2022, Term 2, Week 5 Newsletter
Catholic Education Week Prayer
Loving God,
Open our hearts,
So that we may feel the breath and play of your spirit.
Unclench our hands
So that we may reach out to one another,
And touch and be healed.
Open our lips
That we may drink in the delight and wonder of life.
Unclog our ears
To hear your agony in our inhumanity.
Open our eyes,
So that we may see Christ in friend and stranger.
Breathe your Spirit into us,
And touch our lives with the life of Christ,
Principal's Message
Dear Parents and Carers,
Catholic Education Week - “Share the Good News”
This week we celebrated Catholic Education Week. Our students completed various activities in class to celebrate the week and we also held our Learn and Explore morning at school today. One activity that was conducted in the school this week was for students to look at the following quotes and discuss their meanings.
“Go into all the world and proclaim the good news to the whole creation.” – Mark 16:15
“What we have received is so beautiful and so rich that we cannot hold it for ourselves but feel compelled to bring it to every human being we meet.” (Bread for the Journey – Henri J. M. Nouwen)
Students worked with a partner and then contributed to a class brainstorm answering the question ‘What would you tell someone the best thing about St. Patrick’s is?’ Students wrote their responses in word art to create a display coming out of an open bible with the heading ‘Share the Good News’. See the display below. A truly amazing activity to celebrate the incredible place St Pat’s is for Catholic Education Week.
National Sorry Day
Every year on 26 May, National Sorry Day remembers and acknowledges the mistreatment of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people who were forcibly removed from their families and communities, which we now know as ‘The Stolen Generations’.
National Sorry Day is a day to acknowledge the strength of Stolen Generations Survivors and reflect on how we can all play a part in the healing process for our people and nation. While this date carries great significance for the Stolen Generations and other Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples, it is also commemorated by Australians right around the country. See below for a display created by our Foundation/Year 1 students to acknowledge and learn about this important day.
Kind regards,
Nick Murrell
2023 Enrolments Now Open
Students of the Week
Room 1 & 2
Nora Povey for working hard on her reading this week. Nora can use her reading strategies and skills to sound out new words and read fluently! Well done Nora, you’re a star!
Jobe Dobson for being a hardworking member of the class. You're always trying your best and asking for feedback to find out how you can improve. You have worked very hard this week on your maths project and never gave up! Well done and keep it up Jobe!
Room 4
Whole Class Award - to all the year 2/3 children for the beautiful and respectful behaviour they display to all CRT teachers.
They act in a reaponsible manner and are a pleasure to teach - from Mrs Kissick
Room 5
Arli, Billy and Jaxon for completing excellent work in reading groups and remaining on task despite distractions.
Room 7
Addy Fechete for the responsible approach to your learning, especially in Maths. This week you have persisted and challenged yourself, and you should feel proud of your successes.
Thank you for always participating in class discussions, confidently sharing your ideas.
Anthony Reece for being a confident participant in class discussion this week, especially when talking about threatened species. Anthony thanks for being responsible and persisting with most work tasks. Well done.
Happy Birthday
Happy Birthday to all the Parents and Carers who are celebrating a Birthday today.
Dates to Remember
30th - Cross Country Western Region
9th - Girls AFL Footy W,H,P Division in Warrnambool
10th - WHP Division Football Netball and Soccer Winter Sports Warrnambool
13th- Queens Birthday Holiday
14th - School Closure Day
22nd - Responsible Pet Ownership Program
24th - Last Day of term
2nd - Junior Grade 3 & 4 Moyne Hooptime
16th - Grade 5 & 6 Moyne Hooptime
Sports Report
Friday 13th May saw a large group of students head to Port Fairy to represent St Pat’s at the Moyne District Cross Country and Soccer events.
From this day, the following students qualified to participate at the Divisional Cross Country at Deakin on Monday 23rd May: Ellie Dobson, Carter Quarrell, Will Foster, Esther Gleeson, Addy Fechete, Jaxon Leishman, Zahlia Monnier and Billy O’Connor.
We had some more fantastic results at Divisional with Ellie (12th), Will (4th), Esther (2nd) and Jaxon (1st) all qualifying in their classifications to head back to Deakin next week for the Regional Cross Country Event.
In the soccer at Port Fairy, our girls team came out winners on the day and have qualified for the next level of competition.
Look out for results from Regional Cross Country and today's Winter Sports on Class Dojo and next week's newsletter.
Division Results
Sports Photos
AFL Clinic
Today we had a visit from AFL Victoria to run a clinic with our Foundation - Year 3 students. It was a big hit, with plenty of skills learnt and practised.