2021 - Term 1, Week 4 Newsletter
Principal's Message
Dear Parents and Carers,
Thank you and Congratulations
I would like to begin by thanking all students, parents, carers and staff for the adaptability and resilience that was shown by all when we were called into a 'snap lockdown' this week. Our community, once again, demonstrated its flexibility and 'can do' approach to ensuring we were able to get through the 5 day period (3 school days) and return to school as per normal on Thursday. Thank you and well done.
This weekend I encourage all parents and carers to instigate a conversation with your child/ren about SWPBS (School-Wide Positive Behaviour Support) and what they have been learning in class over these past few weeks. Teachers and staff have launched our SWPBS support program this year, which focuses on the core values of Respect, Responsibility and Safety. Students in all classrooms have been trying to get to the top of the values ladders by demonstrating key elements of these values. I have included (see image below) the Learning Areas element of our School-wide SWPBS matrix in this week's newsletter so parents can see the specific ways we are asking our students to demonstrate these values when they are in a Learning Space. I will discuss and share the elements of other school areas and activities in future newsletters. It has been very pleasing to hear and see the conversation, actions and thoughtful responses to the program so far. Your children deserve a big pat on the back for the way they have embraced the approach.
Community Engagement
If you did not get a chance to read last week's newsletter, I encourage you to use the newsletter archive tile in SZapp to have a read. The Community Conversation and Learning Walk we introduced to the St Pats community were both very valuable experiences. We are looking to continue both approaches at St Pat's in the near future. If you would like to discuss either of these events with me further, please drop in or call me to have a chat.
Rescheduled Events
You will see in this week's newsletter that Parent-Teacher interviews have been rescheduled for Monday, March 1st and Tuesday, March 2nd. We are asking parents to re-book as we understand commitments will have changed for you all. We are looking to find a suitable date to have our beginning of the year picnic tea and we will also advise of a new date of a beginning of the year liturgy or Mass to formally welcome the year and our 2021 school leaders.
Building Project
Class A removal of asbestos found during school demolition has been rescheduled to take place this Saturday, February 20th, when no staff or students will be on school grounds. The work will be undertaken by approved specialists and is a WorkSafe notified event. This is a normal demolition occurrence in buildings of this age and will be conducted in line with all regulatory requirements.
Kind regards,
Nick Murrell
Students of the Week
Harry Atwell : For doing a great job with the 6L's of learning, especially in library. He is very polite and peaceful out in the yard. He often holds the door open for people.
Room 3
Xander Perry & Jordie Quarrell: Both Xander and Jordie have demonstrated responsibility through being mature and reliable role models in our class. They both have a positive attitude towards everything they do and are always willing to lend a helping hand! Great work Xander and Jordie!
Room 4
Edmund McMahon: for being a respectful member of our class who always helps others do their best, uses his manners, shows kindness to all and uses the 6 L’s of learning constantly. Well done Edmund!
Sadie Langdon: for being a responsible leader in our class who follows instructions, is quick to complete learning tasks to a very good standard, shows initiative and cares for her learning space. Keep up the great work, Sadie!
Room 5
Anthony Reece: for showing respectful and safe behaviour in the classroom and playground. Anthony, I am incredibly impressed with your positive, calm attitude and I have appreciated the extra help in the classroom
Layla Smits: for the responsible and safe way in which she looked after her brother in the playground. She made sure an adult knew that he was upset and she comforted him so that he felt safe.
Room 7
Grace McMahon: For respectfully taking turns, sharing and including others in class activities.
Tai Hedger: For responsibly following instructions for organised learning.
Cooper Wilson: Cooper was responsible organising his time during remote learning to complete and submit many work tasks. Well done Cooper.
Bree Holscher: Bree has been responsible when listening to improve her learning in Maths, creating some amazing and challenging number problems. Well done Bree!
Happy Birthday
Happy Birthday to Mr T, Mrs Dwyer and Sensei Ota who are celebrating a birthday at this time.
Parent-Teacher Interviews
3:40pm - 6:00pm, Monday 1st March, 2021
3:40pm - 6:00pm, Tuesday 2nd March, 2021
To help start the year with a clear understanding of student needs at St. Patrick’s we conduct 10-minute parent-teacher interviews with all parents and carers starting next week. The first Parent-Teacher interviews allow parents to formally meet their child’s classroom teacher, discuss their child’s needs and to allow the teacher to feedback on some recent assessment interview achievements.
Appointments with your child’s teacher can be booked online using PAM. There are links to PAM on SZAPP and the school website. Please see the below link to help show the process.
New families, your usernames and passwords have been emailed to you.
Allow 10 minutes between appointments to move from one classroom to the other to ensure you get the full 10 minutes with your child/ren's teacher.
A covid safe environment will still be in place; including mask-wearing at all times, social distancing and application of hand sanitisers. All families must register via the QR codes placed at classroom entry points. Waiting seats will be at classrooms as you wait for the previous interview to conclude.
We thank all families for your understanding and cooperation with this process.
Parents and Friends 2021
St Patrick's Parents and Friends invite you to come along to our first meeting of the year to be held on Wednesday the 24th of FEBRUARY 7.30 pm at Mickey Bourkes. This is a fantastic opportunity to discuss ideas and initiatives for the coming year. All are welcome.
Please RSVP (using the form below) by February 21st for COVID booking purposes. For those who are unable to attend, you can use the same form to share any ideas or initiatives that could enable the P&F to continue providing their incredible support to our school community in 2021.
If you are able to help with Friday canteen duty this year, can you please indicate using the linked form below.
When filling in the form below please WRITE YOUR NAME in the response boxes. Last week we has some people reply "yes", we need your name to add you to the roster.
SZapp Troubleshooting
Click on the video below to see some tips for getting SZapp notifications to work, if yours are not.
2021 Piano/Vocal lessons (Expressions of Interest)
Maddie Jackway is taking on the Piano and Vocal lessons in 2021. These lessons are available at school. Maddie is an accomplished musician who specializes in contemporary music lessons. If your child is Yr 2 or higher and is interested in continuing or beginning piano and vocal lessons in 2021 can you please contact the school office or Maddie with an expression of interest. Lessons will be $25 for 30 mins and conducted once a week. For more information email Maddie at maddiejackwaymusic@gmail.com or visit Maddie’s Instagram & Facebook: @maddiejackwaymusic
Health Care cardholders
CSEF is provided by the Victorian Government to assist eligible families to cover the costs of school trips, camps and sporting activities.
If you hold a valid means-tested concession card or are a temporary foster parent, you may be eligible for CSEF.
The allowance is paid to the school to use towards expenses relating to camps, excursions or sporting activities for the benefit of your child.
New applicants should contact the school office to obtain a CSEF application form or download the attached form or go to www.education.vic.gov.au/csef
If you applied for the CSEF at your child's school in 2020, you do not need to complete an application form in 2021 unless there has been a change in your family circumstances.
You only need to complete an application form if any of the following changes have occurred:
new student enrolments; your child has started or changed schools in 2020 or you
did not apply in 2020.
changed family circumstances; such as a change of custody, change of name, concession card number, or new sibling