2023, Term 1, Week 6 Newsletter
Acknowledgement of Country
St. Patrick's School acknowledges the Traditional Owners of the land on which we work, the Koroitch-gundidj people of the Maar Nation. We pay our respects to Elders past, present and emerging.
Principal's Message
Dear Parents and Carers,
Clean Up Australia Day
Today, our whole school participated in Clean Up Australia Day. In our classrooms, students discussed and learnt about the ways in which it is important to care for our environment and how correctly disposing of items also benefits our environment. Our school participating in the day is a tangible connection to what students have been learning about in Religious Education lessons recently, as it is in Lent that we are encouraged to give of ourselves for others.
Of course, Australia's environmental challenges can't be solved in just one day, however, this is one step to providing education and practical experience for our students in the simple things we can all do to care for the amazing place we live in.
2023 School Closure Days
Our 2023 school closure are now been confirmed. They are listed below.
Term 1
Monday 30th January ReLATE
Term 2
Monday 24th April ReLATE
Friday 16th June SWPBS
Term 3
Thursday 31st August - Religious Education
Friday 1st September - Writing curriculum
Term 4
Friday 20th October - Mathematics curriculum
We will send home a paper copy of our 2023 school calendar next week. See a digital copy below.
Kind regards,
Nick Murrell
Clean Up Australia Day
Student Awards
Room 1
Annie McMahon for displaying a persistent and positive attitude towards her school work and being a kind friend to others. Keep up the great work!
Lenny Stonehouse for always offering to help others and being a kind friend to everyone! Well done Lenny!
Anika Nagorcka for her love of learning and being brave at school! Well done Anika!
Room 2
Paige Brumby for your amazing effort in our sentence expansion writing task this week. It was great to see you using your sounding out skills when spelling tricky words. Keep up the great work Paige!
Isla Lilley for your sensational effort during spelling time this week. You did such a great job of using your phoneme fist to spell CVCC words. Well done Isla!
Room 4
Jobe Dobson-for being responsible in his commitment to being the best learner he can be this term. Jobe is keen to learn, develop new skills and knowledge, then show others what he knows particularly with his maths and spelling.
Teddy Porter- for being responsible in his commitment to being the best learner he can be this term. Teddy is keen to learn, develop new skills and knowledge, particularly with his maths and reading.
Eleanor Huckstepp for the very responsible way you have worked quietly and participated in writing this week. You have planned and written a wonderful narrative called ‘The Beach’, added detail, interesting words and descriptions of the characters. Well done Eleanor!
Neve Harlock for the respectful and responsible way she has participated in classroom activities this week. She has been an enthusiastic learner working hard on set tasks, answering questions, solving mathematical problems and writing neatly. Keep up the good work Neve.
Room 5
Isla Dobson for being responsible for her own learning. Isla, we are very impressed with the detail that you have used in your reading log and that you completed your Maths homework. Well done.
Indiana Cuomo for being responsible for her own learning. Indiana, we are very impressed with the detail that you have used in your reading log and that you did as much as possible of your Maths homework. Well done.
Room 7
Ella Lumsden for your thoughtful and reflective contributions made during this week’s learning discussions.
Lincoln Arthur for the active participation and care displayed towards today’s’ Clean Up’ the Koroit community activity.
Happy Birthday
Happy Birthday to Ava Monnier who is celebrating her Birthday at this time.
Dates to Remember
7th - Lions Eye Testing
9th - WPH Division Tennis W'bool Lawn
10th -13th Port Fairy Folk Festival
13th - Labour Day Holiday
16th - School Photos
17th - St Patricks Day
21st - Harmony Day
30th - School Athletics Sports Day
3rd - Easter Arts Show 5:00 – 6:00pm
6th - Last Day Term 1
7th - Good Friday
9th - Easter Sunday
Uniform Supplier Transition
As mentioned in previous newsletters we will be transitioning to Directwear to supply the school uniform. As the stock runs out at school Directwear will start supplying the items, they will be available to buy on their website at www.directwear.com.au
Uniforms can be collected from the Directwear home address in Warrnambool or posted to you.
Items now available on the website are size 8 short sleeve Polos $28.95 and size 8 black sports shorts $32.50
Contact details for Direct wear are: email info@directwear.com.au or phone Dion on 0412 654 406
Uniform Sale 30% OFF!
We are running a 30% off sale through CDF Pay for the next 2 weeks commencing Monday 6th March. All uniform items are on sale excluding School Bags, Hats and Sports Polos.
The promo code must be used to apply the 30% discount: 30OFF
Parish Bulletin
Reconciliation Program (Year 6)
Senior Reconciliation is a Sacramental Program for Year 6 students who have completed their Baptism, Confirmation and Eucharist Sacraments.
Students in Year 6 have already completed Reconciliation when they were in Year 2. While we are transitioning this sacrament to be a Year 6 occurrence, we are offering students/families who would like to, to revisit the sacrament.
Please register if your child would like to participate in this program by emailing Ms Tegan McDonald at tmcdonald@spkoroit.catholic.
This is a parish run program supported by the school. Please contact Leanne at the Parish on 5562 2231 with any queries.
Key Dates:
3pm, Monday 6th March 2023 - Registration closes
5.00pm Monday 30th March, 2023 - Sacrament of Reconciliation at Infant Jesus Koroit
Tegan McDonald
School Photos
Lost Property
There are a LOT of jumpers with no name in the lost property basket (& a couple with names of former students that may have been handed down to your family).
If you are missing a jumper, please check the basket (near the junior readers) - you may recognise your jumper.
To ensure no additional jumpers join the pile, could you please label all jumpers with your child's name.
At the end of this term, we will clear out the current backlog of jumpers.
Parents & Friends
As always Term 1 is full of activities. The Folk Festival is the first major fundraising event which is a joint venture with St Pat’s Port Fairy, we work together on the BBQ stall within the festival.
Thanks to Trish Watson for co-ordinating our school’s involvement and Megan Gleeson who is assisting Trish. The response has been wonderful and we have filled our roster requirements. So, if anyone is attending the festival, be sure to stop by the BBQ and support our amazing volunteers.
A few thank-yous from 2022 that need to be noted:
• Great Victoria Bike Ride – our school worked alongside the Koroit Lions offering egg and bacon rolls. It was an early start and we would like to acknowledge the work done by Gerard and Jenny Auld, Leah Brown, Tammy Langdon and Trish Watson. Also, Josh Porter for delivering the BBQ to Victoria Park.
At the Green Area in Commercial Road, Mick, Brendan, Kate D, Ella, Gabrielle and Nick made our mindfulness drawing marquee happen.
I hope everyone is proud of our school community with our ongoing presence within the wider Koroit community. This doesn’t just happen and we will always need our school families to support us to continue to be involved. Our school community needs you.
In the next couple of weeks we will turn our focus to the Irish Festival 28-30th April. There are many ways to get involved, helping with preparations on the Friday at school, being on the Food Stall on the Saturday and more food preparation on Saturday evening. Look out for the notice.
We have a number of catering bookings already for the year, you don’t have to be a good cook to be involved, please fill out he Catering Form if you can help in any way.
The Canteen is looking amazing and organised, thanks to Megan Gleeson