2022, Term 2, Week 6 Newsletter
Acknowledgement of Country
St. Patrick's School acknowledges the Traditional Owners of the land on which we work, the Koroitch-gundidj people of the Maar Nation. We pay our respects to Elders past, present and emerging.
Principal's Message
Dear Parents and Carers,
Prayer for Pentecost Sunday
Pentecost is a very sacred and special time when the disciples received the gift of the
Holy Spirit. Pentecost took place 50 days after Jesus rose from the dead. The story in
Acts 2:1-42 tells how the early followers of Christ came together on Pentecost. Today,
Pentecost Sunday is the celebration of the coming of the Holy Spirit. The word,
Pentecost, originates from the Greek word for five, “penta,” meaning “the fiftieth day.”
Pentecost was also called Shabuoth, Festival of Weeks, and the Day of the First Fruits.
It is a renewal of the mission and purpose of our faith and a celebration of hope.
Over the past few weeks, we have had a number of Confirmation Candidates begin their next sacramental step in the Catholic faith as they have been preparing for celebrating their Confirmation. This coming Tuesday at 6 pm these candidates will celebrate the sacrament at our Infant Jesus Parish church. We wish all of the confirmation candidates in our Parish a prayerful blessing as they undertake this sacrament. God bless all families undertaking this important part in their faith journey.
Little Learners
Today we had our first session of Little Learners for 2022. It was a fantastic experience for these children. They learnt about colours, read “Where is the green sheep?” and completed an activity linking the story to their learning. Little learners will run for four more sessions:
Term 2
Friday 17th June
Term 3
Friday 22nd July
Friday 5th August
Friday 19th August
School Closure Day
A reminder that Tuesday, June 14th is a school closure day. This day follows the Queen’s Birthday public holiday. This is a pupil free day. On this day staff will be at school undertaking professional development facilitated by Allan Hutchison, Senior Psychologist, Catholic Education Ballarat.
Kind regards,
Nick Murrell
Little Learners
Students of the Week
Room 1 & 2
Fraser Gleeson for being a super role model in PE this week. It was great to see you being so patient and helping the Foundation students! Keep up the great work!
Lachlan Gallogly for his enthusiastic attitude in our Library lesson this week. You were a great help to Mrs. Brown! Keep up the great work!
Room 4
Ava Monnier- for being a polite, respectful student who always leads by example. Ava you have set a high standard for your peers to follow and learn by. Thank you for being such a responsible leader in our room 4.and helping others when you have finished your work Congratulations and keep up the great work!
Poppy Martin- for the enthusiasm you have for learning and sharing your ideas with your peers. Poppy, you have been a very responsible student in our room, concentrating on tasks and contributing to class discussions thoughtfully. Well done and keep up the great work!
Room 5
Jess Kelly for showing responsibility for her own learning and asking for assistance, volunteering answers and working hard when tackling subtraction problems in maths. Well done, Jess
Matthew Lenehan for asking questions to help him better understand how subtraction algorithms work, and working consistently for the entire lesson. Well done, Matthew.
Room 7
Dominic McEachern for always engaging in class discussions in such a respectful manner, contributing your ideas and reflections and listening to those around you. I am always so impressed with the understanding you demonstrate in discussions Dominic. Thank you and please keep it up!
Ruby Hillam for the outstanding organisation in your learning you have been demonstrating. Ruby, you are responsibly completing work tasks to a great standard, adding extra detail, and you have had thoughtful responses to class discussions which are then reflected in your written responses. Excellent work Ruby!
Happy Birthday
Happy Birthday to Ms McDonald and Hudson Smits who are celebrating their Birthday this week.
Honeypot Koroit visit
This week the kinder students from Honeypot Koroit came for a visit to our school. They came on their amazingly cool bus! It was a pleasure to have them come along and do some learning in our school. We are looking forward to their next visit in Term 3.
Dates to Remember
9th - Girls AFL Footy W,H,P Division in Warrnambool
10th - WHP Division Football Netball and Soccer Winter Sports Warrnambool
13th- Queens Birthday Holiday
14th - School Closure Day
22nd - Responsible Pet Ownership Program
23rd - Hope for Ukraine Day
24th - Last Day of term
2nd - Junior Grade 3 & 4 Moyne Hooptime
16th - Grade 5 & 6 Moyne Hooptime
Sports Report
Canteen Helpers Needed
As we are now nearly half way through the school year, the time has come to ask for volunteers for canteen duty at school.
We need volunteers for Wednesday’s, where you would be needed for an hour from 1:20pm, and Friday’s for lunch order sorting and canteen for 1 hour and 30 minutes from 1.00pm.
A form will be sent home via SZapp, please fill this out if you are available to help.
Price Increase-Lollie ropes now $1.00