2022, Term 4, Week 2 Newsletter
Acknowledgement of Country
St. Patrick's School acknowledges the Traditional Owners of the land on which we work, the Koroitch-gundidj people of the Maar Nation. We pay our respects to Elders past, present and emerging.
Principal's Message
Dear Parents and Carers,
Welcome to the 2nd edition of our weekly newsletter for Term 4! This month we celebrate and recognise Catholic Mission month. This is a month where we ‘reach out’ to give people the opportunity for a full, enriched life—physically and spiritually—regardless of race, stigma, religion or gender. Catholic Mission operates in over 160 countries to support initiatives in 1,100 dioceses, including remote Australia. As the world witnesses the ongoing devastation of famine and drought in the Horn of Africa, we are responding the call of Pope Francis, to be a witness of love in the world. Join us this World Mission Month and walk hand-in-hand with the people of Ethiopia and local church communities towards providing life-changing opportunities to those in most need.
Heavenly Father,
when your only begotten Son Jesus Christ
rose from the dead,
he commissioned his followers
to “go and make disciples of all nations”
and you remind us that through our Baptism
we are made sharers in the mission of the Church.
Empower us by the gifts of the Holy Spirit
to be courageous and zealous
in bearing witness to the Gospel,
so that the mission entrusted to the Church,
which is still very far from completion,
may find new and efficacious expressions
that bring life and light to the world.
Help us make it possible for all peoples
to experience the saving love
and mercy of Jesus Christ,
who lives and reigns with you
in the unity of the Holy Spirit,
One God, forever and ever.
- Pope Francis’ Mission Prayer
To celebrate mission month, we are hosting a ‘Socktober’ fundraising event on Monday 31st October. On this day, students will be able to wear crazy socks for a gold coin donation. They will participate in learning about the work of Catholic Mission and what it means to give back. There will also be a range of fun activities for students to participate in on this day. To begin our day, there will be a special student led liturgy in our school hall which begins at 9.30. Everyone is most welcome and encouraged to come along and join in!
In sporting news, we congratulate both the boys and girls cricket teams who did a brilliant job in representing our school at the Moyne Blast Cricket Day. I was lucky enough to witness the spirit of St Pat’s, outstanding teamwork and encouragement from each and every one of the children on the day. Well done to all and a huge thank you for making our school proud.
The boys team came 1st and will now go through to the next stage in a couple of weeks! Well done boys. The girls team came 4th putting on a spectacular display for all to see.
While I am in the spirit of congratulations, I would like to commend Will Lane on his recent achievement after successfully auditioning and winning a role in the second series of TV show La Brea. Well done Will! We will all be coming to get your autograph, don’t forget us small people!
Reminders for the week:
Learning letters
Learning letters for Term 4 were uploaded to the SZAPP tile ‘Learning Letters’. These letters provide information about what is happening in your child’s classroom for the term ahead and key dates.
Key dates
A reminder to all parents that key dates for the term were published last week. If you have any questions, please contact your child’s classroom teacher or the school office.
Hats and mosquitoes
Please see information about our school’s sunsmart policy and mosquitoes also published in our last newsletter.
PAT assessments
Next week (week 3) students from Year 1 - 6 will be completing the PAT Reading and Maths assessments during class time. This will give us information and data to assist in planning for 2023. If you have any questions regarding these tests, please contact Lynn Dwyer (Leader of Learning and Teaching) or myself.
Kind regards,
Tegan McDonald
Assistant Principal
Students of the Week
Room 1 & 2
Maddison Watson for being responsible, respectful and safe during swimming lessons. You are a superstar Maddy.
Hudson Smits for having a growth mindset in class and trying his very best! We are proud of you Hudson. Keep up the great work.
Room 4
Sienna Keane- for showing courage and commitment in achieving many things this week, both inside and outside the classroom. Your commitment to practising your reading has allowed you to go up higher levels, your understanding in maths has developed and the courage you have shown in swimming is tremendous. Well done Sienna, keep up the great work.
Poppy Martin-for always being kind, polite and responsible in our class. You are wonderful with saying your manners, politely wait your turn and finish your work to a high standard. Thank you for completing your impressive slideshow on your new pet puppy, Daisy.
Jack Lane- for being an outstanding student this week impressing all with his general knowledge of naming all states, territories and capital cities. Keep up the great work.
Room 5
Zahlia Monnier for the respectful way she works with other students and the amazing manners that she uses when talking to teaching staff and other students. Your respectful attitude is really appreciated in our classroom, Zahlia.
Jess Kelly for progress and perseverance in maths. You have been working very hard and taking on new and challenging concepts. Well done, Jess!
Room 7
Anthony Reece for the phenomenal effort you have made to complete online Maths tasks, persevering, asking questions and achieving success. Well done Anthony for the responsible learning you have shown this week!
Tessa Shanahan for always listening respectfully, considering information and asking considerate and thoughtful questions. Tessa, you are always willing to have a go, share your ideas and join in discussions- thank you!
Happy Birthday
Happy Birthday to Ella Lewis who is celebrating her Birthday this week.
Dates to Remember
18th - Gr 3 / 4 Junior All star girls Hooptime Regional Final, Hamilton
30th - Picnic in the Paddock
31st - Socktober Mission Fundraising day
3rd - Lions Eye Health Program 4-6
8th - All Star Grade 5/6 Regional Finals Hamilton
14th -School Closure Day - Report Writing
15th - Moyne Try-Athlon
21st - Year 3/4 Camp - Portland Bay Lodge
22nd - Year 3/4 Camp - Portland Bay Lodge
1st - Grade 2 Sleepover at School
1st - 5/6 Open water swimming 10.00-11.00
2nd - 5/6 Open water swimming 12.30-1.30
8th - FairyTale Christmas performance/BBQ 5.45-7pm
9th - End of year Mass 10 am @ Infant Jesus Church
12th - 5/6 Open water swimming 10.30-11.30
13th - Orientation Day
14th - 5/6 Open water swimming 10.30-11.30
14th - Yr 6 Graduation Lunch Yr6 Grad evening
15th - 5/6 Open water swimming 10.30-11.30
16th - Students' last day 2.30pm finish
Hats and Mosquitoes!
All students are required to be wearing a hat during recess, lunch and outdoor activities at school this term. Students have had a week's grace this week and next week is the beginning of No Hat, No Play! Please ensure your child/ren has their hat on Monday. Hats are available to purchase through CDF Pay.
We currently have a LARGE number of mosquitoes in our playground. Students this week have experienced many mosquito bites during break times. Not a pleasant experience at all. Can parents/carers please provide students with a roll-on insect repellant to keep in their school bags throughout this period of mosquitoes in PLAGUE proportion. Teachers will encourage students to apply this before break times and other outdoor sessions.
Fairy Tale Christmas performance
This year, students will be performing in a school production, ‘Fairytale Christmas,’ on Thursday 8th of December in the school hall.
The concert starts at 6pm, students need to arrive at 5:45pm to be seated and ready for the show.
Proposed Timetable (see image below)
At the end of the concert, family BBQ and picnic to follow. Any questions or assistance with costuming please contact me,
Kind regards,
Regina Cassidy
Passtab - Visitor Register
We have just implemented "Passtab" - an electronic visitors register. Please use the iPad at the front desk to Sign In or Out when you visit the school - we suggest you create a "Quickpin" (which will default to your mobile phone number) on your first login.
It should also be used for students arriving late or leaving early.
See staff if you require any assistance.