2022, Term 2, Week 3 Newsletter
Principal's Message
Dear Parents and Carers,
Welcome to this week’s newsletter.
Prayer for Confirmation Candidates
Lord, You send out Your Spirit to touch the hearts of all people, so that they may believe in You and in Jesus whom You sent. Look kindly on all candidates for Confirmation as they listen to Your voice. Open their hearts to Your Spirit and bring to fulfilment the good work that You have begun in them. As we prepare these children for Confirmation, make each of us an instrument of Your love. Teach us to appreciate what is holy in others, and to be patient with what we do not understand. Deepen our faith in the Gospel and help us to pass it on by our example. We pray that You will continue to guide us and sustain us.
Through Christ our Lord, Amen.
Sacrament of Confirmation
Congratulations to the students who have begun their Confirmation journey this week. These children embark on a special faith journey to strengthen their baptismal commitment and begin to open their hearts to encounter the gifts of the Holy Spirit. In the coming weeks, the candidates will complete a series of modules, learning about belonging to the Catholic Faith and being called to the Holy Spirit. Thank you to the parents of these children for your commitment to your child’s faith journey. We wish you all the very best as you begin this special time in your lives.
Well done to our Year 3 and 5 students who participated in NAPLAN testing this week.
“There are no secrets to success. It is the result of preparation, hard work, and the positive attitude to want to succeed.”
This past week you have all demonstrated a positive attitude to succeed and no matter what the result, you should all be very proud of your efforts.
I look forward to sharing and celebrating the 2022 NAPLAN data with students, staff and parents early in Term 4.
Sports - Athletics, Cross Country and Soccer
A very special congratulations to the 15 children who represented our school on Monday in the Warrnambool, Portland and Hamilton Division Athletic Sports. These children are to be commended for their dedication, hard work and spirit on the day, making us all very proud here at St Pat’s. From this, there are a further 9 students who have qualified to represent St Patrick’s in the Regional Track and Field athletic championships in Term 4.
Well done to our representatives attending cross country and soccer today! We know you will all do your very best and make our school proud. I look forward to sharing the outcomes of the day with you in the newsletter next week.
Kind regards,
Nick Murrell
Students of the Week
Room 1 & 2
Harper Cuomo for always approaching her learning tasks with a can-do attitude and participating eagerly in our class discussions this week. It is so wonderful to see you sharing your thoughts with the class!
Harry Atwell for being super helpful in the classroom this week and contributing to all learning tasks with enthusiasm. You have shown what a responsible learner you are with your wonderful attitude!
Room 4
Edmund McMahon for showing respectful and safe behaviour in the classroom and playground. Edmund, you have a very positive and happy attitude in our class, often making people smile and laugh. You always help people in need without hesitation. We love having you as a friend in our class.
Sienna Keane-for being responsible in her commitment to being the best learner she can be this term. Sienna is keen to learn, develop new skills and knowledge, then show others what she knows particularly with her reading. Keep up the great work Sienna.
Room 5
Zoe Delaney for the responsible way that she includes her friends. Zoe it is great to see your friendly smile each day and to see that you include others in what you are doing in the classroom and in the playground.
Jobe Wilson for the respectful way you behave in the classroom. Jobe I am impressed with the way you don’t talk over others, you listen respectfully to the teacher’s instructions and you work quietly. Well done.
Room 7
Grace McMahon for the organised and responsible approach you have to learning tasks and being a leader in group work. Grace, you always try your best, you challenge yourself and you help everyone around you with your caring attitude. Thank you.
Indiana Cuomo for being a respectful and caring friend to everyone in our classroom. Indiana, thankyou for doing your best in work tasks, helping those around you to be their best, sharing your ideas and listening to your peers. You are such a happy and confident member of our class.
Miah VanKempen for your responsible approach to learning tasks this week. You have been organised and your work presentation has been great. It is also lovely to see you sharing your ideas with the whole class. Thanks Miah.
Happy Birthday
Happy Birthday to Dominic McEachern, Layla Smits and Jobe Dobson who are celebrating their Birthdays this week.
2023 Enrolments
Enrolments for 2023 are now open. The following opportunities are available for families to visit our school:
- Learn and Explore Morning Friday May 27th 9-11.
- Parent information session Tuesday May 31st 7pm.
- School tours also available by appointment.
Dates to Remember
23rd - Cross Country W,H,P & District
30th - Cross Country Western Region
9th - Girls AFL Footy W,H,P Division
13th- Queens Birthday Holiday
14th - School Closure Day
22nd - Responsible Pet Ownership Program
24th - Last Day of term