2021 - Term 1, Week 5 Newsletter
Principal's Message
Students of the Week
Happy Birthday
Parent-Teacher Interviews
School Sports Day
Parents and Friends report
Parent Access Module (PAM)
Lunch Orders
Canteen Roster
Casserole Bank
Closure Days 2021
Emmanuel Open Evening
Triple P - Positive Parenting Program
Collection Notice for Parents/Carers
Principal's Message
Dear Parents and Carers,
Positive feedback
Our 2021 school year is well underway and I would like to let our school community know how proud I am of the way your children have contributed to this being a very positive start. When I enter classrooms I see students highly engaged in their learning and working in respectful and responsible ways. In the playground, our students have been playing in kind, friendly and safe ways, which is very pleasing to see and be part of each day. I have also recently received excellent feedback from visiting adults. Mr Varley has been delighted and impressed with all of our students when participating in athletics sports training and our two visiting hockey clinic instructors also commented on how well our students participated in the recent clinics they conducted. Congratulations to all our students for a dynamic and positive start.
SWPBS (School-wide Positive Behaviour Support)
This week I have included (see flyer below) information about how we aim to be respectful, responsible and safe in our Play Areas at St Pat's. I encourage parents and carers to ask your child/ren if they progressed up the SWPBS ladders in their classroom this week and what was the reason for going up a rung? This may help instigate a further conversation with your child about SPWBS and how it has been working at school.
Thanks to Mrs. Kate Dobson (LSO - Learning Support Officer) for her work in developing our SWPBS posters, ladders and tokens currently in use at school. These resources have enabled our approach to be truly school-wide and consistent for all.
Beginning of the Year Picnic
We have rescheduled our beginning of the year picnic to Thursday, March 11th 5.30 pm - 7.30 pm. Families are invited to come along and bring a picnic tea. Our staff will organise and run some fun games for students and adults at the evening. We look forward to seeing you there.
Kind regards,
Nick Murrell
Students of the Week
Room 3:
Ada Leishman for the respectful way she goes about each and every day. She always uses the appropriate tone and never forgets the 6 L’s of Learning. Ada takes care of her learning space and will often help others to achieve their best! Keep up the great work Ada.
Harrison Lilley for consistently showing respect to those around him by listening when others are speaking. Harrison has been highly engaged in all learning tasks this week and that has really shown in the quality of his work. Great work Harrison!
Room 4
Carter Quarrell: for being a respectful member of our class who always helps others do their best, uses her manners, shows kindness to all and uses the 6 L’s of learning constantly. Well done Carter!
Isla Dobson: for being a respectful member of our class who always helps others do their best, uses her manners, shows kindness to all and uses the 6 L’s of learning constantly. Well done Isla!
Room 5
Charlotte Lilley for sticking at difficult tasks and following advice to help her improve her work. This shows that you are a responsible learner, Charlotte.
Addy Fechete for always showing friendly and respectful behaviour towards her classmates and her teachers. I’m sure everyone appreciates it, Addy.
Room 7
Jimmy Bidmade: for always trying his best and accepting classroom challenges.
Zoe Delaney: for always listening well and applying these skills to her work.
Kaitlyn Brown: Kaitlyn demonstrates exceptional responsibility by following instructions carefully for organised learning. Her organisation skills are outstanding! Awesome job Kaitlyn.
Cruz Perry: Cruz has consistently demonstrated respect by listening with intent in all activities, to engage and be his best in learning tasks. Well done Cruz.
Happy Birthday
Happy Birthday to Anthony Reece and Ava Monnier who are celebrating a birthday at this time.
Parent-Teacher Interviews
RESCHEDULED DATES - Please book ASAP if you have not already, thank you.
3:40pm - 6:00pm, Monday 1st March, 2021
3:40pm - 6:00pm, Tuesday 2nd March, 2021
To help start the year with a clear understanding of student needs at St. Patrick’s we conduct 10-minute parent-teacher interviews with all parents and carers starting next week. The first Parent-Teacher interviews allow parents to formally meet their child’s classroom teacher, discuss their child’s needs and to allow the teacher to feedback on some recent assessment interview achievements.
Appointments with your child’s teacher can be booked online using PAM. There are links to PAM on SZAPP and the school website. Please see the below link to help show the process.
