
Students of the Week
Room 1 & 2
Whole Class Award for the respectful, responsible and safe way each student has begun the school year. You have all shown dedication to your own learning and have grown so much in just one term! Keep shining superstars!
Room 4
Whole class award for your hard work in term 1 and for being responsible role models. Well done!
Room 5
Xavier Evans for the responsible way you have gone about your learning this week. You have worked productively and respectfully with teachers and your classmates. Well done Xavier.
Eilish Auld for the respectful way you treat all your classmates and teachers. Thank you for being a pleasure to have in Room 5. Well done Eilish!
Room 7
Whole class award for the responsible, respectful and safe way they have conducted themselves throughout the first term! Well done.
Happy Birthday
Happy Birthday to Edmund McMahon, Nora Povey, Tyrone Collins, Zoe Dobson and Isla Dobson who is celebrating a birthday at this time.
Dates to Remember
15th - Good Friday
16th - Holy Saturday
17th - Easter Sunday
18th - Easter Monday
25th - ANZAC Day
26th - Term 2 Commences
28th - St Patrick's Cross Country
29th - 30th Koroit Irish Festival
5th - May Races - Public Holiday
6th - WPH Athletics Carnival
Moyne Athletics Sports
Congratualtions to all children who participated in the Moyne Athletics Sports and to all the children who qualified in the Warrnambool, Portland, Hamilton Division Sports.