2022, Term 2, Week 4 Newsletter
Principal's Message
Dear Parents and Carers,
Entering the school
Next week we will recommence using Queen Street as a primary entrance to the school. Students and families who have students in Rooms 1 and 2 are able to enter the school grounds and classrooms from Queen Street (the gate inbetween the hedges), this is also an option for students in other classrooms as well. All families and students are also welcome to use the new front entrance of the school, entering thorough the new glass double doors in between the school office and the hall.
Given the wetter weather and wet ground under foot, the front entrances of the school offer an asphalt and concrete pathway from vehicle to classroom. It also helps to refocus our school community to Queen Street being the front of our school.
Bike racks will also be relocated to behind the hedge on Queen Street for security of bikes and scooters during the school day.
Walk Safety to School Day
Thank you to everyone who participated in our Walk Safely to School Day today. It was amazing to see so many students and families join in the event and be rewarded with a healthy breakfast once they got to school.
This week we welcomed Gabrielle Lewis to our school in a Learning Support Officer role. Gabrielle was already part of our school staff assisting with the Outside School Hours program, however, her primary role is now as an LSO. Gabrielle’s position at St Pats is made possible indirectly through the Tutor Learner funding program. We wish Gabrielle all the best as she supports our students in their classrooms on Tuesday and Wednesday mornings.
Victorian Regulations and Qualifications Authority (VRQA)
I would like to thank Kate Dobson and Julie Bartlett (School Compliance Officers) for their support with our school compliance audit conducted this week. This process involves a representative of the VRQA auditing all of the school policies and procedures that are required for the school to be compliant. We were notified verbally on the day and this has been confirmed in writing that our school has been assessed as compliant. The ease of this process is a testament to hard work and dedication of all compliance and administration staff at St Patrick’s, thank you for your support.
Kind regards,
Nick Murrell
Walk To School Day
My New Gallery
Students of the Week
Room 1 & 2
Lachlan Gallogly for being a kind and respectful member of Room 1 and 2. Your kind and friendly nature is appreciated by all!
Tilly Balcombe for the beautiful way you show kindness towards other students. You always offer to help friends in need and you are the first to check on others when they are sad!
Room 4
Harvey Porter for the well structured persuasive text you have produced this week. Harvey your piece of writing had strong convincing reasons as well as strong language to support your reasons. I look forward to reading more of the texts that you write. Well done Harvey!
Jehtt van Kempen for being responsible in his commitment to being the best learner he can be this term. Jehtt is keen to learn, develop new skills and knowledge, then show others what he knows particularly with his spelling and writing. Keep up the great work Jehtt!
Isla Dobson for the well structured sporting recount that you completed this week. Isla your writing is improving by using interesting adjectives and time connective words. Keep up the good work, Isla!
Room 5
Diesel Watson for his enthusiastic participation in the class discussion about persuasive writing this week. Diesel, you gave us some great ideas to talk about and you shared your ideas respectfully. Well done.
Ella Lumsden for the huge improvement in the quality of the homework that she finished this week. Well done Ella, this shows that you are taking responsibility for your learning and it is exactly what teachers want to see in their senior students.
Room 7
Tarneisha Harris for the focus and effort made in learning tasks this week, particularly in Maths. You have been very responsible in your learning and made an effort to do your best and follow instructions well. Great job Tarneisha!
Will Lane for the enthusiasm and joy you bring to class conversations and group work tasks. You are always respectful and considerate of your classmates and work in a positive way in partner tasks. Well done.
Myra Quill for being amazing at sharing knowledge and participating in class discussions for our inquiry ‘Voting for Change.’ Myra, your engagement and contribution in these lessons is excellent and you model responsible learning habits well. Thank you.
Happy Birthday
Happy Birthday to Neve Harlock and Remi O'Connor who are celebrating their Birthday at this time.
Dates to Remember
23rd - Cross Country W,H,P & District
27th - Moyne Football & Netball Winter Sports
30th - Cross Country Western Region
9th - Girls AFL Footy W,H,P Division in Warrnambool
10th - WHP Division Football Netball and Soccer Winter Sports Warrnambool
13th- Queens Birthday Holiday
14th - School Closure Day
22nd - Responsible Pet Ownership Program
24th - Last Day of term
2nd - Junior Grade 3 & 4 Moyne Hooptime
16th - Grade 5 & 6 Moyne Hooptime
Helpers Needed
Parents and Friends Thank you!
Parents & Friends Secretary Needed
Play Group- Thank you!
We would just like to say a BIG thankyou to everyone who has donated toys to our playgroup it has been great seeing the kids love all the new toys coming along.
We would also like to give a special thankyou to the Martin family for donating a change table it has come in very handy for everyone.
Many thanks
Mel Lilley
Koroit and District Playgroup