New families, your usernames and passwords have been emailed to you.
Allow 10 minutes between appointments to move from one classroom to the other to ensure you get the full 10 minutes with your child/ren's teacher.
A covid safe environment will still be in place; including mask-wearing at all times, social distancing and application of hand sanitisers. All families must register via the QR codes placed at classroom entry points. Waiting seats will be at classrooms as you wait for the previous interview to conclude.
We thank all families for your understanding and cooperation with this process.
School Sports Day
This Wednesday, March 3rd is our annual Athletics Sports Day at Brauerander Park. Students are asked to wear their Sports Uniform, their school hat, bring a packed lunch and water bottle and apply and bring sunscreen. The weather forecast is currently cloudy and 19 degrees. Students will catch and bus to and from Brauerander Park on the day.
Foundation students will be attending on Wednesday this week and will have Thursday off school instead.
Visitors are welcome on the day, please check in using the QR code at the entry points (a paper and pen sign-in will also be available).
If you are able to help at the school sports can you please email Mrs. Swarbrick hswarbrick@spkoroit.catholic.edu.au
Can you please advise Mrs. Swarbrick if you're available to help from either 9.30-12, 12-2.30, all day or other times. Parent Helpers are an incredible support to this day and are greatly appreciated.
Parents and Friends report
Please see below for a report from our Parents and Friends meeting held last week. Thanks to Tammy Langdon for providing this report.
Parent Access Module (PAM)
This year we have transitioned to using PAM instead of Caremonkey (Operoo). We have noticed some families updating information in Operoo recently, can you please enter and update any medical record in PAM if you have not already done so. If you are unsure how to do this, please check your emails, a reminder has been sent via email today. Operoo will cease to exist in the coming months.
If you have lost your PAM username and password or are having trouble with this process please contact us at school for some assistance.
Lunch Orders
Our lunch order system has been a great success this year.
A reminder to families that lunch orders can be edited in CDFpay up until 9 am on Fridays. For example, duplicate orders or altering an order can all be done using your CDFpay account.
We would also like to thank McMahon's Family Catering for supplying our lunch orders this year, the service and quality have been fantastic.
Canteen Roster
Please write your name in the form linked below if you are interested in helping with our canteen on a Friday this year.
Casserole Bank
Dear Parent /Carers
For many years, St Patricks School Community has provided a casserole bank service to those within our School, who are going through difficult times or celebrating the birth of a new family member. The service is run purely by volunteers providing casseroles, slices or anything else they are able to supply.
At the beginning of each school year, a list of volunteers is gathered. If enough people volunteer, you should only be called upon once, perhaps twice a year.
Also if you become aware, throughout the year, of someone you believe would benefit/appreciate some help from the casserole bank, please let me know.
Kellie Cozens
Casserole Bank Co-ordinator
Please click on the link below to reply to the Volunteer Casserole Bank request.
Closure Days 2021
Term 1 Monday, March 22nd - Staff professional development
Term 2 Thursday 20th May and Friday 21st May - Staff professional development
With one remaining closure day to be confirmed that will occur in Term 3 OR Term 4.
The purpose of the above 3 closure days will focus on our school's SWPBS (School-Wide Positive Behaviour Support) approach that has been launched this year and school staff wellbeing.
Emmanuel Open Evening
Triple P - Positive Parenting Program
The Triple P Positive Parenting Program is a program that has come highly recommended to our school and is worthwhile noting for our parents as an opportunity to consider should you so please.
Triple P is a parenting program, but it doesn't tell you how to be a parent. It's more like a toolbox of ideas. You choose the strategies you need. You choose the way you want to use them. It's all about making Triple P work for you.
The three Ps in ‘Triple P’ stand for ‘Positive Parenting Program’ which means your family life is going to be much more enjoyable.
Triple P helps you:
- Raise happy, confident kids
- Manage misbehaviour so everyone in the family enjoys life more
- Set rules and routines that everyone respects and follows
- Encourage behaviour you like
- Take care of yourself as a parent
- Feel confident you’re doing the right thing
You can do Triple P anywhere, anytime—24/7 with the online programs. Triple P Online is for parents of toddlers to tweens (under 12 years), and Teen Triple P Online is for parents of pre-teens and teenagers (10-16 years).